Worse than an eight year old

I was making a point that some posts are unreadable. You have all made your views known too.

How did you all make me look stupid then, Joshh?

I have a simple guideline when reading posts on inter-net forums or reading instructions, letters any which where. If after 2 read through I can’t understand it I bin, pass, delete and move onto to something else. I don’t think I’ve moved on more than 10 times in the last 2 years so while it may be irritating it’s not, IMHO ( are abbreviations alright?), the end of the world.

PS I used the spell checker available with the google tool bar for the benefit of Breaker-one-nine. :laughing: :laughing: :smiling_imp: :smiling_imp:

Breaker One-Nine:
I was making a point that some posts are unreadable. You have all made your views known too.

How did you all make me look stupid then, Joshh?

Well for one in the cudnt get away with it thread your post was wha■■? and last time i recalled that isn’t in the dictionery, 2 mins later u post this
:unamused: :unamused: :unamused:

Thank you for pointing that out Josh.

joshh, behave yourself.

breaker one nine made a simple typo in the other thread, you on the other hand, have made 2 in your last post, and we won’t even go into the grammer

:grimacing: :grimacing: :grimacing: :grimacing: :grimacing: :grimacing: :grimacing: :grimacing: :grimacing: :grimacing:

But yeah, doesnt take much set us off tbh.

Its like being in the playground at school :laughing: :laughing:

I think you should name names. Well said toowise

I have been in this industry a lot of years, and in that time I have met many truck drivers who can teach both you and me a thing or too about the job, and maybe their grammar was’nt correct our their spelling top notch, to be perfectly frank some were almost aliterate. and they will still be better drivers than I can ever hope to be.

If you want perfect grammar and spelling, go to a forum for English teachers, 99.9% of the members here can type well enough to make their message understood, and thats good enough for me.

Now Text speak is a different matter, and anyone who uses text speak on a forum should be lined up against the wall and shot

sean vernon:
Its like being in the playground at school :laughing: :laughing:

You had a playground at school? I had my lessons and break time’s in a padded room, teacher said ALL kids were taught the same :question: tell me teachers were not lying to me all those years ago :question: :frowning: :open_mouth: :angry: :exclamation:

I have been in this industry a lot of years, and in that time I have met many truck drivers who can teach both you and me a thing or too about the job, and maybe their grammar was’nt correct our their spelling top notch, to be perfectly frank some were almost aliterate. and they will still be better drivers than I can ever hope to be.

If you want perfect grammar and spelling, go to a forum for English teachers, 99.9% of the members here can type well enough to make their message understood, and thats good enough for me.

Now Text speak is a different matter, and anyone who uses text speak on a forum should be lined up against the wall and shot

Rikki, i’m a pretty mean shot with a crossbow, can i be the one to do the shooting :sunglasses:

pick a part of the body and i can get a bolt in there, no matter how small :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:


sean vernon:
Its like being in the playground at school :laughing: :laughing:

You had a playground at school? I had my lessons and break time’s in a padded room, teacher said ALL kids were taught the same :question: tell me teachers were not lying to me all those years ago :question: :frowning: :open_mouth: :angry: :exclamation:

It all depends on how long ago that was :question: :laughing: :laughing:

Now Text speak is a different matter, and anyone who uses text speak on a forum should be lined up against the wall and shot

or you could just throw a heavy dictionary at them :question: :exclamation: :open_mouth:

txt spk is vry ez 2 undrstnd vo mst of v time, only wen ppl dnt use ne vouls vat fings gt hrdr, mny of v yunger ppl on here hv grwn up spking lyk vis, bt truth b its vry hrd 2 type like this using a QWERTY keyboard, as apposed to using a fone key pd. :wink: :wink: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :grimacing: :grimacing:

sean vernon:


sean vernon:
Its like being in the playground at school :laughing: :laughing:

You had a playground at school? I had my lessons and break time’s in a padded room, teacher said ALL kids were taught the same :question: tell me teachers were not lying to me all those years ago :question: :frowning: :open_mouth: :angry: :exclamation:

It all depends on how long ago that was :question: :laughing: :laughing:

9 years ago…

wel i iz young blud but dus nt tlk lyk this on reg basis man jst wen i cba to talk bro

My son aged 10, has autism, dyslexia and other problems and you have to adjust yourself to read his writing after reading queens english, but you get the gist after 5 seconds and it all becomes clear. On the bright side he can use a p.c. better than most a his age, so in the age of equal right’s etc , lets not discrimnate those who have difficulty in expressing themselves in writing.

Does it really matter if there are spelling and grammer mistakes? The message gets understood at the end of the day. Text speak on forums is annoying, but not as annoying as when you see on the news that students are now allowed to use it in English exams. :unamused:

Can I just say that it is not just on this forum that you see very poor spelling or grammer. It is rife throughout this country, spelling leaves a lot to be desired, it’s embarrassing how bad some spelling is these days.

Comes of slack teaching in schools I feel.

Alan DJ:
Can I just say that it is not just on this forum that you see very poor spelling or grammer. It is rife throughout this country, spelling leaves a lot to be desired, it’s embarrassing how bad some spelling is these days.

Man after my own heart. Its ‘grammar’ by the way Al…