This can not be legal!

Is it true RT Keedwells have them installed too? Heard it somewhere before but may be a myth. I guess it doesnt stop most of their drivers buying visorbars and lowbars for their new Mercs. Smart fleet

I know a couple of RTK lads and they have the same ‘event type’ camera that we have,… and have been trying to describe (somebody tell me the proper name for them ffs :smiley: )

The one the o/p dsecribes is different in the fact that they can download the whole footage unless he (or I :blush: ) has got it wrong.

I know a lad who drives for a well known firm over the North East that have just the forward facing event camera, after the drivers kicked off about having the combined inward facing one…, so at least some drivers have stuck together and won for a change.

My new truck has route departure warning.

Tried going to the services today for a coffee and the brakes came on. Turns out it has a coffee spycam too.

Well don’t drive past your house FFS, the Tacho will probably print off your P45! :stuck_out_tongue:


Is it true RT Keedwells have them installed too? Heard it somewhere before but may be a myth. I guess it doesnt stop most of their drivers buying visorbars and lowbars for their new Mercs. Smart fleet

I know a couple of RTK lads and they have the same ‘event type’ camera that we have,… and have been trying to describe (somebody tell me the proper name for them ffs :smiley: )

The one the o/p dsecribes is different in the fact that they can download the whole footage unless he (or I :blush: ) has got it wrong.

I know a lad who drives for a well known firm over the North East that have just the forward facing event camera, after the drivers kicked off about having the combined inward facing one…, so at least some drivers have stuck together and won for a change.

Didn’t someone say in a previous discussion on this, say that the office staff were having a laugh about a driver because of the audio books he listened to, and basically had a live feed of his activities?

The tax office & employers don’t bother using P45’s for me anymore Beez.

Apparently I am solely responsible for the destruction of 10 acres of rainforest.

whether you like it or not, they’ll probably be the norm within the next 5 yrs or so. Big brother needs to know everything that’s going on for those 8 or so odd notes he’s kindly awarding you per hour of your graft … and he’ll be damned if that doesn’t include your every movement, word, and personal thought.

That, of course, is until he can finally implement full automation infrastructure to remove the driver completely. Once and for all.

Glad I’m leaving this game soon.

While I don’t really agree with inward facing cameras they are perfectly legal, many workers are on CCTV every working minute. Interestingly I was tweeting a BA Captain, they don’t have cameras in the cockpit and there are no plans to install them. This surprised me it being an airliner. He was also very against them

No need he has a black box that records every word he and his crew say and every action hey carry out.

What I feel it should be is that, its a separate camera thats not linked via the cloud to anywhere else. In the event of an accident it can be stopped and SD card can be removed to view it. I feel it shouldn’t what so ever be for anyone to view at any point during the day/night. I’d be fine with the camera pointing at me, knowing that it wont be reviewed unless I have an accident.

In order to ‘surveil’ the company would require a ‘surveillance policy’ by law. Such a policy will give details of how you can obtain a copy of all footage where you are present.

I would suggest asking for a copy of the policy informing the company that you would require a copy of the in cab surveillance recording at the end of each shift, in line with the surveillance policy. I doubt it would be financially viable should all employees reserve their rights.

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