Why are nearly all drivers down London such knobs?

There are a couple of issues here, the woolwich ferry roundabout is and has always been a complete pain in the arse, no matter what direction you are coming from, you will always be in the wrong lane.
There always used to be a saying that if you can drive in London, you can drive anywhere in the world, that used to be true, today it isnt, its been changed to If a Londoner can drive in London, He can drive anywhere in the world, its ok driving around Barnsley, or Sheffield, or in fact anywhere oop north where they have gravy on chips with mushy peas as a side dish, then you are not capable of driving in London, for it seems that its only the Northerners who complain, Londoners are a tough bunch, and can put up with any situation they are given, and cope really well, so after that speech, give me a second to put my tin hat on, for sure as hell there are going to be a few complaints from the north of watfords finest…ahem !..but only praise and additions from the gentle but tough southern folk. :laughing:

+1^^^ :laughing:

London is a magnet for imigrants/asylum seekers from all over the world particularly sunny climates,unfortunately they bring their driving habits & lack skill with them,day after day I see the most appalling incidents in Deptford,New Cross&Lewisham(they all seem to drive Rovers,Hondas or BMs :laughing: ) add in a few mini cab (Addison Lee?)drivers muckaway tippers,transfer station bulkers & you have the “the perfect storm” by the way I’m guilty as charged, a tipper driver :laughing: :laughing:,

Poor driving has been present in London since long before asylum seekers appeared on the scene, I don’t wish to be mean but why should they get the credit for the mayhem.

At least we have proper snap oop North!:slight_smile: fish n chips. Wi mushy peas,gravy not like ■■■■■ you get down the smoke,jellied eels :blush: and liquor■■? Bloody vinegar with a posh name that! :laughing:

At least we have proper snap oop North!:slight_smile: fish n chips. Wi mushy peas,gravy not like [zb] you get down the smoke,jellied eels :blush: and liquor■■? Bloody vinegar with a posh name that! :laughing:

Why cant northerns and the scottish talk properly?

Do you constanly here us Southerners on here slagging off the north■■?

■■■■ off back up there if you don’t like it here you northern ■■■■■


No jams, everything keeps moving.

down london town nearly every day of the week and i find it best if you turn your brain off just before you get on the m25 and forget all aspects of the highway code. if theres a gap go for it because if you don’t someone else will. if theres no yellow box junction or traffic light camera its perfectly acceptable to block the road. it doesn’t matter if your in lane 3 at hanger lane roundabout on the north circ you can still take the A40 into town!!.

don’t get me started on them suicidal jumped up taxi driving addison lee ■■■■■■■. its december and i haven’t taken one of them ■■■■■■■ out yet. still 25 days left to sort that out :imp:.

but having said that i would rather drive in london then leeds or edingburgh


At least we have proper snap oop North!:slight_smile: fish n chips. Wi mushy peas,gravy not like [zb] you get down the smoke,jellied eels :blush: and liquor■■? Bloody vinegar with a posh name that! :laughing:

Ha! Like it :smiley:

Oh, btw - Jack The Ripper is dead and they have put out The Great Fire of London :wink:

My mate took his daughter back down London other weekend, dropped her off at the hospital where she is studying, every time he stopped at red light the guy in taxi behind him kept piping, after about 4th time he got out and challenged him, the taxi driver said, your not from round here are you, my mate said no from Derbyshire, taxi driver said, thought so, you can get another 4 cars through a red light, until it changes to green other way… :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth:

Southern ■■■■■■



Never expect to get anywhere quick in London and you’ll be alright! It’s a lot busier now but! I did it for 8 years and it always took at least 2 and a half hours to cross north to south or back! :laughing:

Everyone in London wants to be there yesterday!! :wink:

what part of north to south was you going, took me 50 mins no matter what time of day from chingford to wandsworth. … but we are real london drivers not the northern numpties who sweat as soon as they see the london orbit sign on the M1

Enfield across central through Brixton down to Croydon! Wandsworth is just over the river Disco! :stuck_out_tongue:

Enfield I used to go from Chingford via tower bridge or rother tunnel … enfield A10 up the cambridge thru wood green tottenham wouldnt of took me 2 1/2 hours

In answer to the question, why are nearly all drivers down London such knobs? Very easy to answer, it’s because we have a god given right to be, we are the chosen one’s, so endeth the lesson. Peace be with you my brothers and a dent in your door if you try to come up the inside. Amen


In answer to the question, why are nearly all drivers down London such knobs? Very easy to answer, it’s because we have a god given right to be, we are the chosen one’s, so endeth the lesson. Peace be with you my brothers and a dent in your door if you try to come up the inside. Amen



The above would be even funnier if there weren’t so many Londoners that genuinely believe it to be true… :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

In answer to the question, why are nearly all drivers down London such knobs? Very easy to answer, it’s because we have a god given right to be, we are the chosen one’s, so endeth the lesson. Peace be with you my brothers and a dent in your door if you try to come up the inside. Amen


Nice one me ol’ china :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:




Never expect to get anywhere quick in London and you’ll be alright! It’s a lot busier now but! I did it for 8 years and it always took at least 2 and a half hours to cross north to south or back! :laughing:

Everyone in London wants to be there yesterday!! :wink:

what part of north to south was you going, took me 50 mins no matter what time of day from chingford to wandsworth. … but we are real london drivers not the northern numpties who sweat as soon as they see the london orbit sign on the M1

Enfield across central through Brixton down to Croydon! Wandsworth is just over the river Disco! :stuck_out_tongue:

Enfield I used to go from Chingford via tower bridge or rother tunnel … enfield A10 up the cambridge thru wood green tottenham wouldnt of took me 2 1/2 hours

Whaaaat? In an Artic or a Rigid! :laughing:

i don’t mind it, think you just have to go into city mode when you get there.
after i passed my class 1, the boss had me on rigids for abit, then 1 day he tells me i’m going out in an artic for the first time. trouble was, it was in wapping, i had to take the van up there, swap into the truck and then take a load from wapping to st.neots :open_mouth:
i quickly learned that a full size m.a.n with a twin splitter, was a tad different than a flat bed ford cargo with a 6 speed box :grimacing:
pre sat-nav, so trying to read a map, and drive an artic for the first time in, “THE SMOKE” (I ■■■■■■■ HATE THAT SAYING), :grimacing:
i think i did well though, as when i took a wrong turn, and met a low bridge, all the people beeped at me in appreciation, some waved too, well, looked like they were waving.

I lived in saff east London ( :open_mouth: :laughing: ) for a few years when I was younger. You have a procession of lumbering buses up the Walworth road, illegal taxi drivers, pedestrians standing inbetween two lanes of traffic (which I have done many times and doesn’t seem to be acceptable anywhere else), ■■■■ cyclists, blue light vehicles etc etc.

I once saw a Rastafarian riding a white horse down the street in Brixton! It makes for a rum combination that’s for sure. A lot of the bus driving is shocking (apologies to the guy on here!) and i’m sure many of the beaten up old Honda’s that fly around haven’t seen the inside of an MOT testing station for years :laughing:

Best thing is to just ignore the normal rules of the road and “go for it” :grimacing:

Did the horse have dreadlocks? :grimacing:

Did the horse have dreadlocks? :grimacing:
