Why are nearly all drivers down London such knobs?

i stopped to ask some people at a bus stop in barnsley do you know the road to london ,they said yes i said what are you doing here then.

I’m no racist but:- … bbc.co.uk/news/uk-20677515 - the bit on London goes to explain (a very little) about the often “unusual” driving you get in the Smoke.

My first time in London was 1967 with a 30ft york single axle and the axle was right at the back of the trailer the cut in was horrendous worse than a tandem I had a Combine Harvester15ft 9"on for the docks so it was quite an experiance but by the time I had tipped and down to Basildon for tractors on the way back I was starting to drive like the natives ie. give way to no one, Eddie.

Did the horse have dreadlocks?

Nah…but he had the biggest SPLIFF you`ve ever seen hanging from his norf and sarf

I was starting to drive like the natives ie. give way to no one, Eddie.
Well done my son you soon get the hang of it.
