WAG'S in Trucks?

Took my now missus on a trip around Essex and had a night out parked up on The Hythe Colchester.
Had a pint or two in the Spinacker?
Must have impressed her in that F6 sleeper,23 years later we are still together.
(Me and the missus,not the F6) that is.

None of you go to work to get away from the Doris?

Took my wife out a few times but never had the CB switched on.

She used to ask why and I said it was full of idiots and I only used it to get directions :wink:

mine wouldn’t entertain the idea after all there’s no where to plug her hair straighteners in

My wife has her class 1. We have been all over Europe together. Handy being able to do Caen to Barcelona in 1 hit!

My wife travelled quite a few times with me, mostly when we were first married, I was 21 and newly qualified class1 driver and she was 19. When the kids came along a few years later, we all went out for a few days at a time around the UK, the kids top’n’tail on the top bunk overnight and the wife and I on the bottom bunk, crowded, but fun being all together.
She has also done few trips to France, Holland and Belgium with me in the past and was a dab hand at map navigation.

in addition to dipper daves post,if for any reason you don’t want to have them offering to ride shotgun again,then always…
eat in some choke n puke vile poxhole similar to watling st or the hollies,and say they are the best of a bad lot…if your on the ferry and have smuggled them in the cab,then make them hide there for the crossing so we don’t all get arrested,make sure you’ve no time to stop for a pee as you wont make your tip within the 4 and 1/2…make sure your “other phone” is switched off,and well hidden…make sure the night heater is broken…spend your night next to a couple of fridges ,with the option of rat watching when going for a pee…,…and if theres the slightest possibility of doing something like this youtube.com/watch?v=AWfA-nxVHnM please do so and let us know the result… :laughing:

ps…the above is only relevant if your wanting peace from your woman… personally my misses is dropdead gorgeous,hence I kidnap her every available opperchancity…its highly entertaining for us watching all the dudes trying not to get caught staring when were out and about… :smiling_imp:

Took my now missus on a trip around Essex and had a night out parked up on The Hythe Colchester.
Had a pint or two in the Spinacker?
Must have impressed her in that F6 sleeper,23 years later we are still together.
(Me and the missus,not the F6) that is.

Yep the benefits off the club 4 cab, you have to get very close, as there is nowhere else to go, My Mrs (then girlfriend) was impressed by the room(lack off) in the Renault G290 :wink:


Dan Punchard:
I strayed onto a newly laid piece of mat that wasn’t coned off!

Hmm thought you were going somewhere else with that comment… :laughing:

Took my girlfriend (now wife) and a pair of coils up to Brum one night, she objected to me smoking a splif on the way home and that was the end of it.

Oh my gosh, ‘what about the children’

I used to take her with me quite often when we were younger. Really enjoyed it to be honest. Even let her drive one night coming home, she loved it.
Things have changed now though, different jobs and such, sadly not a possibility anymore

A long time ago now but my then girlfriend went all over Europe with me.

its nice to have company,but I would not take anyone in the cab,a driver in a company I worked for years ago regularly took his eight year old son with him,we worked 4 on 4 off which obviously covered weekends,so he came back to the depot one day came onto a roundabout near our place and rolled the motor straight onto crash barriers,the whole passenger side was totalled,if he had his son with him that day his son would not be here anymore,very lucky his son stayed home that day,when I said that to him he agreed with me

Used to sneak my girlfriend with me at night with a certain supermarket… :wink:

its nice to have company,but I would not take anyone in the cab,a driver in a company I worked for years ago regularly took his eight year old son with him,we worked 4 on 4 off which obviously covered weekends,so he came back to the depot one day came onto a roundabout near our place and rolled the motor straight onto crash barriers,the whole passenger side was totalled,if he had his son with him that day his son would not be here anymore,very lucky his son stayed home that day,when I said that to him he agreed with me

My boy went all over Europe with me when he was that age. Following your logic, you would never take your kids go-karting, clay pigeon shooting, you;d never even let them go on a swing or a slide, you’d just wrap them up in cotton wool and keep them indoors.

Im lucky enough to have worked for family firms all my career before going O/D so both my kids have spent every summer holiday in the truck with me from them being 5yrs old, i even had them doing a bit of second man work on long loads once they got to about 14, my lads 23 now and in the RAF and still comes for the odd ride out if he.s at a loose end, the other week my missus and grandson came for a day out with me , i.ve never known anything different

Your not wrong Harry, my lad loves coming out with me, but due to insurance he ain’t allowed any more :frowning:
The way I look at it is, he’s my boy, my risk.

Harry Monk:
A long time ago now but my then girlfriend went all over Europe with me.

Nice photo.
What did she look like ?