The caravan thread


I’m a retired TM, and prior to that a lorry driver. And for 44 years I’ve been a caravanner.
Firstly, when I was a TM, if I’d heard any of my drivers talking about deliberatly trying to make caravans wobble, I’d have fired them on the spot, and reported them to the police.
I’d also like a pound for every time I’ve been held up by morons driving lorries.
I’d also like to point out that I have test-towed my outfit on a private road at over 80mph, without any sign of trouble.
I generally average around 6,000 miles per year, towing my caravan in UK and Europe, and probably a furthe 8,000 solo.
Now I accept that there are bad caravan tow-ers, just as there are bad lorry drivers, but I have not yet heard of a caravanner deliberately trying to make a lorry crash .
I honestly find the attitude of some of you quite absurd, and more than a little worrying.
I wonder just how many overturned caravans are caused by the brainless morons who’ve posted on here?
Oh, and the possible deaths from such accidents?
Grow up, you stupid b*stards.

What motorbikes were they, that were inconvenienced by a lorry accelerating??
Also, what sort of lorry was it, that would accelerate visibly to a guy on a motorbike? (jet powered)?
This sounds like so much pish.

Everybody please just leave others to get on with their own lives, whether in a caravan or a bike or a truck.

Everyone has the same right to be there.


How can this Busby geezer say caravanners stop in every layby? Does he also stop and take notes of reg numbers?
Its quite scary to think morons like him might be in a HGV.

Very poor.

I do like green!



Good times :grimacing:

I didn’t know that woman with the jerrycan was a ■■■■■.

take it you have not been to acomb…

The usual caravan ■■■■ up at this time of year is “the wheel falling off the things”
Why?? … because the owners have had the things jacked up on axil stands over the winter to prevent flat spots on the tyres, and also probably removed the wheels and stored them in the garage. Then as the sun comes out they put the wheels back on the thing so they can move it and mow the lawn, when theyve finished mowing, they jack the thing back up and store the wheels back in the garage afterall theyd only needed to hand tightened the wheel nuts while they moved it. Repeat the wheel refitting/lawn mowing move over the last few weeks. Then come the glorious bank holiday weekend they hook up the caravan to the car and head off into the sunshine, utterly oblivious that while they where moving the caravan to mow the lawn, they somehow forget to tighten the wheel nuts up on the thing

I’m a retired TM, and prior to that a lorry driver. And for 44 years I’ve been a caravanner.
Firstly, when I was a TM, if I’d heard any of my drivers talking about deliberatly trying to make caravans wobble, I’d have fired them on the spot, and reported them to the police.
I’d also like a pound for every time I’ve been held up by morons driving lorries.
I’d also like to point out that I have test-towed my outfit on a private road at over 80mph, without any sign of trouble.
I generally average around 6,000 miles per year, towing my caravan in UK and Europe, and probably a furthe 8,000 solo.
Now I accept that there are bad caravan tow-ers, just as there are bad lorry drivers, but I have not yet heard of a caravanner deliberately trying to make a lorry crash .
I honestly find the attitude of some of you quite absurd, and more than a little worrying.
I wonder just how many overturned caravans are caused by the brainless morons who’ve posted on here?
Oh, and the possible deaths from such accidents?
Grow up, you stupid b*stards.

Wow, you really were a Transport Manager. Firing people on the spot because of rumors or allegations, I never held you up in a lorry, I had a shed-dragger phone my boss for having the audacity to overtake him. You towed a caravan at over 80 mph on private land… Why? I’d love to have heard the phone call you made to book this private land… How many miles you tow a caravan is meaningless, doing lots of miles does not preclude you from being a bad driver.

I find your attitude absurd too, strangely enough. I’m glad you’re retired, we have enough small-minded, self-righteous, petty people in this industry as it is. You know the ones, you see them and think “I bet he owns a caravan…”



I’m a retired TM, and prior to that a lorry driver. And for 44 years I’ve been a caravanner.
Firstly, when I was a TM, if I’d heard any of my drivers talking about deliberatly trying to make caravans wobble, I’d have fired them on the spot, and reported them to the police.
I’d also like a pound for every time I’ve been held up by morons driving lorries.
I’d also like to point out that I have test-towed my outfit on a private road at over 80mph, without any sign of trouble.
I generally average around 6,000 miles per year, towing my caravan in UK and Europe, and probably a furthe 8,000 solo.
Now I accept that there are bad caravan tow-ers, just as there are bad lorry drivers, but I have not yet heard of a caravanner deliberately trying to make a lorry crash .
I honestly find the attitude of some of you quite absurd, and more than a little worrying.
I wonder just how many overturned caravans are caused by the brainless morons who’ve posted on here?
Oh, and the possible deaths from such accidents?
Grow up, you stupid b*stards.

