Why has the Sterling post been removed?

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: this thread is unbeliveable the fact of the matter is that the thread has been removed and anything to do with sterling has been removed and is going to be removed :bulb: if you dont like it go and post on other forums AND STOP BOTHERING THIS FORUMS WITH YOUR WITTERING ON ABOUT IT.

either like it or lump it but thats the way it is. :exclamation: :exclamation: :exclamation: :exclamation: :imp:

jessicas dad:
:lol: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: this thread is unbeliveable the fact of the matter is that the thread has been removed and anything to do with sterling has been removed and is going to be removed :bulb: if you dont like it go and post on other forums AND STOP BOTHERING THIS FORUMS WITH YOUR WITTERING ON ABOUT IT.

either like it or lump it but thats the way it is. :exclamation: :exclamation: :exclamation: :exclamation: :imp:

WOW, another helpful post :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:


jessicas dad:
:lol: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: this thread is unbeliveable the fact of the matter is that the thread has been removed and anything to do with sterling has been removed and is going to be removed :bulb: if you dont like it go and post on other forums AND STOP BOTHERING THIS FORUMS WITH YOUR WITTERING ON ABOUT IT.

either like it or lump it but thats the way it is. :exclamation: :exclamation: :exclamation: :exclamation: :imp:

WOW, another helpful post :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

sorry steve but thats the way it is and its not going to change.

jessicas dad:


jessicas dad:
:lol: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: this thread is unbeliveable the fact of the matter is that the thread has been removed and anything to do with sterling has been removed and is going to be removed :bulb: if you dont like it go and post on other forums AND STOP BOTHERING THIS FORUMS WITH YOUR WITTERING ON ABOUT IT.

either like it or lump it but thats the way it is. :exclamation: :exclamation: :exclamation: :exclamation: :imp:

WOW, another helpful post :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

sorry steve but thats the way it is and its not going to change.

Not a problem.
I can’t stand Bullies, Scammers and People that throw their weight around to make a point. :unamused: :frowning: :frowning: :frowning: :frowning:

Ok I have been quiet and been readin this did also read the original post did give some input into it as well was surprised that it was not taken down before it was tbh

I have been involved with this site for a number of years also a former mod and share holder of trucknet does any one have any idea about running it or what goes on in the background :question: as I do have some understanding

If any of you are willing to work full time without pay dealing with all the problems and talkin to lawyers threats etc then feel free to take over and also work you own job

No member sees or hears what goes on behind the scenes of a forum/website or the risks that are involved that is why there are rules in place when you join up and these should be read and adhered to but as a member you dont need to know all the ins and outs of it really do you :question:

When the time is ready I am sure trucknet/Heather will let us all know until that time please be a little patient as miracles dont happen overnight they do take a little longer

Think about this what would you do if you were the boss of Sterling :question: and had seen all of the post and website :question: I know what I would be doin


jessicas dad:


jessicas dad:
:lol: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: this thread is unbeliveable the fact of the matter is that the thread has been removed and anything to do with sterling has been removed and is going to be removed :bulb: if you dont like it go and post on other forums AND STOP BOTHERING THIS FORUMS WITH YOUR WITTERING ON ABOUT IT.

either like it or lump it but thats the way it is. :exclamation: :exclamation: :exclamation: :exclamation: :imp:

WOW, another helpful post :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

sorry steve but thats the way it is and its not going to change.

Not a problem.
I can’t stand Bullies, Scammers and People that throw their weight around to make a point. :unamused: :frowning: :frowning: :frowning: :frowning:

yes i agree but we are now onto our 3rd page and every other tatic has been tried and they are still banging the same drum about sterling. nothing about sterling is ever going to printed on this forum again.

Ok I have been quiet and been readin this did also read the original post did give some input into it as well was surprised that it was not taken down before it was tbh

I have been involved with this site for a number of years also a former mod and share holder of trucknet does any one have any idea about running it or what goes on in the background :question: as I do have some understanding

If any of you are willing to work full time without pay dealing with all the problems and talkin to lawyers threats etc then feel free to take over and also work you own job

No member sees or hears what goes on behind the scenes of a forum/website or the risks that are involved that is why there are rules in place when you join up and these should be read and adhered to but as a member you dont need to know all the ins and outs of it really do you :question:

When the time is ready I am sure trucknet/Heather will let us all know until that time please be a little patient as miracles dont happen overnight they do take a little longer

Think about this what would you do if you were the boss of Sterling :question: and had seen all of the post and website :question: I know what I would be doin

Good post. :stuck_out_tongue:
I understand what you are saying, just because I’m a newbie on here doesn’t mean that I don’t know how Forums/Websites work. I know a lot goes on in the background, you didn’t mention all the Sponsors on this site. They must bring in a fair bit and I hope that some of that revenue is passed on to the Admin and Moderation Staff.

