This can not be legal!


Ignore all these drivers saying “I’d leave” as these were the same ones saying the same when cpc came in, all hot air.

You make a very general assumption about me mate even though you do not know me. :unamused:

I certainly did not say I would jack because of the dcpc, I did not and still do not agree with it, but unlike this [zb], it’s law so no choice.

And to reiterate my point I WOULD jack if forced to have a camera facing me for no other reason than to check up on me.
And anybody who does know me(unlike you) would verify this.

So get your facts straight next time eh. :unamused:




Ignore all these drivers saying “I’d leave” as these were the same ones saying the same when cpc came in, all hot air.

You make a very general assumption about me mate even though you do not know me. :unamused:

I certainly did not say I would jack because of the dcpc, I did not and still do not agree with it, but unlike this [zb], it’s law so no choice.

And to reiterate my point I WOULD jack if forced to have a camera facing me for no other reason than to check up on me.
And anybody who does know me(unlike you) would verify this.

So get your facts straight next time eh. :unamused:


welcome to trucknet. :grimacing: just passed your test? :unamused: or no school tomorrow? :open_mouth: I know loads wouldn’t turn a wheel, just jack straight away. :sunglasses: you take it son, UNLUBRICATED. :laughing:

We won’t be having them at our place, ( completely unknown circumstances notwithstanding), but I imagine that incidents such as the A34 crash will be used by some Companies to install them.

From the bbc link on the A34 thread:

The court was told it would be shown video shot by a camera inside the lorry cab which shows Mr Kroker using the phone, and “the fast-approaching queue of vehicles.”

Yeah I thought the same when I read that bit about the A34 driver albion, and had to wonder if the wording was designed to put/paint these inward facing camera’s in a positive light to the general public. They could have (and probably did) analyse his phone to find out the same information…

As for inwards facing camera’s in general, I’m against them, but can unfortunately see them becoming the norm. :cry:
Will I be off elsewhere? I’m not sure as I suspect that could just lead to hoping from firm to firm as they each roll them out…
Interesting that it’s the insurance companies asking for them, but I bet a driver never ever sees a penny of the saving! :neutral_face:

Ironic that at a time the industry is saying they they are struggling to attract drivers, they go and make the job even less appealing! :unamused:

not cameras as such but I had a tracker type thing fitted to the truck I drove(I moved on) ,fuel used,speed, gear,whether cruise was on, whether we stopped at stop signs (no farmer stops…mind this is way out in the sticks in the middle of the prairies).weights. I complained when it was brought in as it was spying on us ,no trust by the management etc(small firm only 8 drivers,2 of us on the trains /end dumps the rest on mixers). Well I was told by the rest o the drivers let t be its for our good etc (mind the driver above me was there 15yrs longest was 40yrs) so shut it scottie!! . Well it didn’t take long for them to learn when they were pulled in for speeding over 65mph,stopping to pick up a coffee at stores,doing farmer stops (rolling through give ways etc) even my running buddy taking to long in the quarry??.
Now on to cameras they are starting to appear over here and to be honest at least 2 o my friends with a lot o miles under their belts have walked away from companies they thought they would retire at because as they say lack of trust shown by the companies and certain videos appearing to show drivers at rest being filmed having a drink off duty! forward cameras …well ok ish if its a good number but driver facing stick up there hoop !



Ignore all these drivers saying “I’d leave” as these were the same ones saying the same when cpc came in, all hot air.

You make a very general assumption about me mate even though you do not know me. :unamused:

I certainly did not say I would jack because of the dcpc, I did not and still do not agree with it, but unlike this [zb], it’s law so no choice.

And to reiterate my point I WOULD jack if forced to have a camera facing me for no other reason than to check up on me.
And anybody who does know me(unlike you) would verify this.

So get your facts straight next time eh. :unamused:


Your arrogance is unbelievable mate :unamused: I don’t have to justify myself to the likes of you so think wtf you want…I don’t care.
Instead of trying to be a smartarse (very sucessfully btw) on everybody else’s opinion I notice you do not give one of your own, so I can only assume that you are one of those who just readily bend over and take whatever is handed out to you with no resistance…as you say mate…yawn ■■■■ yawn. :unamused:


eddie snax:
I rarely find much to disagree with you on Rob, but I do think that its being pushed by the insurance industry, doesn’t mean that managers have to accept it, but the offer lower premiums is a hard decision to swerve.

Yeh , but as I said, surely an event type camera where it records before during and after any potential accident and insurance claim fits this criteria, where as watching you all day continuous, is unnecessaary, is voyeuristic snooping, and has no bearing on insurance claims in real terms.

These would be the sort of articles to be negotiated on, including who has access to the feed, whether its accessible during recording, or whether its only able to be downloaded after an “event”, and how long prior to any event it would be used in any potential disciplinary action that might be taken against a driver as a result of footage obtained from the camera. The article as to its none use whilst off duty in a sleeper cab, is so black and white as to need no negotiation, it would be top of the list :wink:

While I don’t really agree with inward facing cameras they are perfectly legal, many workers are on CCTV every working minute. Interestingly I was tweeting a BA Captain, they don’t have cameras in the cockpit and there are no plans to install them. This surprised me it being an airliner. He was also very against them

I do hope he was parked safely :open_mouth: whilst tweeting you :wink:




Ignore all these drivers saying “I’d leave” as these were the same ones saying the same when cpc came in, all hot air.

You make a very general assumption about me mate even though you do not know me. :unamused:

I certainly did not say I would jack because of the dcpc, I did not and still do not agree with it, but unlike this [zb], it’s law so no choice.

And to reiterate my point I WOULD jack if forced to have a camera facing me for no other reason than to check up on me.
And anybody who does know me(unlike you) would verify this.

So get your facts straight next time eh. :unamused:


Your arrogance is unbelievable mate :unamused: I don’t have to justify myself to the likes of you so think wtf you want…I don’t care.
Instead of trying to be a smartarse (very sucessfully btw) on everybody else’s opinion I notice you do not give one of your own, so I can only assume that you are one of those who just readily bend over and take whatever is handed out to you with no resistance…as you say mate…yawn [zb] yawn. :unamused:

Same old rubbish from drivers, all say they wouldn’t put up with something then all put up with it :grimacing:

As I run my own units I don’t have to worry about cameras but if I worked for a firm who had them fitted it wouldn’t make a difference to me, still getting paid the same.

Same old rubbish from drivers, all say they wouldn’t put up with something then all put up with it :grimacing:

As I run my own units I don’t have to worry about cameras but if I worked for a firm who had them fitted it wouldn’t make a difference to me, still getting paid the same.

You obviously have contempt towards drivers by your superior attitude.
At least when I had my own trucks I looked upon my drivers as grown men, showed them an element of respect and was paid back with the same attitude as none of the decent ones ever left me.
However I would never have expected to have that reciprocated if I had displayed your type ■■■■ poor attitude towards them.


Same old rubbish from drivers, all say they wouldn’t put up with something then all put up with it :grimacing:

As I run my own units I don’t have to worry about cameras but if I worked for a firm who had them fitted it wouldn’t make a difference to me, still getting paid the same.

You obviously have contempt towards drivers by your superior attitude.
At least when I had my own trucks I looked upon my drivers as grown men, showed them an element of respect and was paid back with the same attitude as none of the decent ones ever left me.
However I would never have expected to have that reciprocated if I had displayed your type ■■■■ poor attitude towards them.

My drivers have been with me 6 and 8 years so I think they’re happy :smiley:
How do I not look upon my drivers as men?



Same old rubbish from drivers, all say they wouldn’t put up with something then all put up with it :grimacing:

As I run my own units I don’t have to worry about cameras but if I worked for a firm who had them fitted it wouldn’t make a difference to me, still getting paid the same.

You obviously have contempt towards drivers by your superior attitude.
At least when I had my own trucks I looked upon my drivers as grown men, showed them an element of respect and was paid back with the same attitude as none of the decent ones ever left me.
However I would never have expected to have that reciprocated if I had displayed your type ■■■■ poor attitude towards them.

My drivers have been with me 6 and 8 years so I think they’re happy :smiley:
How do I not look upon my drivers as men?

Just an an educated guess, based on your evident contempt towards drivers in general, as illustrated by your unsubstantiated comments in your last few posts.

Tbh mate I could not give a ■■■■ about your business, I was just ■■■■■■ by your smartarse comments aimed at me when you do not even know me but make general assumptions anyway. :bulb:

No Negotiation no nothing like who’s looking at it or how it will be used.
I am starting to believe that we need these morons drivers to keep the transport moving there are so many the business would come to a stand still if they were all asked to put there hands up




Same old rubbish from drivers, all say they wouldn’t put up with something then all put up with it :grimacing:

As I run my own units I don’t have to worry about cameras but if I worked for a firm who had them fitted it wouldn’t make a difference to me, still getting paid the same.

You obviously have contempt towards drivers by your superior attitude.
At least when I had my own trucks I looked upon my drivers as grown men, showed them an element of respect and was paid back with the same attitude as none of the decent ones ever left me.
However I would never have expected to have that reciprocated if I had displayed your type ■■■■ poor attitude towards them.

My drivers have been with me 6 and 8 years so I think they’re happy :smiley:
How do I not look upon my drivers as men?

Just an an educated guess, based on your evident contempt towards drivers in general, as illustrated by your unsubstantiated comments in your last few posts.

Tbh mate I could not give a [zb] about your business, I was just ■■■■■■ by your smartarse comments aimed at me when you do not even know me but make general assumptions anyway. :bulb:

Contempt towards drivers? No, it’s the cry babies that say they’ll jack when we all know they won’t, all hot air.

My new truck has route departure warning.

Tried going to the services today for a coffee and the brakes came on. Turns out it has a coffee spycam too.

Contempt towards drivers? No, it’s the cry babies that say they’ll jack when we all know they won’t, all hot air.

Oh we’ve gone back to that one have we. :unamused: looks like you are incapable of progressing the discussion.
Just whatever you say mate,… can’t be arsed with your drivel any longer.

My new truck has route departure warning.

Tried going to the services today for a coffee and the brakes came on. Turns out it has a coffee spycam too.

I heard Downtons were adopting that system, but I have no idea why. :laughing:


Contempt towards drivers? No, it’s the cry babies that say they’ll jack when we all know they won’t, all hot air.

Oh we’ve gone back to that one have we. :unamused: looks like you are incapable of progressing the discussion.
Just whatever you say mate,… can’t be arsed with your drivel any longer.

I don’t want to progress any discussion, I standby my original point of you’re just a cry baby driver that says you’ll leave a job because a camera is being fitted.
The rest might not approve but if you’re on a decent wage, decent hours then you know it’s a good number.
If you’re on long hours and crap money I don’t blame you for jacking :laughing:

Lol. I have coffeecam and Rob has crycam.

Lol. I have coffeecam and Rob has crycam.

Yeh crying with laughter, I thought Bking was a know it all wisearse. :smiley:

The new job i have just started only has trackers and thats because its all high value loads that are carryed.No cameras at all in or on the lorry.The joys of working for a small company.

Is it true RT Keedwells have them installed too? Heard it somewhere before but may be a myth. I guess it doesnt stop most of their drivers buying visorbars and lowbars for their new Mercs. Smart fleet