What is reasonble for premod?

I’ve said before that pre-mod is a daft way to penalise people, a warning followed by suspension for a week then a month if nothing changes, then 3 months then a permanent ban is what should happen.

Pre-mod creates extra work for mods, messes up threads when posts are put up several hours after they were made and is unfair to the members.

To be honest I cant see a single benefit that the pre-mod system brings to a forum … crazy :unamused:

I’ve said before that pre-mod is a daft way to penalise people, a warning followed by suspension for a week then a month if nothing changes, then 3 months then a permanent ban is what should happen.

Pre-mod creates extra work for mods, messes up threads when posts are put up several hours after they were made and is unfair to the members.

To be honest I cant see a single benefit that the pre-mod system brings to a forum … crazy :unamused:

Agreed :slight_smile:
This looks a bit like victimisation, I know, I’ve been told the reasons why he’s on pre-mod, been there myself :unamused: I still post exactly the same crap as before the ‘punishment’. :laughing: :laughing:
Come on guys, give Rog a break FFS, a year is too long to hold a grudge.
I really hate bullies, move on.

Pre-Mod is not a punishment or sanction, it’s just a tool that is available to moderators to ensure the forums run smoothly.

Denis F:
Pre-Mod is not a punishment or sanction, it’s just a tool that is available to moderators to ensure the forums run smoothly.

Is it really? :unamused: There are a lot of ‘trolls’ on here who imho should be on pre-mod, they seem to get away with a lot, Rog here, well nuff ■■■■■■■ said on this to be honest. Give the guy a break, move on :cry: :cry:

Denis F:
Pre-Mod is not a punishment or sanction, it’s just a tool that is available to moderators to ensure the forums run smoothly.

In all honesty Denis I think most people and especially anyone on pre-mod for any length of time would probably see pre-mod as both a punishment and a sanction.

Pre-mod certainly empowers the moderators, but is it really a fair or necessary system ?


Posts: 19879
Joined: Tue Feb 13, 2007 8:45 pm

Rog doesn’t seem to have any trouble posting :wink:

Piston broke:
…Surely, though, the first place to start would be by the mods and Rog having a chat and seeing if Rog has learnt to play nicely while he’s been on punishment detail? In private, of course… :smiley: :smiley:


we have thought of that :wink:

Pre mod is a tool that does work, It has allowed the moderators to back off. before we had it the moderators here were regularly acccused of being over zealous and heavy handed. Now many of those posts that would have been edited or caused problems simply dont appear, and the huge majority of members dont have their posts or threads adjusted in any way.

People will come of pre mod simply when the admin team see no benefit of them being on it. Just because the members here dont see any posts that may cause problems from a member any more, doesnt mean to say they are not being submitted, it just means the team are catching them before they are published. thats what pre mod is designed to do and it does it very effectively.

Some people are on permanent pre mod, and their status will not change, everyone else on pre mod, their status is regularly reviewed by the team and a team consensus is taken wether they should be taken off.

Some people are on permanent pre mod, and their status will not change

Are those people aware that they will always remain on pre-mod ?


In all honesty Denis I think most people and especially anyone on pre-mod for any length of time would probably see pre-mod as both a punishment and a sanction.

It is a very inconvenient sanction - at times it can take hours before a post is approved for public viewing

The PM reply system is disabled so anyone on premod can receive but not reply which may seem rude to those sending

From what I have observed, those who do personal attacks and swear get off premod quite quickly after posting good posts for a short time but those who do not break specific rules stay on premod for a very very long time such as in my case

It would be nice for all those on premod to have a limit set in which they will be observed and if all ok in that timespan then premod is lifted
It gives the member and the site a goal and does not allow for any personal issues to cloud it

Perhaps premod needs to be scrapped and a simple block on all postings to be instilled for a set period depending on the rule broken?

To be honest, Pre-Mod is a sign that any person with morals would not be seen in this place again …

I know i wouldn’t :unamused:

ROG, as I’m often away from the boards, and am not fully up to speed with this, could I just ask why you were put on pre-mod in the first place?

Harry Monk:
ROG, as I’m often away from the boards, and am not fully up to speed with this, could I just ask why you were put on pre-mod in the first place?

Causing work for moderators - nothing more specific than that

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: I guess that means you will never be a normal poster, then…as they have to work for every post you make :wink:

Sorry, but it is kinda funny


Harry Monk:
ROG, as I’m often away from the boards, and am not fully up to speed with this, could I just ask why you were put on pre-mod in the first place?

Causing work for moderators - nothing more specific than that

It wasn’t , for example, that you were posting information which was incorrect which could have got a new driver into trouble or anything like that then?

Harry Monk:


Harry Monk:
ROG, as I’m often away from the boards, and am not fully up to speed with this, could I just ask why you were put on pre-mod in the first place?

Causing work for moderators - nothing more specific than that

It wasn’t , for example, that you were posting information which was incorrect which could have got a new driver into trouble or anything like that then?

Also not for swearing, personal attacks, advertising, etc etc


Harry Monk:


Harry Monk:
ROG, as I’m often away from the boards, and am not fully up to speed with this, could I just ask why you were put on pre-mod in the first place?

Causing work for moderators - nothing more specific than that

It wasn’t , for example, that you were posting information which was incorrect which could have got a new driver into trouble or anything like that then?

Also not for swearing, personal attacks, advertising, etc etc

Really so why did you post all that stuff then :question: IIRC you tried to simplify the drivers hours :confused: which if someone had taken could have been in a bit of trouble that is only 1 I can think of but we could ask some of the mods etc

Then you didnt set up several other accounts with similar names & send PM to a “few” members on here with similar context to it :question:

Then you didnt set up several other accounts with similar names & send PM to a “few” members on here with similar context to it :question:

:cry: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: