What is reasonble for premod?

Causing work for moderators - nothing more specific than that

Rog, I explained all this to you by email a month or so ago :unamused: :unamused: :unamused:

Denis F:

Causing work for moderators - nothing more specific than that

Rog, I explained all this to you by email a month or so ago :unamused: :unamused: :unamused:

Denis, Can’t you give him another chance and if he doesn’t post what and how you lot want ban him for 30 days or something like that.
Whatever you lot say or think, he’s still a useful member and I think he posts some good stuff :wink:

Then you didnt set up several other accounts with similar names & send PM to a “few” members on here with similar context to it :question:

I got rather fed up after 8 months and 300 good posts so went a bit silly in doing that with the attitude of - what is there to lose!!

Was not the right thing to do though…

Was not the right thing to do though…

it certainly wasn’t :unamused: :unamused: :unamused:


Then you didnt set up several other accounts with similar names & send PM to a “few” members on here with similar context to it :question:

I got rather fed up after 8 months and 300 good posts so went a bit silly in doing that with the attitude of - what is there to lose!!

Was not the right thing to do though…

Took a ‘pair’ to admit that :stuck_out_tongue: Can’t say I’ve been ‘involved’ in any of your posts or PMs, to my knowledge anyway.


In all honesty Denis I think most people and especially anyone on pre-mod for any length of time would probably see pre-mod as both a punishment and a sanction.

It is a very inconvenient sanction - at times it can take hours before a post is approved for public viewing

The PM reply system is disabled so anyone on premod can receive but not reply which may seem rude to those sending

From what I have observed, those who do personal attacks and swear get off premod quite quickly after posting good posts for a short time but those who do not break specific rules stay on premod for a very very long time such as in my case

It would be nice for all those on premod to have a limit set in which they will be observed and if all ok in that timespan then premod is lifted
It gives the member and the site a goal and does not allow for any personal issues to cloud it

Perhaps premod needs to be scrapped and a simple block on all postings to be instilled for a set period depending on the rule broken?

Jesus, you do nothing but squeal like a pig who has been entered by an elephant.

Any normal thinking person would have just moved on by now, if for no other reason than their self respect.

For those on premod like me would it be reasonable to ask for a number of posts or a timeframe to be indicated after which, if there are no incidents, the premod is lifted?



Harry Monk:


Harry Monk:
ROG, as I’m often away from the boards, and am not fully up to speed with this, could I just ask why you were put on pre-mod in the first place?

Causing work for moderators - nothing more specific than that

It wasn’t , for example, that you were posting information which was incorrect which could have got a new driver into trouble or anything like that then?

Also not for swearing, personal attacks, advertising, etc etc

Denis F:

Causing work for moderators - nothing more specific than that

Rog, I explained all this to you by email a month or so ago :unamused: :unamused: :unamused:

So your first post wasn’t really a request for information at all ROG.
It was another appeal to your friends to try and put pressure on the Admin team to get you off pre-mod. You merely wrote it to look like a request for information.

You harp on about 365 posts in 365 days without any problems. Yet conveniently forget to mention those posts you made which animal reminded you of. Which you then admit were not a sensible thing to do.

The thing is ROG, by operating in these ways you are demonstrating that we still cannot trust you enough to take you off pre-mod.

(Everything in this post, apart from my conclusion, has been taken from this thread. So none of it breaks the confidentiality we endeavour to keep between you and the admin team. I haven’t even included information from other threads. My conclusion is exactly that, MY conclusion.)

Ummmm, I feel like I’ve been taken for a fool, again. :blush: “Fool me once, shame on you, Fool me twice, shame on me” :blush: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:
Soz Rog, time to add you to my ‘foes’ list. :unamused:

Soz Admin and Mods, seems I was suckered into this, again. :blush: Some folk never learn. :unamused: :unamused:

Any normal thinking person would have just moved on by now, if for no other reason than their self respect.

which of course explains everything :unamused: :laughing: :laughing:

For those on premod like me would it be reasonable to ask for a number of posts or a timeframe to be indicated after which, if there are no incidents, the premod is lifted?

The intention was not to refer to my position but to refer to all on premod

I would not have referred to my position had I not been asked

Please read the thread - I don’t think I volunteered any info that was not in response to a question

So your first post wasn’t really a request for information at all ROG.
It was another appeal to your friends to try and put pressure on the Admin team to get you off pre-mod. You merely wrote it to look like a request for information.

