WAG'S in Trucks?

Harry Monk:

its nice to have company,but I would not take anyone in the cab,a driver in a company I worked for years ago regularly took his eight year old son with him,we worked 4 on 4 off which obviously covered weekends,so he came back to the depot one day came onto a roundabout near our place and rolled the motor straight onto crash barriers,the whole passenger side was totalled,if he had his son with him that day his son would not be here anymore,very lucky his son stayed home that day,when I said that to him he agreed with me

My boy went all over Europe with me when he was that age. Following your logic, you would never take your kids go-karting, clay pigeon shooting, you;d never even let them go on a swing or a slide, you’d just wrap them up in cotton wool and keep them indoors.

You’re spot on Harry, My eldest son travelled a lot with Me when He was that age and younger, sadly My daughter and younger son are unlikely to get that experience, as most firms don’t allow it any more :unamused:

ps…the above is only relevant if your wanting peace from your woman… personally my misses is dropdead gorgeous,hence I kidnap her every available opperchancity…its highly entertaining for us watching all the dudes trying not to get caught staring when were out and about… :smiling_imp:

Some of us don’t care if we are caught out…
If you flaunt it…

in addition to dipper daves post,if for any reason you don’t want to have them offering to ride shotgun again,then always…
eat in some choke n puke vile poxhole similar to watling st or the hollies,and say they are the best of a bad lot…if your on the ferry and have smuggled them in the cab,then make them hide there for the crossing so we don’t all get arrested,make sure you’ve no time to stop for a pee as you wont make your tip within the 4 and 1/2…make sure your “other phone” is switched off,and well hidden…make sure the night heater is broken…spend your night next to a couple of fridges ,with the option of rat watching when going for a pee…,…and if theres the slightest possibility of doing something like this youtube.com/watch?v=AWfA-nxVHnM please do so and let us know the result… :laughing:

Haha, thats bloody cruel! Ill remember that one :smiley:

ps…the above is only relevant if your wanting peace from your woman… personally my misses is dropdead gorgeous,hence I kidnap her every available opperchancity…its highly entertaining for us watching all the dudes trying not to get caught staring when were out and about… :smiling_imp:

This post is useless without pics :wink:

Harry Monk:
A long time ago now but my then girlfriend went all over Europe with me.

nice old wagon

eddie snax:

Harry Monk:

its nice to have company,but I would not take anyone in the cab,a driver in a company I worked for years ago regularly took his eight year old son with him,we worked 4 on 4 off which obviously covered weekends,so he came back to the depot one day came onto a roundabout near our place and rolled the motor straight onto crash barriers,the whole passenger side was totalled,if he had his son with him that day his son would not be here anymore,very lucky his son stayed home that day,when I said that to him he agreed with me

My boy went all over Europe with me when he was that age. Following your logic, you would never take your kids go-karting, clay pigeon shooting, you;d never even let them go on a swing or a slide, you’d just wrap them up in cotton wool and keep them indoors.

You’re spot on Harry, My eldest son travelled a lot with Me when He was that age and younger, sadly My daughter and younger son are unlikely to get that experience, as most firms don’t allow it any more :unamused:

I realise what you are saying,i was just saying[although explaining it the long way round] that particular day he was lucky his son was not with him,i myself went with my dad when he was a driver and enjoyed every minute.i just think nowdays I would not take any passengers with me

How about passengers in your car?


eddie snax:

Harry Monk:

its nice to have company,but I would not take anyone in the cab,a driver in a company I worked for years ago regularly took his eight year old son with him,we worked 4 on 4 off which obviously covered weekends,so he came back to the depot one day came onto a roundabout near our place and rolled the motor straight onto crash barriers,the whole passenger side was totalled,if he had his son with him that day his son would not be here anymore,very lucky his son stayed home that day,when I said that to him he agreed with me

My boy went all over Europe with me when he was that age. Following your logic, you would never take your kids go-karting, clay pigeon shooting, you;d never even let them go on a swing or a slide, you’d just wrap them up in cotton wool and keep them indoors.

