WAG'S in Trucks?

Well my girlfriend came with me today

Always nice when that happens, I normally beat mine to it. :stuck_out_tongue:

My girlfriend (now wife) took a month off work to come with me on a trip, Bicester-Bosnia, Bosnia-High Wycombe, High Wycombe-Kosovo Italy home. She got her 1st ever stamps in passport, helped me change a super single in the middle of Greece in the summer. A tour of the army camps (she especially enjoyed watching the squaddies, hmmm) a cracking tan, a tour of Venice and a lovely cruise across the Adriatic. Youngy had booked her as 2nd driver so nowt to pay. She did a few Italy’s with me before I left Youngy’s. Steph’s last trip was while she was pregnant and I was at Punchards, logs to Italy tiles back. Was weekended in Carisio which was the last weekend I had there. We had a couple of drivers at Mark Young’s who regularly had their other half’s with them.


ps…the above is only relevant if your wanting peace from your woman… personally my misses is dropdead gorgeous,hence I kidnap her every available opperchancity…its highly entertaining for us watching all the dudes trying not to get caught staring when were out and about… :smiling_imp:

This post is useless without pics :wink:

theres a couple of her on this topic…perve away… :smiley:



ps…the above is only relevant if your wanting peace from your woman… personally my misses is dropdead gorgeous,hence I kidnap her every available opperchancity…its highly entertaining for us watching all the dudes trying not to get caught staring when were out and about… :smiling_imp:

Some of us don’t care if we are caught out…
If you flaunt it…

as above…she likes flaunting… :smiley: viewtopic.php?f=15&t=119017 theres no fun in being shy

I took my now wife in the truck the other year right after we got engaged. We had a cracking trip across the continent from New Brunswick in Canada to Idaho in the US. Had a day and a half off there and hired a car and toured Yellowstone National Park which was pretty spectacular, especially when you can slowly drive by Bison that are having a jaunt down the road and are close enough to reach out and touch etc. She was bored with the getting there and back and the relentlessness of doing over a 1000km a day, for days on end but enjoyed the destination. I pushed it hard for the first few days as it was boring scenery with nothing to do, but the last day going through Wyoming, Utah and Idaho offered lots of chances to stop and have a look around things and we had all the time in the world to do as the the trip had being cracked by that point. Wives and kids in trucks in North America is still largely a done thing like it was back in the UK when I grew up with it going with my dad during the 90s. Sadly Britain isn’t the place it once was and is far too namby pamby these days.