You harp on about 365 posts in 365 days without any problems. Yet conveniently forget to mention those posts you made which animal reminded you of. Which you then admit were not a sensible thing to do.

The thing is ROG, by operating in these ways you are demonstrating that we still cannot trust you enough to take you off pre-mod.

(Everything in this post, apart from my conclusion, has been taken from this thread. So none of it breaks the confidentiality we endeavour to keep between you and the admin team. I haven’t even included information from other threads. My conclusion is exactly that, MY conclusion.)

You have read into something that is not there just to make the OP look bad, i don’t see anything other than a question about premod??

God rog your worse than a driver on the train from Calais

Quit your moaning

Soz Admin and Mods, seems I was suckered into this, again. :blush: Some folk never learn. :unamused: :unamused:

Yep but does help if you have all the info


Rob K:
Are you STILL on pre-mod ROG? :open_mouth: It’s been like 2 years or something now? :astonished:

365 days and 365+ posts

But you used to do approx 50 per day what happened to the rest :question: :question:

Ah we havent seen them wonder why :open_mouth:

But you used to do approx 50 per day what happened to the rest :question: :question:

Ah we havent seen them wonder why :open_mouth:

Because many discussions are in real time so having a post appear late looks silly and is possibly irrelevant by the time it appears

I hope that answers your query

For those on premod like me would it be reasonable to ask for a number of posts or a timeframe to be indicated after which, if there are no incidents, the premod is lifted?

Don’t be such a light weight. Some of us are on it permanently :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:


So your first post wasn’t really a request for information at all ROG.
It was another appeal to your friends to try and put pressure on the Admin team to get you off pre-mod. You merely wrote it to look like a request for information.

You harp on about 365 posts in 365 days without any problems. Yet conveniently forget to mention those posts you made which animal reminded you of. Which you then admit were not a sensible thing to do.

The thing is ROG, by operating in these ways you are demonstrating that we still cannot trust you enough to take you off pre-mod.

(Everything in this post, apart from my conclusion, has been taken from this thread. So none of it breaks the confidentiality we endeavour to keep between you and the admin team. I haven’t even included information from other threads. My conclusion is exactly that, MY conclusion.)

You have read into something that is not there just to make the OP look bad, i don’t see anything other than a question about premod??

That is precisely the point 49er. ROG had everything explained to him, in great detail including exactly what he had to do to get his premod lifted, less than a month ago. Therefore there is no reason to post in here asking what ‘a member on pre-mod’, has to do to get it lifted. Therefore the first post asking for that info is not a request for info at all, even though he was apparently asking a general question for the benifit of everyone.

For those on premod like me would it be reasonable to ask for a number of posts or a timeframe to be indicated after which, if there are no incidents, the premod is lifted?

I’ve given this considerable thought before replying.And its my own personal thought. And i understand what you are saying. And having to deal with many problem posters i feel i have some experience! There are some that need a short period , akin to a cooling off period as discussions get heated. And there are some with more long term problems and a determination to do what they want to do. With that in mind and as we are just asking and you’ve already had an official answer, i personally think about 5 years on pre mod for the ones that are hard work!!!



So your first post wasn’t really a request for information at all ROG.
It was another appeal to your friends to try and put pressure on the Admin team to get you off pre-mod. You merely wrote it to look like a request for information.

You harp on about 365 posts in 365 days without any problems. Yet conveniently forget to mention those posts you made which animal reminded you of. Which you then admit were not a sensible thing to do.

The thing is ROG, by operating in these ways you are demonstrating that we still cannot trust you enough to take you off pre-mod.

(Everything in this post, apart from my conclusion, has been taken from this thread. So none of it breaks the confidentiality we endeavour to keep between you and the admin team. I haven’t even included information from other threads. My conclusion is exactly that, MY conclusion.)

You have read into something that is not there just to make the OP look bad, i don’t see anything other than a question about premod??

That is precisely the point 49er. ROG had everything explained to him, in great detail including exactly what he had to do to get his premod lifted, less than a month ago. Therefore there is no reason to post in here asking what ‘a member on pre-mod’, has to do to get it lifted. Therefore the first post asking for that info is not a request for info at all, even though he was apparently asking a general question for the benifit of everyone.

Much more info does help … :wink:

Fully understood too … :blush: