Why has the Sterling post been removed?



Just to expand on that -

if yes to the idea put forward by MADBAZ, would we be allowed to put those terms into ‘PLAIN ENGLISH’ :question: :question:

Obviously not, as they would then no longer be their terms and conditions if you alter them in anyway and would defeat the purpose of MADBAZ’s idea. :unamused: :unamused: :unamused:

Not ALTERING but doing what the ‘plain english’ people do - they take a lot of one type of wording that hides it true meaning and then put it into plain language - was just a thought :slight_smile:

That would be your interpretation of the ‘true meaning’ and whatever way you look at it you would be altering them.




Just to expand on that -

if yes to the idea put forward by MADBAZ, would we be allowed to put those terms into ‘PLAIN ENGLISH’ :question: :question:

Obviously not, as they would then no longer be their terms and conditions if you alter them in anyway and would defeat the purpose of MADBAZ’s idea. :unamused: :unamused: :unamused:

Not ALTERING but doing what the ‘plain english’ people do - they take a lot of one type of wording that hides it true meaning and then put it into plain language - was just a thought :slight_smile:

That would be your interpretation of the ‘true meaning’ and whatever way you look at it you would be altering them.

OK :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

I had an email informing a new post had been added, where is it?? :imp: :imp:

I had an email informing a new post had been added, where is it?? :imp: :imp:

i saw it earlier but it gone now …


I had an email informing a new post had been added, where is it?? :imp: :imp:

i saw it earlier but it gone now …

:grimacing: Sorry to say this, but IMHO the answer seems fairly obvious. :unamused:

valid requests for information on a company will be removed temporarily and researched as far as we can and the results posted.

Taken from HERE

:stuck_out_tongue: Rules is rules. :wink:

Note This website is owned by RBI and administered by us for them. RBI can withdraw all or any part of the website or use of its facilities to all users or individuals at any time.

Yet another post has been made containing remarks that you all have been informed are not acceptable on here, any further posts in that vein will be removed and the member concerned will lose the ability to post on here until a undertaking not to continue posting such comments is made.


I had an email informing a new post had been added, where is it?? :imp: :imp:

i saw it earlier but it gone now …

X files :question: :unamused: :wink: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

X files - that may be an appropriate term as the files posted are X’d out:wink: :wink: - New site terminology - your file has been Xed :bulb: :question: :bulb: :question:

OK, so I’m having a ‘silly’ day…

Note This website is owned by RBI and administered by us for them. RBI can withdraw all or any part of the website or use of its facilities to all users or individuals at any time.

Yet another post has been made containing remarks that you all have been informed are not acceptable on here, any further posts in that vein will be removed and the member concerned will lose the ability to post on here until a undertaking not to continue posting such comments is made.

I promise to always post facts.
And to tell the whole truth and nothing but the truth ( right hand was on the bible when i typed this)

But then whatever we say or type can and probably will be removed.


if you remove some ones abilty to post until a undertaking not to continue posting such comments is made

. How can they give that undertaking if they cant post ?

26 years an Lgv Trainer:

Note This website is owned by RBI and administered by us for them. RBI can withdraw all or any part of the website or use of its facilities to all users or individuals at any time.

if you remove some ones abilty to post until a undertaking not to continue posting such comments is made

. How can they give that undertaking if they cant post ?

By email. :wink:

I must say I thought it was rather heavy handed of trucknet to remove my topic saying I have reinstated the camapign website, and then to threaten me with suspension. My post had no risky statements and did not mention the name of the company involved, it also stated that trucknet has no affiliation with the site.

This is clearly an area of interest to trucknet members as well as a genuinely good cause in the lgv community, I do not understand trucknets increasingly overbearing behavoir towards supporters to a cause that they should be supporting themselves as members of this communitiy.

It seems criminal to me that people with genuine comments to say are being punished because some big bully has put the frighteners up the forum.

I must say I thought it was rather heavy handed of trucknet to remove my topic saying I have reinstated the camapign website, and then to threaten me with suspension. My post had no risky statements and did not mention the name of the company involved, it also stated that trucknet has no affiliation with the site.

This is clearly an area of interest to trucknet members as well as a genuinely good cause in the lgv community, I do not understand trucknets increasingly overbearing behavoir towards supporters to a cause that they should be supporting themselves as members of this communitiy.

It seems criminal to me that people with genuine comments to say are being punished because some big bully has put the frighteners up the forum.

WOW, that’s a bit OTT, threatening you with suspension. If they threatened me with that I’d soon tell them what they can do with their suspension. :unamused: :unamused:
I tell ya, this site has really gone down the pan in the short time I’ve been a member, I don’t post as much or even look around, it’s just not worth the hassle. Any mention of Sterling and that’s it, the site goes OTT, even some of the HATO Members run riot and do what they want. :imp:

Can you email me a link to the Website?:-

WOW, that’s a bit OTT, threatening you with suspension

It has been made very clear MULTIPLE times that we are not able for legal reasons to allow a link to that website… even in its new incarnation

If people decide to repeatedly ignore the request from the owners of this website to abide by their decision then we will have to remove their posting rights to stop them.

ok fair enough but why did you delete my last post? it did not say any names or contain any links. There is also no evidence of its removal in the forum.

I have always been careful and respectful in my posts, when you asked me to take it to PMs with Heather, I did. All I wanted to do was let members here know I have put up a website of interest to them, thats all.

This is all getting a bit rediculous if you ask me, we all understand that trucknet have legal issues but taking things this far is eventually going to make trucknet lose the respect of its members.

The post you put up, any semi decent lawyer would see through in a nano second…

:unamused: :unamused: :unamused: :unamused: :unamused:

wow this snowballs got some proper momentum :open_mouth: :open_mouth:

um, can I have a copy of the link please? sticks hand up y’know, not to be demanding or anything but you did go and COPY MY WEBSITE!!! :open_mouth: :laughing:

oh sorry Heather I thought I had done, thats embarrassing. I will go and do that now.

um, can I have a copy of the link please? sticks hand up y’know, not to be demanding or anything but you did go and COPY MY WEBSITE!!!

A request that I am sure saladfingers would be only to happy to oblige with if he gets a request via e-mail or private message…

We cannot allow the link to be published on here , but we dont have access to PM’s or e-mails sent through the website.

That said PM’s are covered by the same rules as public posting so IF our attention is drawn to any rule breaches in a PM we would have to consider action

oooohhhhh :sunglasses:

you know I cant encourage you or support you or have anything to do with it…but id like to say its very pretty :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

you do have the clock wrong though, you must have had an old copy, it was much higher when they took it down.

Rikki, you’re not saying we cant use PMs to talk about this are you? I thought trucknet didnt have access to pms anyway :confused:

To clarify…

We dont have access to PM’s or e-mails sent through the website… so we have no way of knowing the content of those messages_… UNLESS_ someone complains and forwards them onto us.

If that happens we would have to consider taking action… but hopefully everyone who uses the PM system on here does so in a reasonable manner :bulb: :bulb: :bulb:

Rikki, the same Rikki I was just reading about in the Truckers Mag??

Anyway, back on topic, :unamused: :cry: I’m buggered if I understand what all this bollox is about. What happened to ‘Free Speech’? This site must have Lawyers, why can’t they stand up for you?
Do Sterling more money to spend on Lawyers or do they just have a bigger pair of Balls than this site?

Before you start on me, I’m just asking cos I don’t understand. If you want to suspend me for posting this, go ahead. :stuck_out_tongue: