Why are nearly all drivers down London such knobs?


Because northern monkeys come down and ■■■■■ foot around instead of getting stuck in and going with the flow.
I thought northerners are meant to be hard but all you get on here is ooooo London ooooooo I’m scared oooooo please give more gravy on my chips!!!

Exactly In London it’s about been assertive not aggressive. Until recently 90% of my truck driving had been in London and mainly inner London. Traffic drives you mad at times but I loved it on the whole the day flys by.

Yep totally agree with these, I drive 40ft rigid in the city 4 days out of 5, doing site work, but if you go in with a relaxed attitude normally its not to bad, just take your time, watch the fit birds, and ignore the impatient t1ts that like the sound of there horn its not bad work.

p.s. Don’t take it personally, just remenber the people bibbing at you aren’t bibbing you, they’re bibbing the situatuion, that they have probably caused but won’t admit to because they’re stupid.



Haha! Not scared of it at all, been to the place often enough, just think most of the drivers are idiots with no road sense or understand anything from the Highway Code. I think most of them past their tests in the Stone Age.

You see i actually think london has some of the best drivers.

Yes, in a world full of blind donkeys without a clue…

Most drivers in the capital haven’t got any thing in mind but themselves and what they want…

To be honest london is quite tame, with regards to that.

selby newcomer:

You cant really shy away in london, gotta properly get on with it and i wouldnt worry about them beeping at you, just what happens there, no one takes it personally.

No one takes it personally■■? I’ve seen it kick off loads of times just coz people have beeped someone, fisticuffs, the lot :laughing:

:laughing: :laughing:

Because northern monkeys come down and ■■■■■ foot around instead of getting stuck in and going with the flow.
I thought northerners are meant to be hard but all you get on here is ooooo London ooooooo I’m scared oooooo please give more gravy on my chips!!!

Yeh, I got that impression back when I used to watch tossers and trailers as well. I stopped watching it, because it was too much “northerners struggling on roads I grew up with” verses “southerners who oddly don’t seem to have that job there in the first place”.

I’ve never been north of the border in my life, but I’m wondering if I’d struggle with a place like Glasgow as much as folk like Dixon struggle with anything inside the M25…
I’d worry about bottles and stabbings and crazed junkies and non-existant addresses to scam the load… It’s a long enough day without worrying about funny one way systems and 18t 9pm limits etc. :open_mouth:

Did a drop in Erith today just off Church Manor Way ind est then got my bk load details to collect from Kesslers International in Stratford so I sets off and head towards the Woolwich ferry. At every roundabout [zb] were trying to force their way down my inside even though I was taking up nearly all the island and they couldn’t get through, then the roundabout where I was turning right to get on the ferry, trucks were queuing from the London bound side but I could drive around and leave space so people could get through coming from London and carry on their journey. However nobody could get around me coming down from shooters hill to go towards Dartford do then I get the usuall blast on the horns and “Nescaffe shuffle” hand gestures from tossers in builders vans and women in cars doing the school run. I’m sorry but what am I supposed to do in a 50-55 foot artic??!!! Just wait at the other side of the roundabout and let everyone coming down from Shooters hill and from London jump the queue for the ferry and me still be there 2 hour later haveing not moved?!

I thought London was bad until I drove through Paris :unamused:


Because northern monkeys come down and ■■■■■ foot around instead of getting stuck in and going with the flow.
I thought northerners are meant to be hard but all you get on here is ooooo London ooooooo I’m scared oooooo please give more gravy on my chips!!!

Yeh, I got that impression back when I used to watch tossers and trailers as well. I stopped watching it, because it was too much “northerners struggling on roads I grew up with” verses “southerners who oddly don’t seem to have that job there in the first place”.

I’ve never been north of the border in my life, but I’m wondering if I’d struggle with a place like Glasgow as much as folk like Dixon struggle with anything inside the M25…
I’d worry about bottles and stabbings and crazed junkies and non-existant addresses to scam the load… It’s a long enough day without worrying about funny one way systems and 18t 9pm limits etc. :open_mouth:

Driving round glasgow is like driving in a small town. The key to london like driving in any city in europe is to show your intentions by doing, not indicating and waiting for someone to let you go.



Because northern monkeys come down and ■■■■■ foot around instead of getting stuck in and going with the flow.
I thought northerners are meant to be hard but all you get on here is ooooo London ooooooo I’m scared oooooo please give more gravy on my chips!!!

Yeh, I got that impression back when I used to watch tossers and trailers as well. I stopped watching it, because it was too much “northerners struggling on roads I grew up with” verses “southerners who oddly don’t seem to have that job there in the first place”.

