Why has the Sterling post been removed?

Everybody…let Rikki know that we want that post back. It was informative and has probably saved people £1000’s since it went up.

Bring it back


I have replied to your PM… the post is being reviewed and I hope it will be back as soon as possible…

Before anyone else asks the same question I am going to GUESS (not ASK) the reason.

As Heathers website has been removed at the moment by the servers for POSSIBLE legal review then it is only to be expected that this site would do the same for the same reasons

sterlinglgv.com was removed by mr site, the diy web site company that i used to generate the site. They removed it once before as sterling phoned up to complain, then put it back up after I phoned to explain that “of course they want it down!” and that theres nothing illegal or immoral in it - which there isnt. Its now down again because sterling got thier solicitor to phone them and mr site have withdrawn it for investigation.

Trouble is, sterling are obviously going to do what they can to scare people into taking down all this stuff from the net - in protecting new trainees, we are losing them business. Mr site have received complaints, I have received a threatening solicitors letter and no doubt trucknet have been contacted too.

It doesnt surprise me that sterling have gone for bully tactics rather than fixing the problem with negotiations or apology.

IMHO, it is all empty threats and it is all they can do, as telling your personal experiences and opinions is not illegal. defamation is making a false statement that is stated as, or implied to be a fact.

As JT said, there are various web sites about large companies existing, if tesco cant undo tescopoly or wal mart cant undo Hell-Mart, how can sterling silence us?

…or did suddenly uk free speech rights get dissolved :question: :exclamation:

The thing is, whether anybody can be bothered to fight it out or not.

I doubt very much that this is the end of it :smiling_imp:

You own the domain yeah? Move it to another hosting company…really easy to do. Pick one based in the US or host it yourself on rented server space (will be very cheap for such a small site) and Sterling won’t have a chance of getting anyone to take it down.

Mr Site are obviously rubbish.

Do you have a copy of Sterlings solicitors letter you can forward me? My father-in law is a brief…he can tell me if you’re under any real legal threat or not.

Get it back up!


You own the domain yeah? Move it to another hosting company…really easy to do. Pick one based in the US or host it yourself on rented server space (will be very cheap for such a small site) and Sterling won’t have a chance of getting anyone to take it down.

Mr Site are obviously rubbish.

Do you have a copy of Sterlings solicitors letter you can forward me? My father-in law is a brief…he can tell me if you’re under any real legal threat or not.

Get it back up!


:smiley: Will do JT, Ill just go and scan it in :smiley:

Do not worry about the letter.

It is common practice to get a solicitor to write a letter to try and scare you.

Reply back explaining that you are simply telling the truth.

You will probably not get any responce because the solicitor will go back to his client explain that the next stage would be to start proceedings and that the chances of them winning would be low and that the cost to sterling would be high.

I have spoken to many a man on the phone in tears because they have been mislead by these scum

Keep the good work up

Who’s Sterling? :blush: :confused: :unamused:

play a trump card on sterling, id say if they are as bad as is said, contact the bbc show watch dog, and then if they wanted to, let them run a bit about sterling.

just an idea for those that feel done by them, and those being told to shut up.

play a trump card on sterling, id say if they are as bad as is said, contact the bbc show watch dog, and then if they wanted to, let them run a bit about sterling.

just an idea for those that feel done by them, and those being told to shut up.

Its already been done, I sent my story in :smiley: If more people complain about them to watchdog they might run it :smiling_imp:

Who’s Sterling? :blush: :confused: :unamused:

Hey spardo :smiley:

Sterling are a ‘national lgv training’ company. I started a campaign against them because I felt they ripped me off, then lots of people joined the campaign, and signed my online petition. Do a search on here for sterling, you’ll see past posts about them.

hi heather,

we they not effected me, as i saw the threads on them lucky for me.

but yeh if more the same as you either write in, or txt next mon when the show is live, as they notice lots of storys on the same thing, and they may run it. get both sides the story then, and it may help them improve there service.

Is there any way I can help? I can’t stand bullies and their Solicitors, these ‘fools’ need to wake up, the 'net is far bigger and can do more damage than they realise.
:laughing: :laughing: :laughing:


Do me a favour send me what you wrote and ill take a look i know a lot about sterling / qualitas .

And i can maybe give you more info to add to your file.

(edited in part by Rikki you have a PM)

As others have stated if it is your domain it should not be pulled without your say so, you pay them to host your domain ?
If that is the case the content is your responsibility not the company that host it.


On these types of forum all posts should be left in my opinion as the content is the posters responsibilty not the forum owner.

If the forum owner is concerned they should say to the person posting that they think it could be A legal problems and would they like it removed.

as the content is the posters responsibilty not the forum owner

unfortunatly as much as we would like it to be that way, at present thats not the case. As the publishers of what other people write in law we have a responsibilty as well

website-law.co.uk/blog/defam … m-or-blog/

Think its a crap law? so do I but unfortunatly thats what we got to work with

Unfortunately Rikkis spot on here…

Much as I think the law ■■■■■ on this issue and much as I’d like to see sterling out of business, I dont want Trucknet to take a thrashing from sterlings lawyers.

We need to be very careful with this thread, please everybody refrain from posting anthing risky about sterling for the time being as we are being watched and as I said i dont want to be party to a legal case against trucknet. If we slate sterling in this thread anymore it will be removed anyway.

Saying that, I am still interested in information though and would appreciate if people could PM me rather than using this thread.

Part of my post removed. !!!

Yes i have read your Pm. Admin

And i disagree with you removing my post as it contained nothing which is not true.

You ask me to provide a link to confirm what i said ■■?

I have no link but i have seen what they have done since the instructor got killed and the paperwork they have sent out stating their proceedures of which they have never given out prior to the accident and thats a fact.

So i would like my post put back as it was written.

As for trucknets removing the post what is the world coming to we do have rights to freedom of speech.

If sterlings lawyers are making noises is it not time people stood up to them.

The comments will not be put back unless you can provide proof of what you alledge

have you even taken time to read the link provided?

from your reply you havent

yes i read it thats why i posted the above reply.

and i am prepared to take full responsibility for my post so please put it back.

Get some balls will you.

If sterlings lawyers are making noises is it not time people stood up to them.

www.Servage.com on there you can build a website and say what you wish about any company, If you are so sure about what you say then go ahead . on that new website any consequences will be on your head alone,

If you are so far fired up you are willing to take any possible consequences go do it.

Your comments that were deleted by me will be reinstated if you give me proof that when I stand in front of a judge will stand up in court. until then they are gone

dont like it? nor do I , but read the link I posted earlier, if you think its wrong and have the money to fight the law through the courts then use the host link I gave you in this post create your own website against this issue and do it and good luck

If you are noit willing to put your money on the line to do it then dont demand others take that risk for you