Why has the Sterling post been removed?

26 years an Lgv Trainer:
yes i read it thats why i posted the above reply.

and i am prepared to take full responsibility for my post so please put it back.

Get some balls will you.

Have you posted it on your own truck website 26 years??

So does this mean that sites run by Reed Business Information Limited are allowed to get their stories wrong and it is ok ?

read this link and see if you can see there faults and then can you get them to pull that story or put in the correct details showing proof ?



26 years an Lgv Trainer:
yes i read it thats why i posted the above reply.

and i am prepared to take full responsibility for my post so please put it back.

Get some balls will you.

Have you posted it on your own truck website 26 years??

did you read what i wrote ?

well if you did you would see that nothing i wrote would be considerd illegal or defamortary ( sp )

I did read it and stand by what i said, I already knew about the incident show me proof that procedures were not implemented until after the accident that should have been in place before hand and I will will reinstate the comments.

26 years an Lgv Trainer:


26 years an Lgv Trainer:
yes i read it thats why i posted the above reply.

and i am prepared to take full responsibility for my post so please put it back.

Get some balls will you.

Have you posted it on your own truck website 26 years??

did you read what i wrote ?

well if you did you would see that nothing i wrote would be considerd illegal or defamortary ( sp )

yeas you did in the original post, and while it may be true, I have to be able to prove its true, so show me the proof, send me dated documentation or witness statements under oath, because thats all a court will recognise.

and that is the stage we are coming close to being at.

And for all your shouting it wont be YOU in the dock or YOUR money at stake

so either put up and bring your balls as you put it…or shut up :wink: :wink: :wink:

I did read it and stand by what i said, I already knew about the incident show me proof that procedures were not implemented until after the accident that should have been in place before hand and I will will reinstate the comments.

would that be the wrong info that is posted on a reed site ?

Is anyone warning them about their content ?

roadtransport.com/Articles/2 … ident.html

And let you play god and remove all any any post’s you see fit !!!

I think like most i will become a reader not a poster as we do not as you say contribute.

I do not need to put up but you need to shut up. …******** edited so you have no reason to bann me

Ban you? where did that come from? I simply asked you to back up certain claims not about the accident but the other comments regarding procedures.

until you do those comments will and have to remain of this website.

Its your choice entirely whether you post or not, its my job to ensure that if noticed or informed about anything that could cause problems is backed up with evidence, and if it isnt it gets removed.

As I had said multiple times I am caught between a rock and a hard place, i want to allow you guys to say what is going on, but the current laws mean that if I turn a blind eye we are culpable.

we give as much leeway as we can but you guys have got to be clever as to how you say things as well, its a two way street here. if either of us get it wrong it can end up being very expensive, not a situation any of us want to be in

Rikki, Have you had a chance to ‘revue’ the Sterling post/thread? As far as I could see there was nothing derogatory in it, just some ‘facts’ from posters who have used or been used by them. :cry: :cry:

Rikki, Have you had a chance to ‘revue’ the Sterling post/thread? As far as I could see there was nothing derogatory in it, just some ‘facts’ from posters who have used or been used by them. :cry: :cry:

the post cannot be reinstated at this time

the post cannot be reinstated at this time

Oh, right I see

NOT. :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused:
I give up. :angry:


there are a number of people involved here, not just here at TruckNet/RBI

at this time keeping the original post out of public view is in the best interest of all those closely involved.


there are a number of people involved here, not just here at TruckNet/RBI

at this time keeping the original post out of public view is in the best interest of all those closely involved.

OK, 'nuff said. :sunglasses:


there are a number of people involved here, not just here at TruckNet/RBI

at this time keeping the original post out of public view is in the best interest of all those closely involved.

awwww we are bieng protected. by rikki awwww is your surname lake ? Rikki Lake ?

26 years an Lgv Trainer:


there are a number of people involved here, not just here at TruckNet/RBI

at this time keeping the original post out of public view is in the best interest of all those closely involved.

awwww we are bieng protected. by rikki awwww is your surname lake ? Rikki Lake ?

why dont you get off your high horse. the thread will be back when everything is resolved.

Hello everyone

I’ve been watching all this for a little while now lurking in the background. Its all so annoying now though I’ve joined up so I can say something.

I feel strongly about this and I can see others do too, so here’s the deal.

Heather I saw your message on the forum before it was removed saying you were taking the site down, so I copied it. There’s nothing magical in this, anyone can view the source and copy the html. I was hoping you were going to get it back but you’ve gone very quiet and it seems they have got to you.

So I’ve got the content. I can get it back up, I have the means to reinstate it, and so if you can’t get it back, then I can and I will.


pm me it will you i wanna see it strlings qualitas dont scare me…

:open_mouth: Ok you got me out from under the table. :open_mouth:

You realise I cant give you permission to do that :question: :confused: I have them threatening me with an injunction as it is. :frowning:

I havent backed down Im just figuring out what to do. :frowning: so what do you want to do? you cant just stick up a copy of the site, people need someone to contact and theres admin n stuff. also, the code is mr site code, you cant rehost it as is :question:

Are you an ex trainee?


Heather pm me a copy of what your put on a web site please.


Who’s Sterling? :blush: :confused: :unamused:

Hey spardo :smiley:

Sterling are a ‘national lgv training’ company. I started a campaign against them because I felt they ripped me off, then lots of people joined the campaign, and signed my online petition. Do a search on here for sterling, you’ll see past posts about them.

Thanks Heather. :slight_smile:

26 years an Lgv Trainer:
Heather pm me a copy of what your put on a web site please.

I cant do that, ‘cease and desist’ means i cant distribute the information. :confused:

Just give me a little time till ive seen some people about this and had some advice. ive been quiet because i dont have any answers yet, i do want to fight the fight but i cant afford to be dragged through the courts over it so i need to get this right. for example, the wording may need to change :question: i dont know yet.