Worse than an eight year old

Looks at the lock button, looks at the ban members buttton, thinks can give the members contributing to this thread one last chance - keep it on topic and away from personal attacks, last call last chance

last chance saloon boys :astonished:

From now on we should be a bit more attentive and considerate for other readers

Thank you for reading

init la

I like big fluffy green chickens !!!
(my contribution to a pointless thread)

The thing that puts me off using forum’s is my spelling and grammer,it takes me ages to write a message as i have to
double check everything so other users don’t sit reading my post tutting.

If you’re using Internet Explorer, there’s a small free plug-in programme called iespell. A spell checker for IE.
You can download it from http://www.iespell.com/ , if you want.
After you’ve typed in your post, right click in the reply window, there will be an option to ‘spell check this field’, or something similar. Click on that and it’ll then highlight each word it thinks you’ve miss spelled and gives you different options of the word it thinks you meant to type. You click on the word you want to use, it carries on all the way through.
It also integrates with any other M$ word processing dictionary, so you don’t have several dictionaries spread all over your hard drive.

I doubt anyone sits tutting at spelling errors in posts. Most of us are truckers after all.
If you want to have your say on a subject, post away, everyone’s views are welcome.
We may disagree with your view, it’s a free world, we’re allowed to disagree
Occasionally we’ll get a post like B19s. They invariably get the same answer this one has.
That is,
This is a forum for truck drivers, not school teachers.
Provided that a post is understandable, even if the spelling or grammar may not be to university standard, then it’s perfectly acceptable.

We have had members who’ve posted a wall of words, with no punctuation what so ever.
Other members have asked them to make a bit more effort.
Some didn’t bother and left, some still post.
We also have members who can be a little ermmm… over enthusiastic when using punctuation :wink: .
We’ll probably have some more in the future.

If you want perfect grammar and spelling, go to a forum for English teachers, 99.9% of the members here can type well enough to make their message understood, and thats good enough for me.
Now Text speak is a different matter, and anyone who uses text speak on a forum should be lined up against the wall and shot

Hmm… not sure a forum for english teachers would do much good. I have to read the school reports for my children by teachers who cannot spell, and it winds me up so much that my wife won’t let me read them any more. Talking to my 16 year old step-daughter and 13 year old step-son can be challenging most of the time, as they both constantly use text speak.
I also think text speak is a bane on our society, and can’t understand why it’s proliferated in the way it has, as I’m sure the average message could easily be short enough to fit, especially with the number of free texts all the mobile phone operators give away. Also the “long sms” which was introduced in 2001(ish) with the nokia 3310 should have counteracted the need to shorten every word.
On the plus side, my iPhone doesn’t like text language, and will try and correct all words it sees as “spelling mistakes”…

I’ve followed this post with quite some interest… :smiley:

It seems to me that the vast majority of posters on this site can post quite readable English, so I can’t really see why some folks want to pick at it, but each to their own.

If we look at some of the posts, there are quite clearly some spelling and grammar errors, but hey, what’s the problem if it’s readable?
Some errors are maybe due to unfamiliarity with typing and the use of a keyboard, but again, what’s the problem if it’s readable?
Some other errors are maybe due to the particular way that a poster needs to format the words to fit and display on a forum correctly, which is sometimes different to using MS Word.
Any and all of the above can make it seem (to some :unamused: ) that a poster’s literary skills are questionable, but if it’s readable what does it matter?

Some posters have mentioned a fear of posting on here, but IMHO it’s a great shame that others criticise their writing, because I’d ask the critics whether the (perceived) writing style, grammar or spelling of another poster actually makes their opinions or experiences any less valid?

IMHO, those who criticise other posters’ efforts tend to base their version of an acceptable standard upon what they themselves have achieved. Now for what might actually be questionable; I’ve noticed that some posters who criticise other poster’s efforts have spelling and grammar faults of their own that I could, err… mmm… err… point out to them if they wish. :wink:

My point is that everybody (including myself) is less than perfect and has their position in the wider scheme of things. IMHO, we all fit on a scale of literacy somewhere between a complete illiterate and a professor of English, so how about we all live and let live eh? :grimacing:

I am the first to admit that my spelling and grammar are at fault but as some have said you may rush the post or not bother checking, but now i try to re read and check my post and use a spellchecker.

I have been reading this , and i think that some of you are on the wrong forum.

If i am not mistaken this is about Truck Drivers.

If you what to discuss Grammar and Punctuation I would find a forum that suites you needs.

There are some very good University forums out there and you mite actually find there even them have problems reading post as well.

So lets all get on with why where here and enjoy the forum for what it is A GOOD READ and for all those who can’t read the post cos of Grammar and Punctuation just don’t bother.