
You’re misreading my posts… Where have I said that there should should be a criteria for membership? I merely asked the question, ‘how does Admin police the criteria for entry’? What I find to be an interesting concept, however, is the correlation between being named after a turd to thinking there may be credence in a criteria for membership? Neither are related so I don’t understand your argument, it’s illogical!

This tells me that you think there should be a criteria…

‘Gezt’ has a valid point but how can Admin tell if a person who applies for membership is a lorry driver or not? My 85 year old next-door neighbour could apply for membership and say ‘I’m a lorry driver’ just as eloquently as I can say ‘I’m a lorry driver’!

Is gezt not having a go at other posters and mike is rude. lol

Don`t care either way but somebody that can laugh at themselves is taking this thread a little to seriously and getting a severe drubbing.

Its handbags so I might as well comment for a laugh.


You’re misreading my posts… Where have I said that there should should be a criteria for membership? I merely asked the question, ‘how does Admin police the criteria for entry’? What I find to be an interesting concept, however, is the correlation between being named after a turd to thinking there may be credence in a criteria for membership? Neither are related so I don’t understand your argument, it’s illogical!

This tells me that you think there should be a criteria…

‘Gezt’ has a valid point but how can Admin tell if a person who applies for membership is a lorry driver or not? My 85 year old next-door neighbour could apply for membership and say ‘I’m a lorry driver’ just as eloquently as I can say ‘I’m a lorry driver’!

I fail to see how… ‘Gezt’ has a valid point in the sense that he’s brought a constructive argument to the forum. Instead, he was shot down by a Moderator with an axe to grind! My 85 year old neighbour was simply being used as an example. It’s unlikely an 85 year old would still be driving lorries but how can Admin tell the difference between someone who can drive lorries and someone who can’t? Therefore, how can Admin police the criteria for entry? How does that tell you that I think there should be a criteria?

Pulling teeth would be less painful…!

The criteria for becoming a member is quite simple, - register, and unless we find out your a banned or premodded member using another username your free to post, we assume that if you registered on a forum about UK road haulage you either are in the industry or have some sort of interest in it, of course their are some sad folks that register on every forum going to try to disrupt (remember our old mate Baptista anyone ? :wink: ) but they usually quite quickly overstep the mark and lose posting rights.



You’re misreading my posts… Where have I said that there should should be a criteria for membership? I merely asked the question, ‘how does Admin police the criteria for entry’? What I find to be an interesting concept, however, is the correlation between being named after a turd to thinking there may be credence in a criteria for membership? Neither are related so I don’t understand your argument, it’s illogical!

This tells me that you think there should be a criteria…

‘Gezt’ has a valid point but how can Admin tell if a person who applies for membership is a lorry driver or not? My 85 year old next-door neighbour could apply for membership and say ‘I’m a lorry driver’ just as eloquently as I can say ‘I’m a lorry driver’!

I fail to see how… ‘Gezt’ has a valid point in the sense that he’s brought a constructive argument to the forum. Instead, he was shot down by a Moderator with an axe to grind! My 85 year old neighbour was simply being used as an example. It’s unlikely an 85 year old would still be driving lorries but how can Admin tell the difference between someone who can drive lorries and someone who can’t? Therefore, how can Admin police the criteria for entry? How does that tell you that I think there should be a criteria?

Pulling teeth would be less painful…!

There is no criteria for entry to the forum other than an adherance to the rules of the forum. Do you think there should be ? I got the idea you did, for the avoidance of doubt, whats your stance on it ?

Instead, he was shot down by a Moderator with an axe to grind!

Not at all Mike may not be as diplomatic as some others folks on here, but he posted within the rules, and moderators are members too ,and entitled to an opinion, They just with a few more buttons than you. You asked he gave a valid reply, fail to see your problem except you didn’t like what he said. My reply to you covers all that Mikes said, the only difference is I am expected to be Diplomatic in my responses, Mike doesn’t have to be, and to be frank his “honesty” gives these forums some of its charm :slight_smile: :wink: :wink: :wink: :wink: :smiling_imp:

“Honesty”■■? Just being a rude plank really, now that is honesty …

Rikki, do you know what? I can’t be bothered… Do you see the avatar to the left? It’s how I’m feeling right at this moment. I suggest you delete my account immediately before I become as rude and as hostile as Mike-C!

