The "mandy" situation

Reading comprehension still being an issue then? Companies that have also owned TruckNet have also been Internet Service Providers.

What you meant to say was an ISP had it’s own Trucknet then.

Locking the thread when you’re losing an argument usually happens. 3,2,1…

Right, you’ve been warned, say goodbye to your Water and Electric, any more bollox from you and you’ll be living in a box on the Street, no more warnings.


Rob K:

I have already told you how Rob … You have obviously forgotten at one time the company had its own ISP…

Wait… this gets better. :laughing: Trucknet had its own ISP? :laughing: :laughing: So how did this in-house “ISP” work then? Do you even know what an ISP is? :open_mouth:

Reading comprehension still being an issue then? :wink: :unamused:
Companies that have also owned TruckNet have also been Internet Service Providers.

Which company was that then?

Got really excited seeing a few big hitters posting in this thread, got my popcorn and coke at my side ready to be entertained… Big let down … :open_mouth:

Locking the thread when you’re losing an argument usually happens. 3,2,1…

Sorry bigvern1, but losing an argument (if indeed an argument has actually been lost :wink: ) isn’t a breach of forum rules, so that wouldn’t get a thread locked.

Up to now, reasonable questions have been asked and reasonable answers given, which is all within the forum rules, hence the thread is still running.

Thanks Dave, I kinda got that when posts kept appearing. :wink:


Rob K:

You must go on it quite a bit Rob to know that “Alex spends all his life on it”.

I hope this helps.

No, simply from the fact that the bulk of Alex’s posts here are Facebook related in some way.

That’s not really true though is it. He might have mentioned Facebook a couple of times recently with regards to this Mandy situation, but the bulk of his posts “Facebook related in some way”? Really? Nah.

I think you’re a serial Facebook lurker as well as a serial TNUK lurker. Just admit it.

Alex is a prolific facebook poster. I read a lot of his updates on there and often comment on them

Rob K:


Rob K:

I have already told you how Rob … You have obviously forgotten at one time the company had its own ISP…

Wait… this gets better. :laughing: Trucknet had its own ISP? :laughing: :laughing: So how did this in-house “ISP” work then? Do you even know what an ISP is? :open_mouth:

Reading comprehension still being an issue then? :wink: :unamused:
Companies that have also owned TruckNet have also been Internet Service Providers.

Which company was that then?

Still waiting here.

In reply to SmashedCrabFace, Wheel Nut:
Alex is a prolific facebook poster. I read a lot of his updates on there and often comment on them

That’s great. It’s wonderful to see that you’re embracing the technology.

However, I didn’t say Alex wasn’t a prolific Facebook user. I said the bulk of his posts here aren’t Facebook related in some way; which they aren’t. Put your glasses on.

For someone who doesn’t read SmashedCrabFace’s posts, you seem to read a lot of my posts. You should change your name to Contradiction Nut.

I do hope this helps.

Thanks Dave, I kinda got that when posts kept appearing. :wink:

One in the eye for the conspiracy theorists then eh… :smiley: :wink: :grimacing:

I plead the 5th! :wink:

Think it’s something he’s been smoking, one of his Mods is on the same thing as well, judging by his ‘enlightening’ post.
Some people like to think they are special and some people are ‘special’.

Hey Dinostevus, that’ll be me !! :laughing: :laughing:
I like that new name…“yorkysays:-”


In reply to SmashedCrabFace, Wheel Nut:
Alex is a prolific facebook poster. I read a lot of his updates on there and often comment on them

That’s great. It’s wonderful to see that you’re embracing the technology.

However, I didn’t say Alex wasn’t a prolific Facebook user. I said the bulk of his posts here aren’t Facebook related in some way; which they aren’t. Put your glasses on.

For someone who doesn’t read SmashedCrabFace’s posts, you seem to read a lot of my posts. You should change your name to Contradiction Nut.

I do hope this helps.

Don’t flatter yourself Luv. I read them all :stuck_out_tongue:

Wheel Nut:
Don’t flatter yourself Luv. I read them all

On another topic, Wheel Nut once:
…the reason I haven’t replied is because I didn’t see it and in the main mostly ignore your posts.

Contradiction Nut.

Hey Dinostevus, that’ll be me !! :laughing: :laughing:
I like that new name…“yorkysays:-”

Ha ha. Busted.


Hey Dinostevus, that’ll be me !! :laughing: :laughing:
I like that new name…“yorkysays:-”

Ha ha. Busted.

Nope, don’t think so.

This has become one pointless thread.

This has become one pointless thread.

Welcome to TNUK.

For the best part it was OK. Then the crap started.

Let’s get this back on topic then.

Denis F:

Hopefully the mods can find out what IP address it came from.

“Mandy” used a masked ip for “her” posts but forgot to mask it when the account was registered…

As for naming and shaming, why? …No need for a ‘hatred’ thread.

Hey Dinostevus… I like that new name…“yorkysays:-”

I think I’ve worked out who “Mandy” was.