WAG'S in Trucks?

I was just wondering if any of you would ever consider (or already do) taking your other halfs with you on a trip or two.

Now the reason I ask is because the other day I was delivering in West Thurrock and one of our EE cousins turned up with what can only be described as a tasty bit of clunge on board. I did the usual English thing of saying ‘Hello’ only to be greated in retun with ‘GPS crap’ which may have been the only two words he knew but as a general driver to driver greating it was a good one as we have all know doubt have listened to the Sat Nav against our better judgement.

Anyway whilst sitting on the bay I noticed said EE cousin chatting to a fellow colleague in what I presume was some sort of made up language they both shared whilst his missus cleaned the truck.

This fascinated me (especially when she bent over the bed to do a little dusting) and made me think to myself would I bring er-in-doors out for an adventure or two. Now I suppose I would for one night out and maybe to spruce the cab up a bit but any more than that and the novelty would wear off.

So ladies and gentleman have you ever took your partner out for a drive and would you do so given the chance…

Loads of times, theres an irish motor delivers to drum ind est in Birtley and a few times i.ve seen a blonde with him, they get out and walk down to the snack bar and she had an indecently short skirt on both times i.ve sèen them, saw a fridge motor years ago on the M20 as well and the lady passenger had het feet up on the dash with the full compliment of stockings and sussies clearly on show. I.d never get anything done if my missus was sat there like that :smiley:

What,you’re supposed to take your missus■■

But where do you keep the tasty blond??

On the odd times I’ve taken mine I have noticed how peoples manners change at points of delivery !

nodding donkey:
What,you’re supposed to take your missus■■

But where do you keep the tasty blond??

In the side locker :laughing:

Course theres also the side story of those of us who have a lady in every port (oh alright maybe a ‘knock off’ somewhere) that maybe unable to take the missus due to possible complications.

Sure this doens’t happen and is just a myth, that said tramping has made me consider having another ehhh source of release somewhere.

Dan Punchard:
On the odd times I’ve taken mine I have noticed how peoples manners change at points of delivery !

Now this I can understand, not that my wife is threatening or anything but she has been a calming influence on occasion as men folk have a built in compliance factor when greated with the female of the species.

Dan Punchard:
On the odd times I’ve taken mine I have noticed how peoples manners change at points of delivery !

Haha, agreed there Dan, I took mine once when we were surfacing the A1 near Newark and I strayed onto a newly laid piece of mat that wasn’t coned off! :blush: Ganger came to the door red faced and all guns blazing, I was expecting a ban, he opened the door and spotted the missus and just told me to be more careful next time. :slight_smile:


Dan Punchard:
On the odd times I’ve taken mine I have noticed how peoples manners change at points of delivery !

Yes your right there dan,iv noticed it too.
My mrs used to like travelling with me but the money we spent when I parked up was mental.
She also used to comment as to why I don’t clean the house like I do my cab. :smiley:
Quite enjoyed the company but at end of day I like been alone at work.

The bad bit is when they go routing in the cab when your out !!!

Why would you… :wink:

Dan Punchard:
The bad bit is when they go routing in the cab when your out !!!

Yes… so I think a few precautions are needed when taking the other half:

  1. Ensure your ‘drivers sock’ is hidden away
  2. Make sure your rubbish bag is clean and free of used / suspiciously stuck together wetwipes
  3. Any tablets / pc’s etc have their web history wiped
  4. Make sure your mates know the missus may be on board so as not to drop you in it on hands free… However some may do this anyway knowing your wife is on board.
  5. Clean sheets (even if you have to buy new- but make sure they don’t look new)
  6. Keep telling your partner how great it is to have company as its horrible being alone etc.
  7. There are no female truck drivers- this is a myth used by Ice road Truckers to get viewers.
  8. Don’t stop at any truckstops where the female staff may know your name or recognise you.