What motorbikes were they, that were inconvenienced by a lorry accelerating??
Also, what sort of lorry was it, that would accelerate visibly to a guy on a motorbike? (jet powered)?
This sounds like so much pish.

Everybody please just leave others to get on with their own lives, whether in a caravan or a bike or a truck.

Everyone has the same right to be there.


How can this Busby geezer say caravanners stop in every layby? Does he also stop and take notes of reg numbers?
Its quite scary to think morons like him might be in a HGV.

Very poor.

125cc twist and go scooter x 2 in the little convoy, 15mph to use and they have a good pick up on them and trust me, this isn’t pish.

The truck was a gold Volvo unit pulling a blue trailer and on a 125cc scooter you will notice that the lorry has put his foot down.

if a truck is doing 40 -45 mph and i am along side him doing 60mph i fly by, but if i come across a truck who is going along at 50 - 54mph, it takes time for little Burt to get by but i will pass him in the end.

The usual caravan ■■■■ up at this time of year is “the wheel falling off the things”
Why?? … because the owners have had the things jacked up on axil stands over the winter to prevent flat spots on the tyres, and also probably removed the wheels and stored them in the garage. Then as the sun comes out they put the wheels back on the thing so they can move it and mow the lawn, when theyve finished mowing, they jack the thing back up and store the wheels back in the garage afterall theyd only needed to hand tightened the wheel nuts while they moved it. Repeat the wheel refitting/lawn mowing move over the last few weeks. Then come the glorious bank holiday weekend they hook up the caravan to the car and head off into the sunshine, utterly oblivious that while they where moving the caravan to mow the lawn, they somehow forget to tighten the wheel nuts up on the thing

the usual story when they breakdown in my patch is the perished tyres melting due to the 3tons of stuff in the back.
and then they realise the spares still in the back of the garage. :unamused: :smiley: :smiley:

Lets face it guys, the real problems on the road these days are caused by caravans.

And lorries, and blummin cyclists, and motorbikes.

And old people. And women drivers and white van man. Dont get me started on BMWs and Volvo drivers.
Reps are a pain as well. And what about bus drivers? Sheesh! Mothers on the school run. People on short journeys. Anyone with a side parting or a silly hat. Anyone with kids in the car, because nobody seems to be thinking of the children these days. Boy racers. And anyone with a better car/motorbike/lorry than me.

Another thing that gets me is those mobility scooters. They need banning.

In fact, I don`t think life is really worth living anymore, what with all these inferior people around.

Lets face it guys, the real problems on the road these days are caused by caravans.

And lorries, and blummin cyclists, and motorbikes.

And old people. And women drivers and white van man. Dont get me started on BMWs and Volvo drivers.
Reps are a pain as well. And what about bus drivers? Sheesh! Mothers on the school run. People on short journeys. Anyone with a side parting or a silly hat. Anyone with kids in the car, because nobody seems to be thinking of the children these days. Boy racers. And anyone with a better car/motorbike/lorry than me.

Another thing that gets me is those mobility scooters. They need banning.

In fact, I don`t think life is really worth living anymore, what with all these inferior people around.

I have a length of strong rope should you require to borrow it :smiley: But i need it back :smiley:

Lets face it guys, the real problems on the road these days are caused by caravans.

And lorries, and blummin cyclists, and motorbikes.

And old people. And women drivers and white van man. Dont get me started on BMWs and Volvo drivers.
Reps are a pain as well. And what about bus drivers? Sheesh! Mothers on the school run. People on short journeys. Anyone with a side parting or a silly hat. Anyone with kids in the car, because nobody seems to be thinking of the children these days. Boy racers. And anyone with a better car/motorbike/lorry than me.

Another thing that gets me is those mobility scooters. They need banning.

In fact, I don`t think life is really worth living anymore, what with all these inferior people around.

Do you want to join me later. I am planing to sit in my car with the tube coming from the rear end of it in to the cab area…PM me if you are interested

Lets face it guys, the real problems on the road these days are caused by caravans.

And lorries, and blummin cyclists, and motorbikes.

And old people. And women drivers and white van man. Dont get me started on BMWs and Volvo drivers.
Reps are a pain as well. And what about bus drivers? Sheesh! Mothers on the school run. People on short journeys. Anyone with a side parting or a silly hat. Anyone with kids in the car, because nobody seems to be thinking of the children these days. Boy racers. And anyone with a better car/motorbike/lorry than me.

Another thing that gets me is those mobility scooters. They need banning.

In fact, I don`t think life is really worth living anymore, what with all these inferior people around.

A good rant, but you left out the true menace of the UK road network…Nissan Micra drivers :imp:

As for wobble boxes, too many bad memories of childhood holidays stuck in the middle of nowhere sleeping in a tin can, eating crap food and dumping in a bucket.
If that was my idea of fun I’d have done something really stupid like become a lorry driver :grimacing:


Lets face it guys, the real problems on the road these days are caused by caravans.

And lorries, and blummin cyclists, and motorbikes.

And old people. And women drivers and white van man. Dont get me started on BMWs and Volvo drivers.
Reps are a pain as well. And what about bus drivers? Sheesh! Mothers on the school run. People on short journeys. Anyone with a side parting or a silly hat. Anyone with kids in the car, because nobody seems to be thinking of the children these days. Boy racers. And anyone with a better car/motorbike/lorry than me.

Another thing that gets me is those mobility scooters. They need banning.

In fact, I don`t think life is really worth living anymore, what with all these inferior people around.

A good rant, but you left out the true menace of the UK road network…Nissan Micra drivers :imp:

As for wobble boxes, too many bad memories of childhood holidays stuck in the middle of nowhere sleeping in a tin can, eating crap food and dumping in a bucket.
If that was my idea of fun I’d have done something really stupid like become a lorry driver :grimacing:

I blame it on the hot cross buns :exclamation: Making everyone angry :laughing:

What annoys me is them clogging the lorry park up at services at night, when i am out of time and need to park for the night!!. M5 Strensham is worst.

Roads in this part of the world are closed more due to timber wagons going arse over ■■■ into a ditch than caravans falling over.
Was thinking of heading to Wales with my caravan this summer. Might spend the days going really really slow just to upset superhero Bubsy.

Crack on loverboy, I am happy to overtake and blow you a kiss as I pass, the turbulance from the kiss will no doubt cause you to end up with all your plastic plates and chemical bog water all over the road :laughing:
I dont understand how a holiday for a lorry driver who tows a trailer all week is to tow a caravan all week :confused:

Upside down season as its known :laughing:

What annoys me is them clogging the lorry park up at services at night, when i am out of time and need to park for the night!!. M5 Strensham is worst.

and strensham has a seperate caravan park on the southbound side.

Does anybody else go flat out on a-roads and get as close as they can to caravans coming the other way and then look in the wing mirror to see if they get the wobbles■■? :laughing:

Yeah :laughing: :smiley: :smiley:

Or watch them over take you on the motoaway and watching the caravan bounce about.

Got a habbit of saying look there a gypies when I see a caravan on tow behide a car or a van…

iv Seen a few big caravan ones behide trucks :sunglasses: :sunglasses: they look pretty smart

Ive just completed a trip to Bulgaria via Romania towing a caravan for the first time ever.
The worst part of the trip? Romania and truck drivers, they dont give a {zb} about anyone but themselves and are prepared to push you off the road if they need to, they abide by no speed limits not just romanian drivers but the usual suspects Turks Bulgarians Poles and Slovaks.
By far the scariest driving experience Ive ever had, that includes having my brakes fail on my truck down a steep hill in Otley. No amount of driving experience will prepare you for Romania its just something to be endured.

Anyway came thru it unharmed and after vowing never ever to tow a caravan I did and though not enjoyable it has served a purpose.

Mine cost me £250 known as Hilton Hotel :sunglasses:
Free wi-fi…
praise the Lord for free Wi-fi “in the voice of precious from come fly with me”

Well lads there’s good news and bad news

the good news, I have sold the caravan so will not be holding you up anymore!

the bad news, I have bought a Nissan Micra so will be holding you up now!