“It is a paradox that every dictator has climbed to power on the ladder of free speech. Immediately on attaining power each dictator has surpressed all free speech except his own” - Herbert Hoover

“Put down a soapbox and I will step up and take forum with whomever has grace to listen. Dislike what I say and walk on, but do not stand and complain that I do no justice to your stage” - saladfingers.

jessicas dad:


jessicas dad:


jessicas dad:
:lol: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: this thread is unbeliveable the fact of the matter is that the thread has been removed and anything to do with sterling has been removed and is going to be removed :bulb: if you dont like it go and post on other forums AND STOP BOTHERING THIS FORUMS WITH YOUR WITTERING ON ABOUT IT.

either like it or lump it but thats the way it is. :exclamation: :exclamation: :exclamation: :exclamation: :imp:

WOW, another helpful post :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

sorry steve but thats the way it is and its not going to change.

Not a problem.
I can’t stand Bullies, Scammers and People that throw their weight around to make a point. :unamused: :frowning: :frowning: :frowning: :frowning:

yes i agree but we are now onto our 3rd page and every other tatic has been tried and they are still banging the same drum about sterling. nothing about sterling is ever going to printed on this forum again.

And YOU know that for a fact? Good for you, I’m very pleased for you.

My take: -

This site has a sticky in the newbies forum which, IMO, addresses this issue without actually naming any company or individual.

Other members have answered that sticky and posted their personal experiences with companies that SEEM to fall into what the sticky is referring to :wink: :slight_smile:

I think that is enough information for anyone visiting this site who is thinking about doing their LGV training and looking for a decent training school to make up their own mind.

IMO, For a site like this to endorse and make aware of any particular issue would require a link and a warning to be put on the top of the board index page to have any greater effect.

There - I’ve said my piece :smiley:

I think that is enough information for anyone visiting this site who is thinking about doing their LGV training and looking for a decent training school to make up their own mind.

I wish it had been enough for me Rog :blush: problem is that trucknets info on the subject doesnt come up in google well enough to reach people. A site that comes up top in google with this info in will do the trick imho.

…sorry, that better? hides :open_mouth:

This discussion is turning into a conversation along the lines of the one that had to be removed…

The subject of Sterling, its business model/practices and its reputation cannot be discussed on here, find another website to do it on please

If this continues this thread will be removed and any further threads started on the subject will be removed without warning.

…sorry, that better? hides

Thanks Heather :wink:


Ok I have been quiet and been readin this did also read the original post did give some input into it as well was surprised that it was not taken down before it was tbh

I have been involved with this site for a number of years also a former mod and share holder of trucknet does any one have any idea about running it or what goes on in the background :question: as I do have some understanding

If any of you are willing to work full time without pay dealing with all the problems and talkin to lawyers threats etc then feel free to take over and also work you own job

No member sees or hears what goes on behind the scenes of a forum/website or the risks that are involved that is why there are rules in place when you join up and these should be read and adhered to but as a member you dont need to know all the ins and outs of it really do you :question:

When the time is ready I am sure trucknet/Heather will let us all know until that time please be a little patient as miracles dont happen overnight they do take a little longer

Think about this what would you do if you were the boss of Sterling :question: and had seen all of the post and website :question: I know what I would be doin

Good post. :stuck_out_tongue:
I understand what you are saying, just because I’m a newbie on here doesn’t mean that I don’t know how Forums/Websites work. I know a lot goes on in the background, you didn’t mention all the Sponsors on this site. They must bring in a fair bit and I hope that some of that revenue is passed on to the Admin and Moderation Staff.

Nobody did or does get paid the sponsors that do pay goes into payin for the site ( bandwidth host running cost etc ) it is done on a voluntary basis and as most of the mods / admis work full time as well and do have a life

Errrrr… I get paid a little bit :wink: :wink: :unamused: - but to be honest most of my work is away from the forums, and a fair percentage not even TruckNet related

But all the mods and admins dont, they do it because they want this community to continue to grow and flourish, they are members of this community and work bloody hard to keep it on track.

in my opinion we have it about right when 50% of the complaints via e-mail and PM are about too much moderation, and the other 50% complain we didnt moderate more strenously.

Its not an exact science and the reasons the people who are mods and admins are in those positions is because they have shown they can make that judgement call.

Most of the policies and guidelines on this website are put together by the community- by those members who have become mods and admins. Only occassionaly do the owners, those who bear ultimate responsibility for what is published here, give direction as to what can and cannot stay. As the owners of the website they have that right to do so.


I think that is enough information for anyone visiting this site who is thinking about doing their LGV training and looking for a decent training school to make up their own mind.

I wish it had been enough for me Rog :blush: problem is that trucknets info on the subject doesnt come up in google well enough to reach people. A site that comes up top in google with this info in will do the trick imho.

Agreed - the only way that this site could do that would be to pay for a sponsered link to highlight an issue and I don’t think that would be in the best all round interest for a site such as this.

As you rightly say, a seperate site designed to deal with this issue, with a sponsered link is the way to go.

If that site has links that refer it’s readers to certain posts on this site or any other site that highlights personal experiences on a particular issue then I do not see the harm in that.

Nobody did or does get paid the sponsors that do pay goes into payin for the site ( bandwidth host running cost etc ) it is done on a voluntary basis and as most of the mods / admis work full time as well and do have a life

bugger, nobody told me one of the requirements for being a mod was that you had to have a life :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Denis F:
bugger, nobody told me one of the requirements for being a mod was that you had to have a life :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

That explains a lot then…

:open_mouth: Quite simply, I’m over-qualified. :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: