The "mandy" situation



It’s probably been swept under the carpet by now anyway. We’ll never know who the idiot was.


You don’t need to know who it was.

:smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: Sorry just jad another look and had to laugh :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

A bit of banter has always been Ok on here, posting abusive messages are not, neither is claiming to be another member- only one ISP is involved here and fortunatly due to past incidents we have a good relations with their “compliance” team- there is nothing on TruckNet that ties conclusively any individual member to the posts made on TruckNet - however the ISP/a certain popular social media website and TruckNet have agreed to share/monitor IP address’s over this issue - if we can by this establish who was responsible all three will consider withdrawing use of the services from that individual from all 3 sites/services

What I am saying. – is the free for all that has existed on the web is coming to an end- ISP’s and hosts are in law becoming more liable - so we talk to each other more and try to limit our liability…If it is found that some one is breaking there ISP’s terms and conditions and it can be shown they will lose that service … while I wont go into personal details one person who used his internet connection to post racist remarks remarks on TruckNet a few years ago had his internet connection declined, at least one more has this website blocked by his ISP so he cant use it with a warning that going via proxy will result in his service being withdrawn totally- it is a very last resort and in over 10 years that is the only two I can remember- but we do talk to ISP’s regularly

You should go back to your doctor and see if they’ll up your medication.

Well guys, there you have it : you’d all better behave yourselves like good little truckers or Rikki will speak to your ISPs via his own personal line () and have you shut down.

But wait… :bulb: Could this Rikki above who claims to have had 3 people shut down in the past 10 years also be the same Rikki who has told us on countless occasions recently that banning troublesome members is a complete waste of time because they just come back under a different moniker and “nothing can be done to prevent it”? Shirley with his own personal lines to the ISPs’ “compliance teams” and “certain popular social media sites” they would have such matters dealt with pretty swiftly, right?

Or could it just be…


:laughing: Thanks Rob. Made my Sunday that did.

Rob K:

You should go back to your doctor and see if they’ll up your medication.

Well guys, there you have it : you’d all better behave yourselves like good little truckers or Rikki will speak to your ISPs via his own personal line () and have you shut down.

But wait… :bulb: Could this Rikki above who claims to have had 3 people shut down in the past 10 years also be the same Rikki who has told us on countless occasions recently that banning troublesome members is a complete waste of time because they just come back under a different moniker and “nothing can be done to prevent it”? Shirley with his own personal lines to the ISPs’ “compliance teams” and “certain popular social media sites” they would have such matters dealt with pretty swiftly, right?

Or could it just be…


Think it’s something he’s been smoking, one of his Mods is on the same thing as well, judging by his ‘enlightening’ post.
Some people like to think they are special and some people are ‘special’.

Don’t mess with Rikki guys, he’s a proper internet badass.

I heard he can press a button and cut off all your water, electricity and gas, get you bad credit rating and have your children taken into care. All with one button.

Proceed with caution.

Seeing as your on rob… Who is this■■?

Reading comprehension still seems to be an issue for some members- :wink: :wink:

Not on my say so - we show the content and how it breaks their own T&C’s and they take the action or not-

I dont have anything like that “clout” your right- TruckNet is tiny compared to some websites but it is not just me doing this, it is a whole movement within the internet and the big guys are doing this and us smaller sites benefit from the arrangements put in place-

As Rikki has already said. He, himself, on his own, can NOT get an individuals internet access removed just on his say so. However he, as a well established site owner, can ask an ISP to look at one of their accounts. An ISP can then make up their own mind and if they feel it is warranted, they can close down an individuals internet access.
Social Media sites can do the same thing as an ISP in that they can look at an individual account and if they feel it is warranted, they can close it.

But iif you think social media sites dont have a way to report users other than the abuse@********.com e-mail address’s - then you would be mistaken

Reading comprehension still seems to be an issue for some members- :wink: :wink:

Not on my say so - we show the content and how it breaks their own T&C’s and they take the action or not-

I dont have anything like that “clout” your right- TruckNet is tiny compared to some websites but it is not just me doing this, it is a whole movement within the internet and the big guys are doing this and us smaller sites benefit from the arrangements put in place-

As Rikki has already said. He, himself, on his own, can NOT get an individuals internet access removed just on his say so. However he, as a well established site owner, can ask an ISP to look at one of their accounts. An ISP can then make up their own mind and if they feel it is warranted, they can close down an individuals internet access.
Social Media sites can do the same thing as an ISP in that they can look at an individual account and if they feel it is warranted, they can close it.

But iif you think social media sites dont have a way to report users other than the abuse@********.com e-mail address’s - then you would be mistaken

It’s still bollox, as if…

jessicas dad:
Seeing as your on rob… Who is this■■?



You tell me Alex. You seem to spend all your life on it. As I have said numerous of times in the past, I do not have a Facebook account - never have and never will. It is for immature children that have no life and nothing better to do with their time, as the above screenshots clearly illustrate.

jessicas dad:
Seeing as your on rob… Who is this■■?