Would love to have my Mrs come out with me, but she’s terrified of heights and won’t get up in the cab. Kids and mother in law have been out with me though. Took my dad on a run once, he couldn’t quite believe the luxury of the cab compared to his old 141


Dan Punchard:
The bad bit is when they go routing in the cab when your out !!!

Yes… so I think a few precautions are needed when taking the other half:

  1. Ensure your ‘drivers sock’ is hidden away
  2. Make sure your rubbish bag is clean and free of used / suspiciously stuck together wetwipes
  3. Any tablets / pc’s etc have their web history wiped
  4. Make sure your mates know the missus may be on board so as not to drop you in it on hands free… However some may do this anyway knowing your wife is on board.
  5. Clean sheets (even if you have to buy new- but make sure they don’t look new)
  6. Keep telling your partner how great it is to have company as its horrible being alone etc.
  7. There are no female truck drivers- this is a myth used by Ice road Truckers to get viewers.
  8. Don’t stop at any truckstops where the female staff may know your name or recognise you.

Iam laughing .

but she’s terrified of heights and won’t get up in the cab.

Let my other half climb up onto the HIAB platform once, couldn’t get down again. Took about 10 minutes of convincing her to turn around and climb down backwards, shaking like a leaf, so funny :wink:

Id love to take my mrs with me ,just to watch her have a crap/wee/do lady things under the trailer of a morning :unamused:

My wife and i worked for 12 years together as a pair all over Europé,Russia and ME.It was the best time of my driving career.We were treated better generally,took the time to visit different sites of interest and had better meals together.Also we avoided all the hassle of driving times and tacho problems.

So ladies and gentleman have you ever took your partner out for a drive and would you do so given the chance…

Probably like a lot of drivers I’d like to take “her who must be obeyed” along for a jaunt but my company won’t allow it and almost certainly would be disciplined or sacked, shame really because she is desperate to go on a trip with me too.

Dan Punchard:


Dan Punchard:
The bad bit is when they go routing in the cab when your out !!!

Yes… so I think a few precautions are needed when taking the other half:

  1. Ensure your ‘drivers sock’ is hidden away
  2. Make sure your rubbish bag is clean and free of used / suspiciously stuck together wetwipes
  3. Any tablets / pc’s etc have their web history wiped
  4. Make sure your mates know the missus may be on board so as not to drop you in it on hands free… However some may do this anyway knowing your wife is on board.
  5. Clean sheets (even if you have to buy new- but make sure they don’t look new)
  6. Keep telling your partner how great it is to have company as its horrible being alone etc.
  7. There are no female truck drivers- this is a myth used by Ice road Truckers to get viewers.
  8. Don’t stop at any truckstops where the female staff may know your name or recognise you.

Iam laughing .

Me too:lol::lol:

So ladies and gentleman have you ever took your partner out for a drive and would you do so given the chance…

Done it a few times in the past, never again:!:

Why would you… :wink:

Exactly, I go to work to escape:grin:

Dan Punchard:


Dan Punchard:
The bad bit is when they go routing in the cab when your out !!!

Yes… so I think a few precautions are needed when taking the other half:

  1. Ensure your ‘drivers sock’ is hidden away
  2. Make sure your rubbish bag is clean and free of used / suspiciously stuck together wetwipes
  3. Any tablets / pc’s etc have their web history wiped
  4. Make sure your mates know the missus may be on board so as not to drop you in it on hands free… However some may do this anyway knowing your wife is on board.
  5. Clean sheets (even if you have to buy new- but make sure they don’t look new)
  6. Keep telling your partner how great it is to have company as its horrible being alone etc.
  7. There are no female truck drivers- this is a myth used by Ice road Truckers to get viewers.
  8. Don’t stop at any truckstops where the female staff may know your name or recognise you.

Iam laughing .

So am I :laughing:

My Mrs has been 3 times, once before we got married in 95, that was for a week. then for another week in 96, when I got the turboliner, and last time was for 2 days in 01,along with our 4 yr old son. :wink:

She would love to go again, but alas it seems to be not allowed at most firms these days.