What is reasonble for premod?

ROG had everything explained to him, in great detail

Please check on that before making such a statement as all the emails I have are saying the same thing
Making work for mods

nowt else


ROG had everything explained to him, in great detail

Please check on that before making such a statement as all the emails I have are saying the same thing
Making work for mods

nowt else

Now then ROG, you know perfectly well that your statement isn’t entirely accurate and you also know that further public discussion of that point is against forum rules, because it would involve people divulging the contents of private emails in order to prove you wrong.

Without breaking forum rules, the only thing I can add to what Simon has already told you is that the explanation in great detail was fairly recent.

You can discuss this privately and ask for a reminder by clicking this link: UKAdmin@Truck.Net.