Worse than an eight year old

My beloved takes the proverbial out of me because I take the time to spell and punctuate text messages correctly.

Alan DJ:
Can I just say that it is not just on this forum that you see very poor spelling or grammer. It is rife throughout this country, spelling leaves a lot to be desired, it’s embarrassing how bad some spelling is these days.

But as has been said before, does it matter on a FORUM how it’s spelt :exclamation: :exclamation: It’s a forum post, not forming part of your final GCSE English grade. Next some people will be wanting Rikki and the gang to go through every post and highlight in red every word that’s spelt wrong or incorrect grammar usage and demand that the poster corrects their mistakes sharpish, and leave a comment at the bottom of the post saying "Tut tut, 3/10, PM me please me, with your reason for attempting to dumb down this forum -we need words as your bringing down the high standards and quality of grammar and spelling in which this forum prides it’s self on, cease and desist immediately "
:open_mouth: :unamused: :confused: :confused: :confused:


Alan DJ:
Can I just say that it is not just on this forum that you see very poor spelling or grammer. It is rife throughout this country, spelling leaves a lot to be desired, it’s embarrassing how bad some spelling is these days.

But as has been said before, does it matter on a FORUM how it’s spelt :exclamation: :exclamation: It’s a forum post, not forming part of your final GCSE English grade. Next some people will be wanting Rikki and the gang to go through every post and highlight in red every word that’s spelt wrong or incorrect grammar usage and demand that the poster corrects their mistakes sharpish, and leave a comment at the bottom of the post saying "Tut tut, 3/10, PM me please me, with your reason for attempting to dumb down this forum -we need words as your bringing down the high standards and quality of grammar and spelling in which this forum prides it’s self on, cease and desist immediately "
:open_mouth: :unamused: :confused: :confused: :confused:

Leave them to it James, mostly the ones who are complaining havn’t remembered what they have posted previously :wink:


Alan DJ:
Can I just say that it is not just on this forum that you see very poor spelling or grammer. It is rife throughout this country, spelling leaves a lot to be desired, it’s embarrassing how bad some spelling is these days.

But as has been said before, does it matter on a FORUM how it’s spelt :exclamation: :exclamation: It’s a forum post, not forming part of your final GCSE English grade. Next some people will be wanting Rikki and the gang to go through every post and highlight in red every word that’s spelt wrong or incorrect grammar usage and demand that the poster corrects their mistakes sharpish, and leave a comment at the bottom of the post saying "Tut tut, 3/10, PM me please me, with your reason for attempting to dumb down this forum -we need words as your bringing down the high standards and quality of grammar and spelling in which this forum prides it’s self on, cease and desist immediately "
:open_mouth: :unamused: :confused: :confused: :confused:

And rightly said you are sunshine, :laughing: :laughing:
Pecjam is awesome a man of many words lol. :sunglasses:

OOPS SORRY FORGOT MY PUNCTUALITY :blush: :blush: :blush: will have to edit for the sake of nine breaker.

Don’t worry about it mate :smiley:

I’ve no interest in what a ten year old has to say. :grimacing: :grimacing: :grimacing:

Breaker One-Nine:
Don’t worry about it mate :smiley:

I’ve no interest in what a ten year old has to say. :grimacing: :grimacing: :grimacing:

All good then, DONT ■■■■■■■ BOTHER POSTING THEN and,
Next time dont post useless topics everyone of us has a different education with it being basic or very good knowlodge, and some have disabilities and so theres various reasons for maybe the poor grammar or lack of punctuality.


Punctuality is when you show up on time. Punctuation is the word you were looking for.

Some people have disabilities and others are just stupid. This is a fact of life.

Breaker One-Nine:
Punctuality is when you show up on time. Punctuation is the word you were looking for.

Some people have disabilities and others are just stupid. This is a fact of life.

:grimacing: :grimacing: :grimacing:


Alan DJ:
Can I just say that it is not just on this forum that you see very poor spelling or grammer. It is rife throughout this country, spelling leaves a lot to be desired, it’s embarrassing how bad some spelling is these days.

I posted this picture on another thread, but it will also apply here.

How does it help on a truckers forum to have a grown man teaching 15 year old girls the correct pronunciation?

Wheel Nut:

Alan DJ:
Can I just say that it is not just on this forum that you see very poor spelling or grammer. It is rife throughout this country, spelling leaves a lot to be desired, it’s embarrassing how bad some spelling is these days.

I posted this picture on another thread, but it will also apply here.

How does it help on a truckers forum to have a grown man teaching 15 year old girls the correct pronunciation?



Wheel Nut:

Alan DJ:
Can I just say that it is not just on this forum that you see very poor spelling or grammer. It is rife throughout this country, spelling leaves a lot to be desired, it’s embarrassing how bad some spelling is these days.

I posted this picture on another thread, but it will also apply here.

How does it help on a truckers forum to have a grown man teaching 15 year old girls the correct pronunciation?


Joshh, a girl. PMSL :laughing: :laughing: :open_mouth: :neutral_face: :neutral_face: :confused: :wink: :grimacing: :grimacing:

now if only f7 would work in the posting box
we wouldnt know who was illegitamate :laughing:

I thought this was a chilled out truckers forum, not a grammer school.

I am pretty sure most of us, are able, to write our best english, something shakespear would be proud of, here? it is not neccesary

no wat a mean m8

its taken me quite a while to realise it but there’s sort of a sub culture of speeling and grammer our yoof (and not so yoof) of today are using.

they purposely use different spellings for words etc, dont ask me why, maybe it’s kewl or sumfink?

alot of the time i dont bother with capitalisation meself, that’s just through being lazy tbh (to be honest that is :grimacing: ). i do try to use paragraphs as one big wall of text is just tiresome to read.

Plus havvvvve ytou houught it’s easier said ttthan done to type whhillst driving :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

The thing that puts me off using forum’s is my spelling and grammer,it takes me ages to write a message as i have to
double check everything so other users don’t sit reading my post tutting.

The thing that puts me off using forum’s is my spelling and grammer,it takes me ages to write a message as i have to
double check everything so other users don’t sit reading my post tutting.

If they want to spend time tutting - let them - shrug your shoulders and move on… it’s easy to ‘scroll on by’ - sounds like a song does that :laughing: :laughing:

Well I for one enjoyed the excitement, sorrow, passion and intrigue ! :astonished:

Whether B19 had a point or not, it certainly livened up the forum a bit. :smiley:


Breaker One-Nine:
Don’t worry about it mate :smiley:

I’ve no interest in what a ten year old has to say. :grimacing: :grimacing: :grimacing:

All good then, DONT [zb] BOTHER POSTING THEN and,
Next time dont post useless topics everyone of us has a different education with it being basic or very good knowlodge, and some have disabilities and so theres various reasons for maybe the poor grammar or lack of punctuality.


You want to calm down boy, or you might wet yourself.

as far as I am concerned the spelling and grammar doesn’t bother me , but what does bother me is to see a thread turning into personal attacks :unamused: :unamused: :unamused:

So it it keeps happening the edit and lock buttons will get some use

and Yes Josh, I’m talking to you :wink:

you can read about personal attacks by clicking the Forum rules link at the top of every page