
No need Mike…We know who it is! :wink:


asking a valid question and making a comment that doesn’t agree with mikec and he is rude in his answer so he is def off my christmas card list. :sunglasses:
seems some folk can say what they want ond others can’t,must mean im not in “the club”. :unamused:
no worries then.

What are you talking about ? You said its not for you, you said non truck drivers should not be able to slag truck drivers off. To be honest it all reads like a childs spat.What did i say that was rude to you ? I’m still trying to get my head round it, i reckon you’d all been drinking last night. I’m just trying to get my mindset into it…lets see…i know :exclamation: i’m gonna post and ask why everyones slagging us lorry drivers off and can we stop it !!! Then a fella who’s named himself after a turd says along the lines of yeah, anyone can post here there’s no criteria !!!
I’m gonna roll a big spliff and then have a re read of it and see how it all looks again :laughing:

ooopss thought i could say what i like on here.and nope wasn’t drinking last night cos i was driving this morning so dont drink the night before.
seems i cant really :unamused:

I found something funny and added a smiley. Because the “Admin” didn’t like it…It never appeared. Give but can’t take!

Hi bigvern1,

I’ve also had a look for your missing smiley, but I was unsuccessful. :frowning:

The only suggestion I can come up with is that it may simply have gone missing in the ether for the same reason that sometimes a post can be unintentionally duplicated by the person posting it.

:bulb: Maybe you could try posting it again? :smiley:

Not that big a deal TBH. Just someone being petty. Even though the reason I was pre-modded in the 1st place has nowt to do with Trucknet. :laughing:

I happen to agree with the OP.

RoadsRat does seem to have a very poor opinion of drivers and has been offensive and demeaning on a few occasions.

I don’t think its a blanket-wide critique of TN policy on registrations though, more a question on whether some high and mighty bullied at school jobsworth copper should be allowed to spend his time on here denigrating other members in order to make himself feel more important.

I’m sure the staff will have read such posts and I’m sure if it oversteps the line then the appropriate action will be taken. I’d just like to strengthen the depth of feeling that some members are somewhat less than compassionate toward the professional drivers that this forum aims to support.

Also - I’m not going to walk as Mike suggests - I like the place. I just don’t like wise-■■■ coppers who are never not in work.

Ian G:
I happen to agree with the OP.

RoadsRat does seem to have a very poor opinion of drivers and has been offensive and demeaning on a few occasions.

I don’t think its a blanket-wide critique of TN policy on registrations though, more a question on whether some high and mighty bullied at school jobsworth copper should be allowed to spend his time on here denigrating other members in order to make himself feel more important.

I’m sure the staff will have read such posts and I’m sure if it oversteps the line then the appropriate action will be taken. I’d just like to strengthen the depth of feeling that some members are somewhat less than compassionate toward the professional drivers that this forum aims to support.

Also - I’m not going to walk as Mike suggests - I like the place. I just don’t like wise-■■■ coppers who are never not in work.

spot on
trucknet is a good place to learn and teach,it’s also a good place for banter and to get up to date info. shame some come on here a try and tell a truck driver how to do his/her job when they have less experience or have never actually driven a truck or coped with load/derv theft.
Been on the road 43 years and will still learn from a newish driver no problem but not from some one who has never driven a truck or done the job.
As for mikec and his comment, i dont really care he is only a mod not a god but is entitled to his opinion same as us all.

I think the so called policeman is slowly being sussed.Two good posts by Ian G and Gezt above.None of the moderators have ever done anything either for or against me,and that’s the way I like it.This may be slightly OT ,sorry :blush: but it doesn’t seem right to me when long standing members post what seems to be a fair and valid point/criticism,call it what you will,the standard response is ‘If you don’t like it,go elsewhere’ or similar.Not very constructive!

I’m just a lowly womble and have been on here for quite a while. I never get into slanging matches as its not worth it. I mod on a police forum, I’m not a copper, I mod on a wagon drivers forum, I’ve never driven a wagon. I mod on a Reliant forum, I’ve never owned a Reliant. Just because I’m not a wagon driver, it shouldn’t bar me from the site, I interact with you guys on a daily basis. :wink:

The Highway Man:
I’m just a lowly womble and have been on here for quite a while. I never get into slanging matches as its not worth it. I mod on a police forum, I’m not a copper, I mod on a wagon drivers forum, I’ve never driven a wagon. I mod on a Reliant forum, I’ve never owned a Reliant. Just because I’m not a wagon driver, it shouldn’t bar me from the site, I interact with you guys on a daily basis. :wink:

But you don’t come on here telling us how to drive a wagon or slagging lorry drivers off so fair play to you.

Life’s too short to get stressed out over words on a computer screen. :wink:

The Highway Man:
Life’s too short to get stressed out over words on a computer screen. :wink:

+1 :wink: :grimacing:
I don’t have the luxury of being able to use the friend/foe feature- so just try to let those comments that are trying to get a raise outta me/ anyone wash over me. and move onto to something more interesting.

If you are paid to drive, you are a “Professional” driver and as suitable to post as the next bloke.

I am paid to drive , although I dont consider the job title “Professional” suitable , its just a job that anyone can do after paying whatever it is nowadays to get a licence . Some do it good some not so good but “Professional Driver” is stretching it abit ! :wink:

Being paid to drive, is different to being able to drive. :wink:

Correct me if i am wrong (which i frequently am) but i thought when i joined this forum called “trucknet” it was about lorry drivers posting topics/help requests etc to aid each other.
it seems that anyone not a lorry driver can join and tear us to shreds ,not knowing what we have to do each day.
Surely there should be a criteria that requires membership one of which should be to be able to drive a truck or in the process of learning .
recent issues are "mickeyblue (now he is a truck driver/failed cop so he wears both hats but blue one more) and someone called rat, one is a failed policeman and one seems to be a policeman who’s intent is to screw lorry drivers whichever way he can.
How can a forum thats supposedly dedicated to lives of lorry driver allow this.
I know its a free country and allows free speech but would admin allow alquieda (spelling) to do the same thing on here.
sorry but



Sounds a bit like the e.u. let anyone in.

ok now 6 days since i touched alcohol and never done a spliff or any other drug ,so for those that have misunderstood my post either by accident or on purpose i will try and explain it in english again.

not sure where i say i want to leave but “DOESN’T SEEM TO WORK FOR ME” implies/means that if i go on any forum especially one that is dedicated to a particular topic which i either have no knowledge about or just want to cause trouble etc the i would expect at least a word or two of a mod.
sewing forums implies they are for people who sew or may be interested in starting that hobby.etc etc so i would not go on there just to wind others up and would not be allowed to i think.

I posted the original to encourage debate ,as a forum is used for that purpose, i didn’t expect to be advised to leave the forum membership because of my post.
If it had been offensive or against forum rule i would have expected and accepted some sort of warning.
It was not and non was forthcoming.
all i got for my efforts was
Hi Gezt, if its not floating your boat then get off. Thats exactly what i’d do." from the “big” mikec
sorry but not a response that would credit any mod on any forum.

mods on other forums do try and explain when a question is posed if/why such a question has caused a problem and i have def never seen that response before.
it appears (and correct me if i am wrong) that a fairly long standing member on here can not ask that sort of question but a newish member can come on here and slag this community off with no problem. :confused:
no worries i suppose , unless i get banned i will be here for awhile yet :slight_smile: so put up with it mikec or block me so you dont have to read my posts. (pity but we mortals cannot block a mods post) :unamused:

The thread was removed because it descended into personal attacks. neither I or the volunteer moderators as yet have had time to go into the thread and edit it to remove the obnoxious comments. if/when we do the sanitised version may reappear.

gezt in response to your thoughts, TruckNet Uk is not a happy/clappy club where we all spend our time telling each other how great we are :wink: _ it is an open discussion forum where anyone with an interest can sign up and join in- and some comments will upset some people, but as long as comments are within the rules they are allowed , so yes people can come here and give our industry a hard time, you can either spit your dummy out or respond to their comments in a manner which shows just how reliant the nation is on truck drivers- either way as long as you and they post within the guidelines then the posts will remain. there is a lot of content on here that I personally disagree with, but it breaks no rules- so it stays.

Unless of course your asking that we censor anything that is critical of our oh so perfect industry, and all the members of it who never do anything wrong? - which we could do but seeing as how many people already think we are the Stasi of trucking internet forums I doubt with most folks that would go down to well

So in direct answer anyone who takes the time to register on a truck related forum is entitled to put forward their view, good or bad, I would guess that any one not in the industry would have a good reason to do so.

so put up with it mikec or block me so you dont have to read my posts. (pity but we mortals cannot block a mods post) :unamused:

Put up with what?

well something is wrong because even after mine and your answer it the thread lingers on page 3 and not moving up pages as others are. if it’s been removed why can i still see it and reply to it.


so put up with it mikec or block me so you dont have to read my posts. (pity but we mortals cannot block a mods post) :unamused:

Put up with what?

me asking questios and posting topics is all. :unamused:



so put up with it mikec or block me so you dont have to read my posts. (pity but we mortals cannot block a mods post) :unamused:

Put up with what?

me asking questios and posting topics is all. :unamused:

I’ve not stopped you or infered you shouldn’t ask or post. I just told you exactly what i would do if posters, as you describe above, where doing my head in and i felt the need to question if others should be here. Did you think everyone was going to agree with you or something and say…“yeah lets get rid of them, you’re right Gezt”?
Actually don’t answer that, i give up. You’re right, coppers or ex coppers shouldn’t be allowed here. Hows that.

i reckon you’d all been drinking last night. I’m just trying to get my mindset into it…lets see…i know i’m gonna post and ask why everyones slagging us lorry drivers off and can we stop it !

thats what you infered mikec and that from a mod seems uncalled for.
as for your advice
“Hi Gezt, if its not floating your boat then get off. Thats exactly what i’d do.”

again not something i would expect from a mod

I was not drinking that night and i did expect some debate not the above quotes.certainly not that sort of sarcastic response from a mod.

never mind i will take extra care when posting so that they cannot be misconstrued .
end of discussion with you as far as i am concerned, now and in the future. :neutral_face: