This can not be legal!

You’re lucky to be in that position really, I’m not. I think there will be an awful lot more firms will get these things, ours is not the only ones by a long way. These things show forward view and in cab view. I was just stating that you sort of forget they are there.

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Stu Eastwood:
So, if your companies had them fitted you would find other employment?

Don’t know mate, I quite like My current job, been here nearly 5 yrs. It would need a lot of negotiating to nail down the misgiving that I and many would have. Maybe some extra money on the table(after all it would be about cutting insurance costs) to smooth the introduction, but I would be 50/50, I couldn’t say until or if it happened, and how it was implemented :confused:

Abso [zb] lutely mate, without a doubt, and if it got to the stage where all firms had them… early retirement.

As somebody else said one of the attractions to this job to me many years ago was the virtual freedom, then we got tachos, phones, trackers, and now the absolute final nail in the coffin these [zb] things.
I know times change, but this is just a step too far imo.

Thing is Rob, we’ve heard all this before(not meaning from you), about the introduction of the CPC, prior to that Trackers, prior to that Digi Tachos, the WTD, Analogue were all ready in when I started 30 years ago. Many drivers said enough’s enough, but you try to get drivers to band together, maybe by joining a union, and its all “ahh ■■■■■■■ unions I fight my own battles” but where has that got us. Good drivers leaving the industry, or staying and putting up with the crap. Look at Southern Rail, the RMT advised it members to accept the latest deal over contract for Train Guards, but the member said no, so the RMT is backing them all the way, where is our solidarity :unamused: :unamused:

Stu Eastwood:
You’re lucky to be in that position really, I’m not. I think there will be an awful lot more firms will get these things, ours is not the only ones by a long way. These things show forward view and in cab view. I was just stating that you sort of forget they are there.

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So what happened when it was told to you, was it debated, discussed, resisted or just chucked at you all in the hope you would all readily accept it.
Do you not agree it is a ■■■■ take, intrusion, liberty and all the rest of it ?
Irrespective of whether or not you notice it, and what are the other driver’s opinions…(just interested not trying to make you look bad in any way btw, despite my other posts on this)

Our man was trying to cut costs. To be fair, there were a lot of dings and scrapes as we do a lot of city centre work, and he told us he could do that by having these things fitted. I don’t think anybody liked the idea but as I said there are not loads of jobs available round here with the money we are on. I have to say, nobody left because of it!

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Stu Eastwood:
Our man was trying to cut costs. To be fair, there were a lot of dings and scrapes as we do a lot of city centre work, and he told us he could do that by having these things fitted. I don’t think anybody liked the idea but as I said there are not loads of jobs available round here with the money we are on. I have to say, nobody left because of it!

Recon you lot need to get together (drivers) and then go to them boss after the first 3 months and say, right, how many scrapes are driver error, and how many (this will be the greater amount,) down to others, then hit him for a share of the savings :wink: only fair :wink:

eddie snax:
Thing is Rob, we’ve heard all this before(not meaning from you), about the introduction of the CPC, prior to that Trackers, prior to that Digi Tachos, the WTD, Analogue were all ready in when I started 30 years ago. Many drivers said enough’s enough, but you try to get drivers to band together, maybe by joining a union, and its all “ahh [zb] unions I fight my own battles” but where has that got us. Good drivers leaving the industry, or staying and putting up with the crap. Look at Southern Rail, the RMT advised it members to accept the latest deal over contract for Train Guards, but the member said no, so the RMT is backing them all the way, where is our solidarity :unamused: :unamused:

Yeh but what you mention (apart from trackers) was law, where you have no choice.
This latest bull ■■■■ is just aggressive modern management style of treating their drivers somewhere between naughty schoolboys and ■■■■ on their shoes.
The insurance thing is just a smokescreen and an excuse, if that reason WAS genuine, which it isn’t, the ‘event cameras’ are absolutely adequate for that purpose,
Furthermore the fact that they think they need to make this bs excuse indicates they fully realise the injustice of it all. :bulb:

Why do they need to watch absolutely every ■■■■ thing you do, (I would even cynically doubt if they are actually switched off when parked up) but as long as drivers are willing to ■■■■ it up, that will be as it is.

As for unions, you are right, drivers do not see beyond the 70s reputation of unions and are to dim to see that a union with a small ‘u’ as opposed to a Trade Union would go a long way to putting a stop to all this type of management crap.


