The "mandy" situation

My wife, scanialady, has kept in touch with Mandy since her accident and we know she would not write on trucknet with the words which were posted, she does not talk like that. A lot of interest has been shown conerning Mandy’s progress and after my wife talked to Mandy a few days ago, she is home and improving every day. At Truckfest, alot of people who visited the club stand were happy to hear how Mandy is getting better every day. We had a poster about the accident and her thanks were there for all to see for those who wished her well on facebook and Trucknet. :stuck_out_tongue:

I’ve dealt with enough situations like that in my time in the police,

Ummm, so, as you know, you are ‘guilty’ UNTIL proved innocent. LOL

My wife, scanialady, has kept in touch with Mandy since her accident and we know she would not write on trucknet with the words which were posted, she does not talk like that. A lot of interest has been shown conerning Mandy’s progress and after my wife talked to Mandy a few days ago, she is home and improving every day. At Truckfest, alot of people who visited the club stand were happy to hear how Mandy is getting better every day. We had a poster about the accident and her thanks were there for all to see for those who wished her well on facebook and Trucknet. :stuck_out_tongue:

good to hear shes gettin better

I’m not bothered who did it, in fact I think it’s quite funny.

jessicas dad:
Well what’s this all about■■?

What is that?
Where did you get it from?
Think I’m far too old for this rubbish…


jessicas dad:
Well what’s this all about■■?

What is that?
Where did you get it from?
Think I’m far too old for this rubbish…

I’ve edited it out too keep my nose out of things.


So has

So has Mandy actually ever posted on truck net for real??

So has Mandy actually ever posted on truck net for real??

I very much doubt it, the two posts I saw from Mandy bore no resemblance to her style of writing on Facebook.

I think we’ve already established that “Mandy” wasn’t Mandy, but thanks for coming.


So has Mandy actually ever posted on truck net for real??

I very much doubt it, the two posts I saw from Mandy bore no resemblance to her style of writing on Facebook.

Mandy is not very happy about what has been going on on Trucknet.

The poor girl is trying to get back to a normal life. I am sure she does not want this sort of thing being done. She could never post like that person did. She has her own way of words and what was posted was no way like her. To the person responsible for the comments, leave the girl alone and find other things to do with your spare time. :angry:

So is this Mandy bird who hit a bridge a bloke then?

I haven’t been reading much of these threads since I saw smashed crab and vernface were involved



So has Mandy actually ever posted on truck net for real??

I very much doubt it, the two posts I saw from Mandy bore no resemblance to her style of writing on Facebook.

Mandy is not very happy about what has been going on on Trucknet.

The poor girl is trying to get back to a normal life. I am sure she does not want this sort of thing being done. She could never post like that person did. She has her own way of words and what was posted was no way like her. To the person responsible for the comments, leave the girl alone and find other things to do with your spare time. :angry:

She could always join & put the record straight herself

Wheel Nut:
So is this Mandy bird who hit a bridge a bloke then?

I haven’t been reading much of these threads since I saw smashed crab and vernface were involved

Think it is the Mandy that had the accident on M1 Northampton in June the young Irish lass

Wheel Nut:
So is this Mandy bird who hit a bridge a bloke then?

I haven’t been reading much of these threads since I saw smashed crab and vernface were involved

Well you might want to read mine then. IT WAS NOT ME!




So has Mandy actually ever posted on truck net for real??

She could always join & put the record straight herself

After she read the remarks put on after her accident, I don’t think she would bother taking up her time posting on here. Some of the remarks were quite upsetting to her.





So has Mandy actually ever posted on truck net for real??

She could always join & put the record straight herself

After she read the remarks put on after her accident, I don’t think she would bother taking up her time posting on here. Some of the remarks were quite upsetting to her.

Maybe before you take the high and mighty mantle here, maybe you should read her personal Facebook page, she might live to regret some off the comments she has put on there.





So has Mandy actually ever posted on truck net for real??

She could always join & put the record straight herself

After she read the remarks put on after her accident, I don’t think she would bother taking up her time posting on here. Some of the remarks were quite upsetting to her.

TBH didnt read much of it due to fact it happened when I was away

Did speak to a few Irish drivers that knew her though on the ferry ( they had seen her the week before on said ferry )

A bit of banter has always been Ok on here, posting abusive messages are not, neither is claiming to be another member- only one ISP is involved here and fortunatly due to past incidents we have a good relations with their “compliance” team- there is nothing on TruckNet that ties conclusively any individual member to the posts made on TruckNet - however the ISP/a certain popular social media website and TruckNet have agreed to share/monitor IP address’s over this issue - if we can by this establish who was responsible all three will consider withdrawing use of the services from that individual from all 3 sites/services