The "mandy" situation

A bit of banter has always been Ok on here, posting abusive messages are not, neither is claiming to be another member- only one ISP is involved here and fortunatly due to past incidents we have a good relations with their “compliance” team- there is nothing on TruckNet that ties conclusively any individual member to the posts made on TruckNet - however the ISP/a certain popular social media website and TruckNet have agreed to share/monitor IP address’s over this issue - if we can by this establish who was responsible all three will consider withdrawing use of the services from that individual from all 3 sites/services

I don’t understand what you are saying. Are you trying to say that an ISP, facebook/■■■■■■■ and tnuk would all get together and close someone’s account on your say so■■?
All that power!!!

I don’t understand what you are saying. Are you trying to say that an ISP, facebook/[zb] and tnuk would all get together and close someone’s account on your say so■■?
All that power!!!

What I am saying. – is the free for all that has existed on the web is coming to an end- ISP’s and hosts are in law becoming more liable - so we talk to each other more and try to limit our liability…If it is found that some one is breaking there ISP’s terms and conditions and it can be shown they will lose that service … while I wont go into personal details one person who used his internet connection to post racist remarks remarks on TruckNet a few years ago had his internet connection declined, at least one more has this website blocked by his ISP so he cant use it with a warning that going via proxy will result in his service being withdrawn totally- it is a very last resort and in over 10 years that is the only two I can remember- but we do talk to ISP’s regularly

Not on my say so - we show the content and how it breaks their own T&C’s and they take the action or not- they dont want to get sued any more than us- so it is better to lose an idiot as a customer than pay a fortune in legal fee’s

Sorry Rikki, but I find your threats unfathomable. I don’t believe one person has that much clout. Might be so, just not ‘so’ in my head where I see things in black and white and I call a spade a spade.

If you have nothing to hide it won’t concern you will it?

If you have nothing to hide it won’t concern you will it?

Talking to me?
I didn’t see the thread in question and it wouldn’t have interested me anyway.

No…To people in general reading this thread.

No…To people in general reading this thr
Ahhhhh, people like Facebook, Twitter, ISP’s media etc?

I don’t know WHO reads these things. I’m intrigued to know who wanted to drop me in it. The list is quite long apparently! :laughing:

Sorry Rikki, but I find your threats unfathomable. I don’t believe one person has that much clout. Might be so, just not ‘so’ in my head where I see things in black and white and I call a spade a spade.

I dont have anything like that “clout” your right- TruckNet is tiny compared to some websites but it is not just me doing this, it is a whole movement within the internet and the big guys are doing this and us smaller sites benefit from the arrangements put in place- but to be direct- one person found his internet provider declined to provide him with internet access totaly and directly due to his posts on here

From the ISP surely your able to identify who did it

From the ISP surely your able to identify who did it

Not always if you look at mine on here I have several

But at 1 time here in the North East if you checked 1 provider it was in another county that showed up ( ie in Newcastle it showed up as Chester - le - Street which is in Durham )

Sorry Rikki, but I find your threats unfathomable. I don’t believe one person has that much clout. Might be so, just not ‘so’ in my head where I see things in black and white and I call a spade a spade.

Threats? What threats?
You have asked questions, they have been answered. I don’t see any threats in those answers.

As Rikki has already said. He, himself, on his own, can NOT get an individuals internet access removed just on his say so. However he, as a well established site owner, can ask an ISP to look at one of their accounts. An ISP can then make up their own mind and if they feel it is warranted, they can close down an individuals internet access.
Social Media sites can do the same thing as an ISP in that they can look at an individual account and if they feel it is warranted, they can close it.

We do much the same with accounts on Trucknet.
We spotted an account acting in a manner well beyond our site rules, so we closed that account. We may have had a request from a member to look at that account, before we spotted it. The ISP is simply doing the same thing.
We didn’t close that account on the say so of an individual member.
We acted on a request to look at an account.
We looked at that account.
We decided to close it, on the evidence of that account.
That individual member did not have the clout to get an account closed.


Sorry Rikki, but I find your threats unfathomable. I don’t believe one person has that much clout. Might be so, just not ‘so’ in my head where I see things in black and white and I call a spade a spade.

Threats? What threats?
You have asked questions, they have been answered. I don’t see any threats in those answers.

As Rikki has already said. He, himself, on his own, can NOT get an individuals internet access removed just on his say so. However he, as a well established site owner, can ask an ISP to look at one of their accounts. An ISP can then make up their own mind and if they feel it is warranted, they can close down an individuals internet access.
Social Media sites can do the same thing as an ISP in that they can look at an individual account and if they feel it is warranted, they can close it.

We do much the same with accounts on Trucknet.
We spotted an account acting in a manner well beyond our site rules, so we closed that account. We may have had a request from a member to look at that account, before we spotted it. The ISP is simply doing the same thing.
We didn’t close that account on the say so of an individual member.
We acted on a request to look at an account.
We looked at that account.
We decided to close it, on the evidence of that account.
That individual member did not have the clout to get an account closed.

Rikki responded to my post FIVE days ago, was there really any need for you to add your ‘bit’ FIVE days later?? Well, I suppose it re-hashed this thread again, guessing that was your intention.
Thanks for your input Simon, very enlightening.

Edit ignore me im a idiot

It’s probably been swept under the carpet by now anyway. We’ll never know who the idiot was.

Rikki responded to my post FIVE days ago, was there really any need for you to add your ‘bit’ FIVE days later?? Well, I suppose it re-hashed this thread again, guessing that was your intention.
Thanks for your input Simon, very enlightening.

Perhaps because I didn’t get home till 5 days after you posted your stuff about threats.
As you appeared to have misunderstood the reply you had, I thought further explanation was reasonable. As you now appear to be enlightened, apparently it was.

It’s probably been swept under the carpet by now anyway. We’ll never know who the idiot was.



It’s probably been swept under the carpet by now anyway. We’ll never know who the idiot was.


You don’t need to know who it was.

Oh i see… :unamused:

Do you know though?



It’s probably been swept under the carpet by now anyway. We’ll never know who the idiot was.


You don’t need to know who it was.

I might like to know though. Being as it was me that they targeted,causing damning remarks regarding my son’s death!