
Correct me if i am wrong (which i frequently am) but i thought when i joined this forum called “trucknet” it was about lorry drivers posting topics/help requests etc to aid each other.
it seems that anyone not a lorry driver can join and tear us to shreds ,not knowing what we have to do each day.
Surely there should be a criteria that requires membership one of which should be to be able to drive a truck or in the process of learning .
recent issues are "mickeyblue (now he is a truck driver/failed cop so he wears both hats but blue one more) and someone called rat, one is a failed policeman and one seems to be a policeman who’s intent is to screw lorry drivers whichever way he can.
How can a forum thats supposedly dedicated to lives of lorry driver allow this.
I know its a free country and allows free speech but would admin allow alquieda (spelling) to do the same thing on here.
sorry but



Sounds a bit like the e.u. let anyone in. :unamused:

And how does Admin police the criteria for entry?

I see these people on to complain about drivers getting roasted tbh, hopefully they see through the abuse and go tell the world what they have learned, if there`s a chance a lorry could crush you cancel the manoeuvre, it probably will. lol

Its usually a Driver with two log ins or more anyway imo.

Correct me if i am wrong (which i frequently am) but i thought when i joined this forum called “trucknet” it was about lorry drivers posting topics/help requests etc to aid each other.
it seems that anyone not a lorry driver can join and tear us to shreds ,not knowing what we have to do each day.
Surely there should be a criteria that requires membership one of which should be to be able to drive a truck or in the process of learning .
recent issues are "mickeyblue (now he is a truck driver/failed cop so he wears both hats but blue one more) and someone called rat, one is a failed policeman and one seems to be a policeman who’s intent is to screw lorry drivers whichever way he can.
How can a forum thats supposedly dedicated to lives of lorry driver allow this.
I know its a free country and allows free speech but would admin allow alquieda (spelling) to do the same thing on here.
sorry but



Sounds a bit like the e.u. let anyone in. :unamused:

Hi Gezt, if its not floating your boat then get off. Thats exactly what i’d do.

And how do the Moderators police the criteria for entry?

We don’t , if we did how much consideration do you think i’d give someone with the user name of “lumpygreenpoo” ? I just work (as the other mods do) within the constraints of the rules we have. If it was up to me, you wouldn’t exist.
I hope this reply has been of some assistance to you in understanding how the moderation works.

If you are paid to drive, you are a “Professional” driver and as suitable to post as the next bloke.

MIke-C, you have a really appalling attitude for someone in a position of responsibility… Got out of bed the wrong side this morning?


And how do the Moderators police the criteria for entry?

We don’t , if we did how much consideration do you think i’d give someone with the user name of “lumpygreenpoo” ? I just work (as the other mods do) within the constraints of the rules we have. If it was up to me, you wouldn’t exist.
I hope this reply has been of some assistance to you in understanding how the moderation works.


I might be first to go but I vote you get more powers. lol

Has the bell gone for playtime children■■? :laughing:

MIke-C, you have a really appalling attitude for someone in a position of responsibility… Got out of bed the wrong side this morning?

No i don’t. I just talk straight, thats not some sort of suggestion that i speak rude or improper, because i have not done.
You create a username “lumpygreenpoo” and i have an appalling attitude . OK.

I have the ability to laugh at myself, it’s called self-deprecation… If it doesn’t float your boat then get off! Furthermore, the way you come across is rude, it’s not straight talk.

I have the ability to laugh at myself, it’s called self-deprecation… If it doesn’t float your boat then get off!

I’m fine, i’m not accusing anyone (yet) of having an appalling atitude and asking them if they got out the right side of the bed. Thats you that did that. I just gave you an answer of how the moderation works with regards to accepting users on this forum. I apologise if answering your question upset you in any way. I also would like to take back my statement that i would not of allowed the user name to exist, having had a brief converse with you i would of indeed picked that name for you. Great stuff, keep up the valuable contribution to the forum, i for one enjoy it.

not meant as a slap to admin but why does a truck site allow non truck drivers to slag truck drivers. :confused:

People it the internet, its a bit of banter. If someone wants to come on a tear lorry drivers to shreds then moan ahead, lets have a bloody good barney about it :laughing:

If everyone came on here with the same opinion and views then it would be boring as ■■■■, i mean for christ sake gezt how you wanting this to go down, get rikki to do a 6 monthly license check :laughing: :grimacing:

not meant as a slap to admin but why does a truck site allow non truck drivers to slag truck drivers. :confused:

Gezt, if you pay attention here the people most liklely to slag truck drivers here are actually other truck drivers !! This is something i see all the time, not just internet /forum based it happens in real life.

I still maintain you have an appalling attitude, not just to me but to ‘gezt’ too. I simply asked how Admin/Moderators can police criteria for entry, it didn’t warrant the ferocity of how you replied.

‘Gezt’ has a valid point but how can Admin tell if a person who applies for membership is a lorry driver or not? My 85 year old next-door neighbour could apply for membership and say ‘I’m a lorry driver’ just as eloquently as I can say ‘I’m a lorry driver’!

I still maintain you have an appalling attitude, not just to me but to ‘gezt’ too. I simply asked how Admin/Moderators can police criteria for entry, it didn’t warrant the ferocity of how you replied.

‘Gezt’ has a valid point but how can Admin tell if a person who applies for membership is a lorry driver or not? My 85 year old next-door neighbour could apply for membership and say ‘I’m a lorry driver’ just as eloquently as I can say ‘I’m a lorry driver’!

There is no criteria that you need to be a lorry driver to post here, or read. So admin do not need to have a criteria. Being named after a turd has never bothered you before now, but now you think there may be credence in a criteria for membership. Its an interesting concept.

bit harsh on MickeyBlue to be fair… And as for RoadRat hes obviously passionate about his job just as we are and i guess trucks play a big part in his job so thats probably why hes here, same as us. I personally couldnt care less who comes on here from the “outside” world and trys to wind us up. I think the person that does that is just sad and bored of his ■■■■ life with his ■■■■ wife and ■■■■ job with no mates so i feel sorry for them. Everyone hates us anyway but we are ■■■■■■■ cool. :grimacing:

You’re misreading my posts… Where have I said that there should should be a criteria for membership? I merely asked the question, ‘how does Admin police the criteria for entry’? What I find to be an interesting concept, however, is the correlation between being named after a turd to thinking there may be credence in a criteria for membership? Neither are related so I don’t understand your argument, it’s illogical!

I don’t think the mod here has a bad attitude just a sarcastic one and a dry sense off humour maybe, if idiots who aren’t lorry drivers want to give it the large let them and just ignore them there sad enough to want to come onto a truck forum and give it the big one to truck drivers so just pitty there obvious dull life’s and move on to a more interesting thread. Some posts on here are helpful informative with a good bit off banter some are just excuses for an argument so move on to the next one. Truck net is free if there was a criteria to only allow truck drivers on here I would imagine there would be some kind off way to check our liscence which I would imagine would cost money thus resulting in truck net becoming a paid for subscription all the time I’m free I’m happy to take a bit off stick on here from the heros or wanna be drivers I do however see your points but hey what can you do a.