What is reasonble for premod?

For those on premod like me would it be reasonable to ask for a number of posts or a timeframe to be indicated after which, if there are no incidents, the premod is lifted?

No, I don’t think so. The way pre-mod is lifted is clearly explained already.

No, I don’t think so. The way pre-mod is lifted is clearly explained already.

There is no set period only a ‘when we think it should be’ which does not give a clear end date for the member

surely it is reasonable by anyones standards to say to a member that if they have no incidents within a timeframe and/or number of posts that it will be lifted

Otherwise it could be just personal reasons by those in power which I dont believe many would find a credible reason for keeping another from posting normally


It’s only an internet forum, not life and death. It really doesn’t matter too much.

Are you STILL on pre-mod ROG? :open_mouth: It’s been like 2 years or something now? :astonished:

Rob K:
Are you STILL on pre-mod ROG? :open_mouth: It’s been like 2 years or something now? :astonished:

365 days and 365+ posts


It’s only an internet forum, not life and death. It really doesn’t matter too much.

It’s rog it is a matter of life or death…or the fact he’s too lazy to find a job and would rather waste his life away on here



It’s only an internet forum, not life and death. It really doesn’t matter too much.

It’s rog it is a matter of life or death…or the fact he’s too lazy to find a job and would rather waste his life away on here

A few emoticons after that statement would have been nice to show it was not serious :smiley:

Rob K:
Are you STILL on pre-mod ROG? :open_mouth: It’s been like 2 years or something now? :astonished:

permanently would not be a bad idea :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:




It’s only an internet forum, not life and death. It really doesn’t matter too much.

It’s rog it is a matter of life or death…or the fact he’s too lazy to find a job and would rather waste his life away on here

A few emoticons after that statement would have been nice to show it was not serious :smiley:

Who says I was joking


No, I don’t think so. The way pre-mod is lifted is clearly explained already.

There is no set period only a ‘when we think it should be’ which does not give a clear end date for the member

Exactly ROG, you’ve got it in one. There is no set period only a ‘when we think it should be’ which does not give a clear end date for the member.

Exactly ROG, you’ve got it in one. There is no set period only a ‘when we think it should be’ which does not give a clear end date for the member.

In other words it could be forever - is that a fair way to treat someone?

I wonder what would happen if the legal system worked that way - we send you to jail until there is a consenus to let you out, if ever…

Here is a poll :stuck_out_tongue:

Should Rog be allowed back. o

Should Rog stay on Premod. o

Wheel Nut:
Here is a poll :stuck_out_tongue:

Should Rog be allowed back. o

Should Rog stay on Premod. o

I would vote yes, let him back…BUT…

…Surely, though, the first place to start would be by the mods and Rog having a chat and seeing if Rog has learnt to play nicely while he’s been on punishment detail? In private, of course… :smiley: :smiley:


You have my sympathies… :smiley: :smiley: :wink:


Exactly ROG, you’ve got it in one. There is no set period only a ‘when we think it should be’ which does not give a clear end date for the member.

In other words it could be forever - is that a fair way to treat someone?

I’ve been on pre-mod on one forum for three and a half years and another for getting on for two years. You’re still a fish! :wink: :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue:

I’ve just noticed Rog is no longer a senior member but now senior moments!

And don’t get a forum confused with the legal system Rog. This isn’t a democracy!

I’ve just noticed Rog is no longer a senior member but now senior moments!

It’s been like that for ages, must be a couple of years. :stuck_out_tongue:

For those on premod like me would it be reasonable to ask for a number of posts or a timeframe to be indicated after which, if there are no incidents, the premod is lifted?

I can see how somebody might wonder about this, but the forum rules are very clear on this point.

Regarding pre-mod:

This may be done for a short time (e.g. Overnight to allow a situation to cool down,) or for a longer period.

:bulb: Speaking very generally, whether or not this is “reasonable” would probably have best been raised and discussed before pre-mod was imposed, rather than waiting until afterwards because IMHO raising that point after the event might tend to suggest that a person hadn’t read, or possibly didn’t understand the rules first. Just a thought.

Of course, and still speaking very generally, it might be that a person has never read the forum rules at all, or a person might think that this or that rule doesn’t apply to them, or a person might even go so far as to invent their own exemptions having confused themselves as to the meaning of the rules.


For those on premod like me would it be reasonable to ask for a number of posts or a timeframe to be indicated after which, if there are no incidents, the premod is lifted?

I can see how somebody might wonder about this, but the forum rules are very clear on this point.

Regarding pre-mod:

This may be done for a short time (e.g. Overnight to allow a situation to cool down,) or for a longer period.

:bulb: Speaking very generally, whether or not this is “reasonable” would probably have best been raised and discussed before pre-mod was imposed, rather than waiting until afterwards because IMHO raising that point after the event might tend to suggest that a person hadn’t read, or possibly didn’t understand the rules first. Just a thought.

Of course, and still speaking very generally, it might be that a person has never read the forum rules at all, or a person might think that this or that rule doesn’t apply to them, or a person might even go so far as to invent their own exemptions having confused themselves as to the meaning of the rules.

Love it :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Well, I think he (ROG) has a point.
I would think it would be better to have a set time “in jail” so to speak, in stead of having someone reading and allowing all the posts he makes, until…uh…forever■■?

Say, you were on premod for…6 months, or whatever, and if he behaves, ok…if not, just ban him!

If nothing else, it would save a moderator some time?

Well, I might have misunderstood something, but I don’t think having to premod someone would be desireable??