Ahem we don’t delete accounts, if you don’t wish to use the site then simply don’t visit, you asked a question and didn’t like the replies, then you have the choice to decide whether to use the site or not, it entirely up to you. As long as people post within the rules and guidelines then their opinion stands whether you agree or not, its called discussion.


I found something funny and added a smiley. Because the “Admin” didn’t like it…It never appeared. Give but can’t take!

■■■■ me, I woke up with a hangover. A full blown red wine hangover. But its gone now. Thanks guys. :slight_smile:

asking a valid question and making a comment that doesn’t agree with mikec and he is rude in his answer so he is def off my christmas card list. :sunglasses:
seems some folk can say what they want ond others can’t,must mean im not in “the club”. :unamused:
no worries then.

I found something funny and added a smiley. Because the “Admin” didn’t like it…It never appeared. Give but can’t take!

spot on,admin should rename themselves as elitists :slight_smile:

Only 1 has a beef with me, as far as I can see! :wink:

Wow. Have to agree that attitude isn’t really needed.

It seems to be a fact of life now to criticise rather than co-operate, not just a forum thing, a life thing.

It seems to be a fact of life now to criticise rather than co-operate, not just a forum thing, a life thing.

Very definitely +1

At the risk of getting battered by many and various keyboards :smiley: :wink: , here’s my take on it… I am neither lorry driver or training to be one… I am an ex driver, drove artics then rigid tippers for years but saw the light and came off the road over 13 years ago. I have been interested in lorries ever since I can remember and that hasn’t diminished in 40 years…so…

…why shouldn’t I be allowed to join the site? I don’t slate you guys or the job because I’ve done it and know how (some of…) it works. I have a valid opinion - as does everyone else - and am not afraid to air it but I don’t go out of my way to stir up trouble or provoke a reaction. There seems to be a few trolls on here but they also seem to be current lorry drivers! I’m sure we all know the regular Rubbish Spouters… I have a couple on my Ignore list and don’t bother to rise to the other’s baiting - because that’s all it is!! :smiley: :wink:

Yes Rikki, I remember Batista - not too many have reached the dizzy heights of Supreme Arse as quickly as he did but it ain’t for the want of trying :unamused:

While I agree that MikeC could have been a little more tactful, I actually agree with his point of view… In my limited experience, he has always come across as very blunt and a little sarcastic but once I knew that, I learnt to accept it and then learnt to look beyond the comment and understand the real meaning behind it…

Mickeyblue is ok. He’s had a lot of stick - justifiably or not - but has stuck with it, taken all the flak with good grace and has earnt my respect, at least.

Finally, I guess my username means that I’ll be drummed out of the Brownies for life…

Sense of humour for sale - apply within :unamused: :smiley: :smiley:

asking a valid question and making a comment that doesn’t agree with mikec and he is rude in his answer so he is def off my christmas card list. :sunglasses:
seems some folk can say what they want ond others can’t,must mean im not in “the club”. :unamused:
no worries then.

What are you talking about ? You said its not for you, you said non truck drivers should not be able to slag truck drivers off. To be honest it all reads like a childs spat.What did i say that was rude to you ? I’m still trying to get my head round it, i reckon you’d all been drinking last night. I’m just trying to get my mindset into it…lets see…i know :exclamation: i’m gonna post and ask why everyones slagging us lorry drivers off and can we stop it !!! Then a fella who’s named himself after a turd says along the lines of yeah, anyone can post here there’s no criteria !!!
I’m gonna roll a big spliff and then have a re read of it and see how it all looks again :laughing:

Only 1 has a beef with me, as far as I can see! :wink:

Thats not me, and its not me who removed your smiley either. I’m on the case of looking for it !! :laughing: :laughing: