This can not be legal!

Local haulage company i am driving for has now decided to install in cab cctv
I dont mean cameras looking just out but a camera focused on the driver.
Also records voice too … Is this legal surley not ?
They can not watch us drivers live but they can download
The footage … Pssd all the drivers off this has
Would love to hear your replys

you have two choices -

Choose wisely

I wouldn’t drive with a camera facing me unless they paid extremely well, but as far as I know it is legal.

First Glasgow buses have a camera watching the driver. I never paid it much thought. Never bothered me in the slightest.
All was good till I had a bump on the way back to the depot one night and on the cctv footage they caught me singing away to myself. Badly :blush:

you have two choices -

Choose wisely

I’ll add one option…
Find the wires and snip them :stuck_out_tongue: Say it was the agency bloke.

As long as you’re notified that they’re there then it’s perfectly legal.

Perfectly legal unfortunately as long as they notify you, and lets face it some offices now have cameras installed so no difference really.

Putting the middle sun visor down blocks some of ours just saying like :stuck_out_tongue:

What about when you chat shot to yourselves in the cab .i tend to do affirmations out loud hahaaa .

Talking to yourself and reliving certain situations and shouting out what you would of done or said is quite normal, it’s when you start answering yourself back or having indepth conversations whilst alone that raises a red flag.

With me it was diagnosed as MPD and I had to have years of alter integration treatment to try and sort it out. One particular alter was unintergrateable and has to be controlled with meds and avoidance of heavy drinking sessions.
Can still get ■■■■■■ but to ■■■■■■ and I have blackouts and wake up in strange places.

Used to have some great 3 ways with myself when I was younger.

I answer my self all the time ,With shut up talking to yourself ! :laughing:

I wouldn’t be happy I think I’d be looking for another job if I were you. I couldn’t sing along to bohemian rhapsody the same again

Perfectly legal as long as they can be covered in sleeper cabs for privacy reasons! ASD metals (now Klockner Metals UK) installed them ‘at the insurers request’…

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you have two choices -

Choose wisely

To o/p…he is right mate, choose wisely LEAVE. :unamused:

Just because it is legal does not make it right morally or ethically.
Drivers who just shrug their shoulders and say stuff like.

‘‘It never bothers me’’ …Well it ■■■■ should!

‘‘Offices and factories have them so what’s the difference’’…There’s a lot of difference, I LIVE in my truck.

Or the old chestnut (said as an answer to everything by drivers on here who regularly bend over at every whim of their boss)…‘‘Well if you are doing nothing wrong what is the problem’’ :unamused:

These type of guys are to blame for firms handing out all this type of unfair (and in this case downright intrusive) crap. :bulb:

What I would say to o/p, (and depending if your drivers have the balls or not), just stand up and all tell them that you are strongly not happy or comfortable with a camera watching your every move , and the situation needs discussed before you all consider your next move.

We have the ones that go off if you brake really hard (or hit something :smiley: ) that then record the previous few seconds before and after the event.
I have no probs with the facing out bit, but the facing in is covered.

We’ve had them for ages. You forget they are there. I believe the insurance company asked for them. I do know they have helped a couple of our lads out when they were accused of things they weren’t actually doing. If you have nothing to hide, I don’t see the problem. When the key is off, the camera is off.

Stu Eastwood:
We’ve had them for ages. You forget they are there. I believe the insurance company asked for them. I do know they have helped a couple of our lads out when they were accused of things they weren’t actually doing. If you have nothing to hide, I don’t see the problem. When the key is off, the camera is off.

And there it is. :smiley:

For the two lads it ‘‘helped’’ how many others has it implicated.

Well I certainly would not forget it is there, in fact it would compromise safety in my case as I would be downright self concious of it ■■■■ pointing at me all the time watching me to the point of me lapsing concentration
You keep sucking it up mate, but it would not suit me at all…end of.

In my case the inward event camera…here’s a potential scenario of implication.
Driving along bored with life and I innocently let out a giant noisy yawn and rub my eyes (as we all do I am sure) then 5 seconds later hit something (or somebody) who pulls out in front of me, even if it is NOT my fault, I am accused and most probably convicted of driving under fatigue…you can sure as hell bet that.
So that is why take the second option of getting a bollocking for covering the camera… and more importantly my own arse :bulb:


Stu Eastwood:
We’ve had them for ages. You forget they are there. I believe the insurance company asked for them. I do know they have helped a couple of our lads out when they were accused of things they weren’t actually doing. If you have nothing to hide, I don’t see the problem. When the key is off, the camera is off.

And there it is. :smiley:

For the two lads it ‘‘helped’’ how many others has it implicated.

Well I certainly would not forget it is there, in fact it would compromise safety in my case as I would be downright self concious of it [zb] pointing at me all the time watching me to the point of me lapsing concentration
You keep sucking it up mate, but it would not suit me at all…end of.

In my case the inward event camera…here’s a potential scenario of implication.
Driving along bored with life and I innocently let out a giant noisy yawn and rub my eyes (as we all do I am sure) then 5 seconds later hit something (or somebody) who pulls out in front of me, even if it is NOT my fault, I am accused and most probably convicted of driving under fatigue…you can sure as hell bet that.
So that is why take the second option of getting a bollocking for covering the camera… and more importantly my own arse :bulb:

I would be concerned about privacy, and the fact is that if I wanted to be under my bosses armpit(or worse) I’d work in the office. I drive for what little freedom is left in the job, but I do see where it could get you out of stick, and remember this, your boss and the company insurer, and this seems to be an Insurance led thing, have an interest in not implicating you, as that would then make them liable to have to pay out, whether you get carpeted or shoved out the door, makes no difference to a third parties claim :wink:

But I’d still be very concerned about accepting it :open_mouth:

So, if your companies had them fitted you would find other employment?

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Stu Eastwood:
So, if your companies had them fitted you would find other employment?

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Abso ■■■■ lutely mate, without a doubt, and if it got to the stage where all firms had them… early retirement.

Same old ■■■■ mate, if drivers did not just accept all these type of injustices chucked at them, and to the point of believing all the management positive spin designed to make us swallow it, but even worse, as in your case (no offence just stating fact) repeating it to other drivers therefore justifying it :open_mouth: we will ALL suffer, and the job will turn further to ■■■■ even than it is now.

As somebody else said one of the attractions to this job to me many years ago was the virtual freedom, then we got tachos, phones, trackers, and now the absolute final nail in the coffin these ■■■■ things.
I know times change, but this is just a step too far imo.

I’m exempt for religious reasons.
It’s a well known fact photos and videos steal your soul leading to repercussions on the next plain of existence.
Therefore to force me to have one is an infringement on my human right to be daft as and when I see fit.

As far as doing nothing wrong etc, like every other driver on the planet at any given moment I’m always doing something wrong, or at least something that would see me struggle to explain away if an incident occurred.