The "mandy" situation

Please let it be known, that someone posted on the M1 crash in Northampton thread, posting as Mandy the girl involved.
They said they were me trying to wind people up. Can I just say that I would never stoop so low as to wish injury/death etc…on a person. My Son died recently, so I don’t think I would wish things like that on anybody, no matter what some think on here. So I just want to make it clear that whoever it was, is a sick twisted bar stad. I just want you all to know that it wasn’t me.OK?
Thank you.

bv, it was picked up on pretty quick and I don’t think anyone thought it was you tbh.

What a sick bar steward this so called ‘Mandy’ is…

I seen that Vern and I don’t think for one moment anyone thought it was you.

There are some sick trolls out there.

bv, it was picked up on pretty quick and I don’t think anyone thought it was you tbh.

+1 Knew you wouldn’t have done anything as sick as that. Also didn’t like Harry Monks comment he made to ‘Mandy’ last night. Maybe a heat of the moment reply before he knew the facts.

Well I never saw it so don’t even know what was written. Harry Monk has apologised for the record, once I’d spoken to him.


bv, it was picked up on pretty quick and I don’t think anyone thought it was you tbh.

+1 Knew you wouldn’t have done anything as sick as that. Also didn’t like Harry Monks comment he made to ‘Mandy’ last night. Maybe a heat of the moment reply before he knew the facts.

Yes it was, and I did try to delete it but the thread was locked down as I did it. Whoever created that user ID is certainly sick.

Harry Monk:


bv, it was picked up on pretty quick and I don’t think anyone thought it was you tbh.

+1 Knew you wouldn’t have done anything as sick as that. Also didn’t like Harry Monks comment he made to ‘Mandy’ last night. Maybe a heat of the moment reply before he knew the facts.

Yes it was, and I did try to delete it but the thread was locked down as I did it. Whoever created that user ID is certainly sick.

Hopefully the mods can find out what IP address it came from and block them and whatever other user names they use for good. It’s all well and good having a wee laugh at someone expense, but to create a false user, post what they did then blame it on someone else was low. Glad you and Bigvern have put things right though.

I had a feeling that “Mandy” wasn’t Mandy.

What did naughty Harry Monk say? I always miss the good stuff. He is such a naughty boy.

…and no Crab haters, despite my previous convictions for having multiple usernames, it was not me. If my best mate Rikki checks out the IP address I’ve been using since Monday, he will see it’s a Spanish one because I’m in Spain stealing wi-fi from the greasy Spaniard next door.

Whoever it was should be named and shamed.

Hopefully the mods can find out what IP address it came from.

“Mandy” used a masked ip for “her” posts but forgot to mask it when the account was registered :wink: :grimacing: :grimacing:

So name him and shame him .


So name him and shame him .


Didn’t see the thread in question, too much ■■■■ on here nowadays.

As for naming and shaming, why? Just block/ban the original IP Address. No need for a ‘hatred’ thread.

So they get me a worse name than I already have and that’s OK then? NAH Who was it?

So they get me a worse name than I already have and that’s OK then?

Where did anybody say that, get a grip FFS, this isn’t ‘real life’ Vern, it’s just the internet. Who gives a toss what people think of you?
Life’s too short to get wound up by some scummer on here.

It takes an actual person to use the internet. That makes it real enough for me. Thanks for your input though.

It takes an actual person to use the internet. That makes it real enough for me. Thanks for your input though.

Ummmmm, sort of, there are ‘bots’ out there.

Its a sad and disgusting state of affairs,i knew myself lastnight something wasnt right,i was sure bigvern was the decent guy on here who recently lost his son,and i knew he wouldnt even dream of such a low act,how could you even be bothered even if you thought of something so twisted!

Bollox I missed it all!!! As shaggy says “it wasn’t me”

I’m in Spain stealing wi-fi from the greasy Spaniard next door.

Whoever it was should be named and shamed.


People with multiple accounts should be banned this site is quite weird that it allows this to happen