Reading comprehension still seems to be an issue for some members- :wink: :wink:

Not on my say so - we show the content and how it breaks their own T&C’s and they take the action or not-

I dont have anything like that “clout” your right- TruckNet is tiny compared to some websites but it is not just me doing this, it is a whole movement within the internet and the big guys are doing this and us smaller sites benefit from the arrangements put in place-

As Rikki has already said. He, himself, on his own, can NOT get an individuals internet access removed just on his say so. However he, as a well established site owner, can ask an ISP to look at one of their accounts. An ISP can then make up their own mind and if they feel it is warranted, they can close down an individuals internet access.
Social Media sites can do the same thing as an ISP in that they can look at an individual account and if they feel it is warranted, they can close it.

But iif you think social media sites dont have a way to report users other than the abuse@********.com e-mail address’s - then you would be mistaken

Which has got absolutely zero to do with the load of old BS you posted above.

while I wont go into personal details one person who used his internet connection to post racist remarks remarks on TruckNet a few years ago had his internet connection declined, at least one more has this website blocked by his ISP so he cant use it with a warning that going via proxy will result in his service being withdrawn totally- it is a very last resort and in over 10 years that is the only two I can remember- but we do talk to ISP’s regularly

This ^ is the biggest load of bollox I’ve ever read. There are so many issues with it I don’t even know where to begin. For a start, how exactly do you know that both of these people have had their “internet connection declined” and “this website blocked” ? I am intrigued to know because as someone that has more knowledge than many people in this area I can tell you with absolute certainty that the ISP would not tell you this because it would break every DPA rule in the book, thus leaving themselves wide open to a law suit.

Also your definition of “we do talk to ISP’s regularly” should in fact read “we do fill in a lot of ‘abuse’ forms for forum members we don’t like, but we’ve absolutely no idea whether anything gets done, we just cross our fingers and toes a lot and hope for the best.”

A much more accurate picture of what happens to ISP abuse reports is that they get filed in the bin along with the other 3000 reports received the same day from other forum admins with nothing better to do with their time. The only time abuse reports get acted upon is when they come from government departments or when a court order lands in their mailbox. They most certainly do not “talk regularly” to random forum admins and nor will they ever discuss what action (if any, which is unlikely) they have taken -

at least one more has this website blocked by his ISP so he cant use it with a warning that going via proxy will result in his service being withdrawn totally

Keep on digging yourself that hole. I’m waiting at the top with extra shovels if needed.

ETA: Perhaps if you learned how to administrate a website correctly then your members would have some respect for you and you would not need to go crying to your members’ ISPs to get them to do your dirty work. :bulb: :bulb: :bulb:



I have already told you how Rob … You have obviously forgotten at one time the company had its own ISP…
I really dont care what you think you know or believe. :unamused:

Rob K:
You tell me Alex. You seem to spend all your life on it. As I have said numerous of times in the past, I do not have a Facebook account - never have and never will. It is for immature children that have no life and nothing better to do with their time, as the above screenshots clearly illustrate.

You must go on it quite a bit Rob to know that “Alex spends all his life on it”.

I hope this helps.


Rob K:
You tell me Alex. You seem to spend all your life on it. As I have said numerous of times in the past, I do not have a Facebook account - never have and never will. It is for immature children that have no life and nothing better to do with their time, as the above screenshots clearly illustrate.

You must go on it quite a bit Rob to know that “Alex spends all his life on it”.

I hope this helps.

No, simply from the fact that the bulk of Alex’s posts here are Facebook related in some way.

I have already told you how Rob … You have obviously forgotten at one time the company had its own ISP…

Wait… this gets better. :laughing: Trucknet had its own ISP? :laughing: :laughing: So how did this in-house “ISP” work then? Do you even know what an ISP is? :open_mouth:

Rob K:

I have already told you how Rob … You have obviously forgotten at one time the company had its own ISP…

Wait… this gets better. :laughing: Trucknet had its own ISP? :laughing: :laughing: So how did this in-house “ISP” work then? Do you even know what an ISP is? :open_mouth:

Reading comprehension still being an issue then? :wink: :unamused:
Companies that have also owned TruckNet have also been Internet Service Providers.

Rob K:

You must go on it quite a bit Rob to know that “Alex spends all his life on it”.

I hope this helps.

No, simply from the fact that the bulk of Alex’s posts here are Facebook related in some way.

That’s not really true though is it. He might have mentioned Facebook a couple of times recently with regards to this Mandy situation, but the bulk of his posts “Facebook related in some way”? Really? Nah.

I think you’re a serial Facebook lurker as well as a serial TNUK lurker. Just admit it.

Locking the thread when you’re losing an argument usually happens. 3,2,1…

Companies that have also owned TruckNet have also been Internet Service Providers.

Sorry to ‘but in’, but who are these Companies and what’s their ISP called?