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Stu Eastwood:

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So which part has amused you?
The management not being entirely genuine with their agenda for fitting these, and conning you all, or the drivers getting together to try and prevent intrusion.
I personally think neither are funny, but that’s just me. :neutral_face:


eddie snax:
Thing is Rob, we’ve heard all this before(not meaning from you), about the introduction of the CPC, prior to that Trackers, prior to that Digi Tachos, the WTD, Analogue were all ready in when I started 30 years ago. Many drivers said enough’s enough, but you try to get drivers to band together, maybe by joining a union, and its all “ahh [zb] unions I fight my own battles” but where has that got us. Good drivers leaving the industry, or staying and putting up with the crap. Look at Southern Rail, the RMT advised it members to accept the latest deal over contract for Train Guards, but the member said no, so the RMT is backing them all the way, where is our solidarity :unamused: :unamused:

Yeh but what you mention (apart from trackers) was law, where you have no choice.
This latest bull [zb] is just aggressive modern management style of treating their drivers somewhere between naughty schoolboys and [zb] on their shoes.
The insurance thing is just a smokescreen and an excuse, if that reason WAS genuine, which it isn’t, the ‘event cameras’ are absolutely adequate for that purpose,
Furthermore the fact that they think they need to make this bs excuse indicates they fully realise the injustice of it all. :bulb:

Why do they need to watch absolutely every [zb] thing you do, (I would even cynically doubt if they are actually switched off when parked up) but as long as drivers are willing to ■■■■ it up, that will be as it is.

As for unions, you are right, drivers do not see beyond the 70s reputation of unions and are to dim to see that a union with a small ‘u’ as opposed to a Trade Union would go a long way to putting a stop to all this type of management crap.

This sums it up pretty well. I’d be off. No if’s, no buts. And in a realistic world, management would need to routinely look in, otherwise how will they know who needs bad habits knocked out of them. After all, it’s all about making sure your staff are squeaky clean when the brown stuff hits the fan :wink:


Stu Eastwood:

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So which part has amused you?
The management not being entirely genuine with their agenda for fitting these, and conning you all, or the drivers getting together to try and prevent intrusion.
I personally think neither are funny, but that’s just me. :neutral_face:

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Sorry, wasn’t laughing at what you said…

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eddie snax:
Thing is Rob, we’ve heard all this before(not meaning from you), about the introduction of the CPC, prior to that Trackers, prior to that Digi Tachos, the WTD, Analogue were all ready in when I started 30 years ago. Many drivers said enough’s enough, but you try to get drivers to band together, maybe by joining a union, and its all “ahh [zb] unions I fight my own battles” but where has that got us. Good drivers leaving the industry, or staying and putting up with the crap. Look at Southern Rail, the RMT advised it members to accept the latest deal over contract for Train Guards, but the member said no, so the RMT is backing them all the way, where is our solidarity :unamused: :unamused:

Yeh but what you mention (apart from trackers) was law, where you have no choice.
This latest bull [zb] is just aggressive modern management style of treating their drivers somewhere between naughty schoolboys and [zb] on their shoes.
The insurance thing is just a smokescreen and an excuse, if that reason WAS genuine, which it isn’t, the ‘event cameras’ are absolutely adequate for that purpose,
Furthermore the fact that they think they need to make this bs excuse indicates they fully realise the injustice of it all. :bulb:

Why do they need to watch absolutely every [zb] thing you do, (I would even cynically doubt if they are actually switched off when parked up) but as long as drivers are willing to ■■■■ it up, that will be as it is.

As for unions, you are right, drivers do not see beyond the 70s reputation of unions and are to dim to see that a union with a small ‘u’ as opposed to a Trade Union would go a long way to putting a stop to all this type of management crap.

You are right, much off what I mentioned was law, but it all still had the same reaction, with many drivers saying they would leave, and to be honest, I been one who fore saw the end of my world with Digi cards, and trackers, and moaned and created, but the world kept turning, and my daily life though more monitored than before hasn’t been adversely affected. Maybe that’s why I’m thinking of a more considered view on in cab cameras, not because I like it, because I don’t, just that when I’ve had the same visceral reaction to other changes its actually not really changed a lot :confused:

I rarely find much to disagree with you on Rob, but I do think that its being pushed by the insurance industry, doesn’t mean that managers have to accept it, but the offer lower premiums is a hard decision to swerve. When parked you would simply cover it, and no Tribunal would disagree. Your statement about the unions is bang on Mate :wink:

Ignore all these drivers saying “I’d leave” as these were the same ones saying the same when cpc came in, all hot air.

While I don’t really agree with inward facing cameras they are perfectly legal, many workers are on CCTV every working minute. Interestingly I was tweeting a BA Captain, they don’t have cameras in the cockpit and there are no plans to install them. This surprised me it being an airliner. He was also very against them

Ignore all these drivers saying “I’d leave” as these were the same ones saying the same when cpc came in, all hot air.

You make a very general assumption about me mate even though you do not know me. :unamused:

I certainly did not say I would jack because of the dcpc, I did not and still do not agree with it, but unlike this ■■■■, it’s law so no choice.

And to reiterate my point I WOULD jack if forced to have a camera facing me for no other reason than to check up on me.
And anybody who does know me(unlike you) would verify this.

So get your facts straight next time eh. :unamused:

eddie snax:
I rarely find much to disagree with you on Rob, but I do think that its being pushed by the insurance industry, doesn’t mean that managers have to accept it, but the offer lower premiums is a hard decision to swerve.

Yeh , but as I said, surely an event type camera where it records before during and after any potential accident and insurance claim fits this criteria, where as watching you all day continuous, is unnecessaary, is voyeuristic snooping, and has no bearing on insurance claims in real terms.


eddie snax:
I rarely find much to disagree with you on Rob, but I do think that its being pushed by the insurance industry, doesn’t mean that managers have to accept it, but the offer lower premiums is a hard decision to swerve.

Yeh , but as I said, surely an event type camera where it records before during and after any potential accident and insurance claim fits this criteria, where as watching you all day continuous, is unnecessary, is voyeuristic snooping, and has no bearing on insurance claims in real terms.

Most aren’t “watching” you, they are on a constant loop of recording and overwriting. Its the same as a dash cam, it only starts saving video when “it” thinks there has been an accident or incident. These cameras aren’t for your boss to watch who picks his nose and wipes it underneath the seat, we have reached a point in our society where you need video evidence to prove your innocence and given they we drive the largest things on the road we are almost always automatically presumed the guilty party. Just look at Maoster’s thread a while back when that old guy pulled straight out in front of him, without that camera he would almost certainly been the guilty party, especially when that guy decided to pull the “neck injury” card. Its all there for insurance firms to make sure they don’t have to pay out.

Do I agree with it? No, I don’t. I personally think its an invasion of privacy but that is the world we live in. Always on, and someone is always watching.

You are describing an event type (sorry don’t know the technical name) camera mate, the ones in question are on you all the time…so maybe your nose picking scenario could be deemed accurate.
The world we live in siuation should not extend to a tramper’s cab/home.

fwiw, I DO NOT agree with inward facing cameras and I would be on my toes if any firm I worked at installed them.

Is this not as a result of employers dumbing down the quality of staff they employ?
It seems that as a result of chasing wages down, poorer quality drivers are employed, meaning higher numbers of scrapes/incidents/accidents/bridges hit leading to higher insurance premiums.

With higher premiums, the option of discounts for installing cameras looks attractive to these same employers, thus reducing further the quality of drivers employed (assuming any self-respecting, law abiding driver takes umbridge at being spied upon).

Whilst I wont just jump on the bandwagon of blaming flip-flops for bringing this to our door, but I do have to admit, there is a high incidence of scrapes attributed to this section of the driving community.

As clearly stated by RobRoy, et al, it is not acceptable to have inward facing cameras and I would fully expect there to be a number of threads on here in the months/years to come where drivers have been disciplined/sacked as a result of some misdemeanor captured on said cameras.

George Orwell was bang on the money!!

We won’t be having them at our place, ( completely unknown circumstances notwithstanding), but I imagine that incidents such as the A34 crash will be used by some Companies to install them.

From the bbc link on the A34 thread:

The court was told it would be shown video shot by a camera inside the lorry cab which shows Mr Kroker using the phone, and “the fast-approaching queue of vehicles.”

IIRC, the inward facing camera showed him looking at his phone for around 7 seconds before he ploughed into stationary traffic.