The "mandy" situation

This has become one pointless thread.

For the best part it was OK. Then the crap started.

Couldn’t agree more.

I can’t be bothered to go over every post but as far as I can see everything after page two might as well be removed in my opinion.

Why feed the trolls :unamused:

jessicas dad:
Seeing as your on rob… Who is this■■?



You are a bad man Alex and I would put your battery on charge .



Hey Dinostevus, that’ll be me !! :laughing: :laughing:
I like that new name…“yorkysays:-”

Ha ha. Busted.

Nope, don’t think so.

It was the dog! :sunglasses: Honest :wink:

Let’s get this back on topic then.

Denis F:

Hopefully the mods can find out what IP address it came from.

“Mandy” used a masked ip for “her” posts but forgot to mask it when the account was registered…

As for naming and shaming, why? …No need for a ‘hatred’ thread.

Hey Dinostevus… I like that new name…“yorkysays:-”

I think I’ve worked out who “Mandy” was.

…and judging by the fact that this post was approved, I think I was right.

Mystery solved. Case closed.

Well I must be a bit dim…I ain’t solved it!

That’s not hard vern :wink: :smiley:

Well I must be a bit dim…I ain’t solved it!

Look closer. Its probably someone who doesn’t even drive a lorry. I wouldn’t worry over it.

Who ever did is a sick ■■■■■■

Who ever did is a sick [zb]

And in other ground breaking news it turns out that the Pope is actually Catholic.


Who ever did is a sick [zb]

And in other ground breaking news it turns out that the Pope is actually Catholic.

Really!! never knew that.



Who ever did is a sick [zb]

And in other ground breaking news it turns out that the Pope is actually Catholic.

Really!! never knew that.

Oh i’m full of useless info and crap Mick. Whilst you think its abhorrent the idea of someone impersonating Mandy, on another day when you are friends with someone on FB who claims to have impersonated Mandy you don’t seem to think its to bad. Infact you add to it that you’ll post as a non driver for some fun. Make your mind up.
Just to answer your question of…

Mick Whittaker Should i go on there and post a drivel reply from a non driver?

You already do. HTH.




Who ever did is a sick [zb]

And in other ground breaking news it turns out that the Pope is actually Catholic.

Really!! never knew that.

Oh i’m full of useless info and crap Mick. Whilst you think its abhorrent the idea of someone impersonating Mandy, on another day when you are friends with someone on FB who claims to have impersonated Mandy you don’t seem to think its to bad. Infact you add to it that you’ll post as a non driver for some fun. Make your mind up.
Just to answer your question of…

Mick Whittaker Should i go on there and post a drivel reply from a non driver?

You already do. HTH.

That’s before i even found the Mandy topic.

Should i go on there and post a drivel reply from a non driver?

Well that has changed now as my job is driving! and below is what i was replying to!

As the lemmings on trucknet say "GO GIRL KEEP HER LIT " and other such drivel from non drivers. HTH.

Yeah it may look like double standards but at least i know i need to read before i reply, if that makes sense.

I haven’t been on for a while, and this thread is a typical reason why I don’t frequent the communist republic of trucknet anymore. I am far from liberal, but got sick of the attitudes towards certain members, I’ve been accused of being in a clique, watched several well known posters step back, and I can see why. The site has gone stale. Crap threads and the good ones locked down if the debate starts heating up. Rikki Jong Ill has lost the plot imho. I for one am sick of threads being hijacked by posters spamming crap and all the trolls. I’ve suggested in the past to put new members on pre mod for the first 25 posts, this thread wouldn’t have came about if that was the case. I wouldn’t say something as stupid as I won’t be back, as I probably will. I hope this site reverts back to the way it used to be. So in line with the communist rule, nobody has a gun to my head and I will do one… for now :wink: