
Correct me if i am wrong (which i frequently am) but i thought when i joined this forum called “trucknet” it was about lorry drivers posting topics/help requests etc to aid each other.
it seems that anyone not a lorry driver can join and tear us to shreds ,not knowing what we have to do each day.
Surely there should be a criteria that requires membership one of which should be to be able to drive a truck or in the process of learning .
recent issues are "mickeyblue (now he is a truck driver/failed cop so he wears both hats but blue one more) and someone called rat, one is a failed policeman and one seems to be a policeman who’s intent is to screw lorry drivers whichever way he can.
How can a forum thats supposedly dedicated to lives of lorry driver allow this.
I know its a free country and allows free speech but would admin allow alquieda (spelling) to do the same thing on here.
sorry but



Sounds a bit like the e.u. let anyone in. :unamused:

First i like to say, let’s not get in to a slagging match.

I joined this forum for a reason, because i was intrested in the job as a driver. I come from a family of drivers who have all earnt a living from driving. I love being on the road and if given a chance, i will drive anywhere in a car or lorry, i don’t care, i will drive for miles.

When i joined this forum i was a PCSO and at that time was thinking about jacking it in to become a lorry driver. During my time as a PCSO i got given the Diamond jubilee medal and got my Cat C in 2011. The reason i got my Cat C is because i wanted to have it to fall back on if the PC role didn’t work out for me. I then joined the police but a short time later resigned and i am now a lorry driver after 6 years with Cambs police. Ever since i have been driving for a living i have a grin from ear to ear. I am ■■■■■■■ loving every minute of it and cannot understand why some drivers moan about it, but give me a few more years and i soon will understand :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: .

Ever since 2009 when i joined this site I’ve had many people chuck all sorts my way, even from you, after letting you guys know that the A1 at the time was being targeted on a daily basis with the diesel fairies, but that ended up with a number of pages of personal attacks, you name it.

I am not on here to cause any trouble and if i was clearly on here causing trouble don’t you think Mike-c and gang would of had me on Pre-mod?

What you see is what you get with me.

Fair comment mickeyblue,
yep i gave you alot of stick some in my view was warranted (in my own opinion) some obviously not, harsh probably .
So ok your on the road now as a driver and whether or not you are new to the job doesn’t matter, you ACTUALLY do the job now so have a right to comment regarding truck driving and it’s dubious pleasure.

so ok i publicly apologize for going over the top with some comments.glad you like the driving malarky

i personally am passionate about it and have been for the past 45 years. i have always defended the lorry drivers lot, even back in early days when there was more greasy joe cafes and we kipped in digs or the truck. I hate it with a passion when people do slag drivers off because they usually know nothing of what we do and what we did in those early years.
To many drivers have lost their lives and to many wifes/girlfriends kids have lost a loved one so we can get food etc to the shops for the mass public.
Our reputation is one we have bought on ourselves mostly but i will still defend our profession as much as possible.

Anyway now you are being a big trucker :slight_smile: just one sentence of advice.
do you best,learn all aspects of the job (rope sheet fridge etc) listen to others who offer genuine guidance.

got me in the ■■■■ more often than not but i enjoyed doing it.

Thanks for the advice Gezt, which i openly seek from any driver.