I’ve never been north of the border in my life, but I’m wondering if I’d struggle with a place like Glasgow as much as folk like Dixon struggle with anything inside the M25…
I’d worry about bottles and stabbings and crazed junkies and non-existant addresses to scam the load… It’s a long enough day without worrying about funny one way systems and 18t 9pm limits etc. :open_mouth:

Driving round glasgow is like driving in a small town. The key to london like driving in any city in europe is to show your intentions by doing, not indicating and waiting for someone to let you go.

Exactly. In other words, with utter arrogance and no thought for any other driver on the road but yourself. If driving standards in London were equal to the rest of the country, no one would comment, but they do on a regular basis. Not necessarily because it scares them, but because they can’t believe the incompetence and selfishness. If you live there, you get used to it for sure. Still doesn’t make it good driving though…

London is a walk in the park - Try Cairo…




Because northern monkeys come down and ■■■■■ foot around instead of getting stuck in and going with the flow.
I thought northerners are meant to be hard but all you get on here is ooooo London ooooooo I’m scared oooooo please give more gravy on my chips!!!

Yeh, I got that impression back when I used to watch tossers and trailers as well. I stopped watching it, because it was too much “northerners struggling on roads I grew up with” verses “southerners who oddly don’t seem to have that job there in the first place”.

I’ve never been north of the border in my life, but I’m wondering if I’d struggle with a place like Glasgow as much as folk like Dixon struggle with anything inside the M25…
I’d worry about bottles and stabbings and crazed junkies and non-existant addresses to scam the load… It’s a long enough day without worrying about funny one way systems and 18t 9pm limits etc. :open_mouth:

Driving round glasgow is like driving in a small town. The key to london like driving in any city in europe is to show your intentions by doing, not indicating and waiting for someone to let you go.

Exactly. In other words, with utter arrogance and no thought for any other driver on the road but yourself. If driving standards in London were equal to the rest of the country, no one would comment, but they do on a regular basis. Not necessarily because it scares them, but because they can’t believe the incompetence and selfishness. If you live there, you get used to it for sure. Still doesn’t make it good driving though…

Take it you’ve never done euro driving then?





Because northern monkeys come down and ■■■■■ foot around instead of getting stuck in and going with the flow.
I thought northerners are meant to be hard but all you get on here is ooooo London ooooooo I’m scared oooooo please give more gravy on my chips!!!

Yeh, I got that impression back when I used to watch tossers and trailers as well. I stopped watching it, because it was too much “northerners struggling on roads I grew up with” verses “southerners who oddly don’t seem to have that job there in the first place”.

I’ve never been north of the border in my life, but I’m wondering if I’d struggle with a place like Glasgow as much as folk like Dixon struggle with anything inside the M25…
I’d worry about bottles and stabbings and crazed junkies and non-existant addresses to scam the load… It’s a long enough day without worrying about funny one way systems and 18t 9pm limits etc. :open_mouth:

Driving round glasgow is like driving in a small town. The key to london like driving in any city in europe is to show your intentions by doing, not indicating and waiting for someone to let you go.

Exactly. In other words, with utter arrogance and no thought for any other driver on the road but yourself. If driving standards in London were equal to the rest of the country, no one would comment, but they do on a regular basis. Not necessarily because it scares them, but because they can’t believe the incompetence and selfishness. If you live there, you get used to it for sure. Still doesn’t make it good driving though…

Take it you’ve never done euro driving then?

Not in a truck, no. But in cars and on motorbikes I’ve driven and ridden in many cities all over Europe. A fair few very similar to London. I don’t dispute that the arrogant approach is around. What I say is it isn’t good driving. If you drive or ride in India for example, (now they are big cities), it makes driving in Europe anywhere seem like a child’s party. But, there are thousands a year killed there as a result… because the driving standard is utterly appalling.

And that’s the crux of the matter. Yes, the approach you suggest is sometimes necessary. It just isn’t courteous, nor is it driving to a high standard. :wink:

And that’s the crux of the matter. Yes, the approach you suggest is sometimes necessary. It just isn’t courteous, nor is it driving to a high standard. :wink:

Put like that, i see what your saying and agree.

Never expect to get anywhere quick in London and you’ll be alright! It’s a lot busier now but! I did it for 8 years and it always took at least 2 and a half hours to cross north to south or back! :laughing:

Everyone in London wants to be there yesterday!! :wink:

what part of north to south was you going, took me 50 mins no matter what time of day from chingford to wandsworth. … but we are real london drivers not the northern numpties who sweat as soon as they see the london orbit sign on the M1


Never expect to get anywhere quick in London and you’ll be alright! It’s a lot busier now but! I did it for 8 years and it always took at least 2 and a half hours to cross north to south or back! :laughing:

Everyone in London wants to be there yesterday!! :wink:

what part of north to south was you going, took me 50 mins no matter what time of day from chingford to wandsworth. … but we are real london drivers not the northern numpties who sweat as soon as they see the london orbit sign on the M1

Enfield across central through Brixton down to Croydon! Wandsworth is just over the river Disco! :stuck_out_tongue:

You won’t beat them, the answer is to join them, a find a bit of London driving keeps you sharp.
I used to hate London but it grows on you sadly I don’t go there anymore used to make me laugh, totally mad.

The Buses…They can`t even be arsed to pull into the Bus Stops these days…

Correct . . . because no-one will ever let them out.


Mind you I did go to Sri Lanka this year to watch England in the cricket and they have no rules or laws to driving its just one constant traffic jam, cars 4 abreast, driving on the wrong side of the road, horns sound like they are stuck on,officers directing traffic looking like they are at a rave with their hand movements. Makes London feel like a drive up the Scottish Highlands!


Never expect to get anywhere quick in London and you’ll be alright! It’s a lot busier now but! I did it for 8 years and it always took at least 2 and a half hours to cross north to south or back! :laughing:

Everyone in London wants to be there yesterday!! :wink:

what part of north to south was you going, took me 50 mins no matter what time of day from chingford to wandsworth. … but we are real london drivers not the northern numpties who sweat as soon as they see the london orbit sign on the M1

The trick is to only do it on nights with ban exempt vehicles.
You might be able to get from chingford to wandsworth in 50 mins at 3am sunday morning…
During the rushhour, I doubt if you’d get off the 406 within the first 50 mins otherwise. :unamused:

then the roundabout where I was turning right to get on the ferry, trucks were queuing from the London bound side but I could drive around and leave space so people could get through coming from London and carry on their journey. However nobody could get around me coming down from shooters hill to go towards Dartford do then I get the usuall blast on the horns and “Nescaffe shuffle” hand gestures from tossers in builders vans and women in cars doing the school run. I’m sorry but what am I supposed to do in a 50-55 foot artic??!!! Just wait at the other side of the roundabout and let everyone coming down from Shooters hill and from London jump the queue for the ferry and me still be there 2 hour later haveing not moved?!

It’s a bit of an art queuing on that r/bout for the ferry and allowing for through traffic. A lot of the time it’s because the ferry staff don’t use the vehicle park. I’ve seen the blokes direct traffic to a lane and the driver just goes off and does their own thing, making new lanes, blocking full up lanes, driving the wrong way then getting out and giving the ferry blokes grief. Years ago (during the war :wink: ), when the queue got to the r/bout, drivers used to be polite and drive up John Wilson St, u turn down to the ferry and queue on the left. Unfortunatly,it’s dog eat dog now. You done the right thing by sitting there - it only takes a few minutes.

When I took my class one test Edgware road, Marble Arch, Park Lane and Hyde Park Lane were on the itinerary.

Do what the cabbies do, move your eyes not your head and drivers think you’re not looking and sometimes give way.

The question of cars forcing their way round roundabouts applies everywhere, it may have started in London but it has caught on nationwide.

There are a couple of issues here, the woolwich ferry roundabout is and has always been a complete pain in the arse, no matter what direction you are coming from, you will always be in the wrong lane.
There always used to be a saying that if you can drive in London, you can drive anywhere in the world, that used to be true, today it isnt, its been changed to If a Londoner can drive in London, He can drive anywhere in the world, its ok driving around Barnsley, or Sheffield, or in fact anywhere oop north where they have gravy on chips with mushy peas as a side dish, then you are not capable of driving in London, for it seems that its only the Northerners who complain, Londoners are a tough bunch, and can put up with any situation they are given, and cope really well, so after that speech, give me a second to put my tin hat on, for sure as hell there are going to be a few complaints from the north of watfords finest…ahem !..but only praise and additions from the gentle but tough southern folk. :laughing:

London is a magnet for imigrants/asylum seekers from all over the world particularly sunny climates,unfortunately they bring their driving habits & lack skill with them,day after day I see the most appalling incidents in Deptford,New Cross&Lewisham(they all seem to drive Rovers,Hondas or BMs :laughing: ) add in a few mini cab (Addison Lee?)drivers muckaway tippers,transfer station bulkers & you have the “the perfect storm” by the way I’m guilty as charged, a tipper driver :laughing: :laughing:,