You’re spot on Harry, My eldest son travelled a lot with Me when He was that age and younger, sadly My daughter and younger son are unlikely to get that experience, as most firms don’t allow it any more :unamused:

I realise what you are saying,i was just saying[although explaining it the long way round] that particular day he was lucky his son was not with him,i myself went with my dad when he was a driver and enjoyed every minute.i just think nowdays I would not take any passengers with me

Its funny how are(societies) attitudes to risk change, when we were kids, and muckles can confirm this, we used to ride about in the back off our Mums Bedford van on loose cushions. but I wouldn’t dream off my kids being in our car unrestrained, though My son used to be roaming around the cab when he travelled with me, as those trucks didn’t have seat belts fitted :wink:

I went out lots with t’other half before I got my license. Now if he has a night off, he sometimes comes out with me! I love it, he’s my best mate, fellow truckist, newbie helper and we always have a right good laugh :smiley:

eddie snax:


eddie snax:

Harry Monk:

its nice to have company,but I would not take anyone in the cab,a driver in a company I worked for years ago regularly took his eight year old son with him,we worked 4 on 4 off which obviously covered weekends,so he came back to the depot one day came onto a roundabout near our place and rolled the motor straight onto crash barriers,the whole passenger side was totalled,if he had his son with him that day his son would not be here anymore,very lucky his son stayed home that day,when I said that to him he agreed with me

My boy went all over Europe with me when he was that age. Following your logic, you would never take your kids go-karting, clay pigeon shooting, you;d never even let them go on a swing or a slide, you’d just wrap them up in cotton wool and keep them indoors.

You’re spot on Harry, My eldest son travelled a lot with Me when He was that age and younger, sadly My daughter and younger son are unlikely to get that experience, as most firms don’t allow it any more :unamused:

I realise what you are saying,i was just saying[although explaining it the long way round] that particular day he was lucky his son was not with him,i myself went with my dad when he was a driver and enjoyed every minute.i just think nowdays I would not take any passengers with me

Its funny how are(societies) attitudes to risk change, when we were kids, and muckles can confirm this, we used to ride about in the back off our Mums Bedford van on loose cushions. but I wouldn’t dream off my kids being in our car unrestrained, though My son used to be roaming around the cab when he travelled with me, as those trucks didn’t have seat belts fitted :wink:

I’m lucky in the fact I can take passengers with me.
School holidays when I was a kid my dad weren’t driving anymore but I used to go in with him and if a driver was going local I used to go with him.
I used to wash wagons and generally play at been a man :smiley: .
Can’t wait to be able to take my little girl with me for a day,if she wants to of course :wink:

You see loads of couples out on the road over here or a lot of them run ‘super single’ or team driving.

I went out lots with t’other half before I got my license. Now if he has a night off, he sometimes comes out with me! I love it, he’s my best mate, fellow truckist, newbie helper and we always have a right good laugh :smiley:

Nice to get a lady truckers perspective. My other half is my best mate too. Would still try and get her to do a bit of cleaning though … :slight_smile:

My wife and I actually got married whilst she was out on a trip with me.

We had been living together for years, even emigrated to Canada, but we’d never tied the knot.

She came out on a trip to California and we had a day bobtailing around Hollywood while we waited for the reload. On the way home we stopped in Vegas for the night, got ■■■■■■ and got married. I was wearing a “I’m the Stig’s fat cousin” tshirt’ she had her Daisy Duke outfit on (it was May and hot as hell)

The marriage was consumated on a slip road of the I-15 just across the Arizona/Utah state line.

^^^^ ah bless, and who says romance is dead? :smiley: :smiley:


I went out lots with t’other half before I got my license. Now if he has a night off, he sometimes comes out with me! I love it, he’s my best mate, fellow truckist, newbie helper and we always have a right good laugh :smiley:

Nice to get a lady truckers perspective. My other half is my best mate too. Would still try and get her to do a bit of cleaning though … :slight_smile:

:laughing: Ooooh get them Marigolds on the chrimbo list! :grimacing:

the maoster:
^^^^ ah bless, and who says romance is dead? :smiley: :smiley:

Chivalry is my middle name :laughing:

When my daughter was a teenager she used to come with me on day trips. It was always a laugh to see the different reactions from the forkies when there was an attractive girl around. There was a place we went to in Milton Keynes and they used to whizz around doing drifts and generally showing off, until they were seen by the boss.

When my daughter was a teenager she used to come with me on day trips. It was always a laugh to see the different reactions from the forkies when there was an attractive girl around. There was a place we went to in Milton Keynes and they used to whizz around doing drifts and generally showing off, until they were seen by the boss.

Aye they say ugly bull pretty calf :wink: :wink:

Taken both my kids at different times although only on day runs dont have a man around so cant take him

Well my girlfriend came with me today and she loves the XF105 I drive now, apparently “much better than the Axor” :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: