The caravan thread





Does anybody else go flat out on a-roads and get as close as they can to caravans coming the other way and then look in the wing mirror to see if they get the wobbles■■? :laughing:

No, and I run an anti-snake bar to prevent morons like you from injuring everyone else around :smiling_imp:

Me from injuring other people■■? surely the wobble box drivers should be trained it towing a vehicle that might get affected from LGV’s travelling in the oppsite direction and causing some turbulance :confused: :unamused:

You ‘go flat out’ which is illegal on an a road, there’s speed limits, you ‘get as close as you can’ which makes me think it’s a single carriageway too, that’s a 40 zone for you matey.

You are a complete [zb] prick, let’s say that someone had just bought their 1st caravan, didn’t know about anti-snake bars or hitches, and they get a snake on because you’re a [zb] clown, then they swerve across the road infront of a coach full of kids (had to be done, come on…) which then swerves etc…

Why not just live and let live you prick?

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: + :laughing: + :laughing:
For a start 99.9% of HGV drivers break the law in one way or another, also drivers who buy a new caravan and dont know about adders, pythons or hitches shouldnt be driving, no wonder the travel news on BBC radioooooooooooo 2 in the summer is full of “the m6 southbound is closed due to a numty who got into a tank slapper and stacked it into the central reservation” :unamused:
If drivers can handle a 44ton lorry on A-roads doing 56mph then there is certainly no reason why caravans should be doing any less

I think your statistics are probably wrong.

New caravans have anti-snake hitches as standard, I use an anti-snake bar which is like an upside down leaf spring that goes into a friction plate hinge.

Caravans on the back of cars are nothing like an artic you pleb, you claim you’ve driven one at 60mph, I think you’d struggle pushing a shopping trolley around tesco’s and still have the baby wipes to hand when you think of eventually getting a licence to drive anything.

Drivers shouldn’t HANDLE a 44ton lorry on A-roads doing 56mph, and nor should people towing caravans (unless it’s a dual carriageway) due to speed limits.

Also, I now have a BMW 3 litre diesel as my tow car, tows really nicely and will sit at 60mph anywhere I go (where legal), but I’ve had a lot of other cars that just weren’t quite upto it, and I’m not talking crap cars, just power in the wrong place, Audi A6 2 litre petrol estate would drop speed over The Thelwall Viaduct, my Nissan Tino 2.2 turbo diesel had trouble setting off from the line because the turbo wasn’t creating enough power until 1050rpm which would mean riding the clutch or setting off nice and slowly.

Also, as I said, a lot of caravans don’t move much over the winter, so do 50 - 100 miles and have a look at tyres, see if they’re ok or if they’re degrading or overheating etc, check all legs are still up and not vibrating down, etc etc etc

Whats the rush when i’m on holidiay ? 50% travelling time - don’t think so bud , Also I’m no pensioner either, if some numnuts what to sit up my chuff on A roads let em get on with it i’m more concerned whats happening in front ,i’m taking no risks when i’ve got my family in with me, IMHO most if not all of the old folk i’ve met caravanning have more experience towing than alot of the so called “experts”.
some folks really need to grow up a bit


Good times :grimacing:

I didn’t know that woman with the jerrycan was a ■■■■■.






Does anybody else go flat out on a-roads and get as close as they can to caravans coming the other way and then look in the wing mirror to see if they get the wobbles■■? :laughing:

No, and I run an anti-snake bar to prevent morons like you from injuring everyone else around :smiling_imp:

Me from injuring other people■■? surely the wobble box drivers should be trained it towing a vehicle that might get affected from LGV’s travelling in the oppsite direction and causing some turbulance :confused: :unamused:

You ‘go flat out’ which is illegal on an a road, there’s speed limits, you ‘get as close as you can’ which makes me think it’s a single carriageway too, that’s a 40 zone for you matey.

You are a complete [zb] prick, let’s say that someone had just bought their 1st caravan, didn’t know about anti-snake bars or hitches, and they get a snake on because you’re a [zb] clown, then they swerve across the road infront of a coach full of kids (had to be done, come on…) which then swerves etc…

Why not just live and let live you prick?

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: + :laughing: + :laughing:
For a start 99.9% of HGV drivers break the law in one way or another, also drivers who buy a new caravan and dont know about adders, pythons or hitches shouldnt be driving, no wonder the travel news on BBC radioooooooooooo 2 in the summer is full of “the m6 southbound is closed due to a numty who got into a tank slapper and stacked it into the central reservation” :unamused:
If drivers can handle a 44ton lorry on A-roads doing 56mph then there is certainly no reason why caravans should be doing any less

I think your statistics are probably wrong.

New caravans have anti-snake hitches as standard, I use an anti-snake bar which is like an upside down leaf spring that goes into a friction plate hinge.

Caravans on the back of cars are nothing like an artic you pleb, you claim you’ve driven one at 60mph, I think you’d struggle pushing a shopping trolley around tesco’s and still have the baby wipes to hand when you think of eventually getting a licence to drive anything.

Drivers shouldn’t HANDLE a 44ton lorry on A-roads doing 56mph, and nor should people towing caravans (unless it’s a dual carriageway) due to speed limits.

Also, I now have a BMW 3 litre diesel as my tow car, tows really nicely and will sit at 60mph anywhere I go (where legal), but I’ve had a lot of other cars that just weren’t quite upto it, and I’m not talking crap cars, just power in the wrong place, Audi A6 2 litre petrol estate would drop speed over The Thelwall Viaduct, my Nissan Tino 2.2 turbo diesel had trouble setting off from the line because the turbo wasn’t creating enough power until 1050rpm which would mean riding the clutch or setting off nice and slowly.

Also, as I said, a lot of caravans don’t move much over the winter, so do 50 - 100 miles and have a look at tyres, see if they’re ok or if they’re degrading or overheating etc, check all legs are still up and not vibrating down, etc etc etc

Clearly you have your head screwed on, too many people who dont and cause a nuisance.
“Drivers shouldn’t HANDLE a 44ton lorry on A-roads doing 56mph” :laughing: do you actually drive a lorry on A-roads■■? me as well as many others have been doing that speed even with the rozzers behind us, the only things that dont like lorries speeding are GATSO’s and those stupid camera vans, real police dont give a crap.

I’m a retired TM, and prior to that a lorry driver. And for 44 years I’ve been a caravanner.
Firstly, when I was a TM, if I’d heard any of my drivers talking about deliberatly trying to make caravans wobble, I’d have fired them on the spot, and reported them to the police.
I’d also like a pound for every time I’ve been held up by morons driving lorries.
I’d also like to point out that I have test-towed my outfit on a private road at over 80mph, without any sign of trouble.
I generally average around 6,000 miles per year, towing my caravan in UK and Europe, and probably a furthe 8,000 solo.
Now I accept that there are bad caravan tow-ers, just as there are bad lorry drivers, but I have not yet heard of a caravanner deliberately trying to make a lorry crash .
I honestly find the attitude of some of you quite absurd, and more than a little worrying.
I wonder just how many overturned caravans are caused by the brainless morons who’ve posted on here?
Oh, and the possible deaths from such accidents?
Grow up, you stupid b*stards.

chris c:
Whats the rush when i’m on holidiay ? 50% travelling time - don’t think so bud , Also I’m no pensioner either, if some numnuts what to sit up my chuff on A roads let em get on with it i’m more concerned whats happening in front ,i’m taking no risks when i’ve got my family in with me, IMHO most if not all of the old folk i’ve met caravanning have more experience towing than alot of the so called “experts”.
some folks really need to grow up a bit

Travelling time aint a holiday time is it??
I am supprised British Airways and Virgin don’t do 35mph and stop in every airport on the route :laughing:
What planet have you met these old folk on■■? most in the UK aint got a clue how to drove forward dont mention reverse :laughing:

I’m a retired TM, and prior to that a lorry driver. And for 44 years I’ve been a caravanner.
Firstly, when I was a TM, if I’d heard any of my drivers talking about deliberatly trying to make caravans wobble, I’d have fired them on the spot, and reported them to the police.
I’d also like a pound for every time I’ve been held up by morons driving lorries.
I’d also like to point out that I have test-towed my outfit on a private road at over 80mph, without any sign of trouble.
I generally average around 6,000 miles per year, towing my caravan in UK and Europe, and probably a furthe 8,000 solo.
Now I accept that there are bad caravan tow-ers, just as there are bad lorry drivers, but I have not yet heard of a caravanner deliberately trying to make a lorry crash .
I honestly find the attitude of some of you quite absurd, and more than a little worrying.
I wonder just how many overturned caravans are caused by the brainless morons who’ve posted on here?
Oh, and the possible deaths from such accidents?
Grow up, you stupid b*stards.

Cheer up surry :laughing:
Not everyone is as elite as you :unamused:
I would probably earn more getting a pound for everytime I was held up by a wobble box than a lorry, god forbid if they break a pound shop plate :open_mouth:

I’m a retired TM, and prior to that a lorry driver. And for 44 years I’ve been a caravanner.
Firstly, when I was a TM, if I’d heard any of my drivers talking about deliberatly trying to make caravans wobble, I’d have fired them on the spot, and reported them to the police.
I’d also like a pound for every time I’ve been held up by morons driving lorries.
I’d also like to point out that I have test-towed my outfit on a private road at over 80mph, without any sign of trouble.
I generally average around 6,000 miles per year, towing my caravan in UK and Europe, and probably a furthe 8,000 solo.
Now I accept that there are bad caravan tow-ers, just as there are bad lorry drivers, but I have not yet heard of a caravanner deliberately trying to make a lorry crash .
I honestly find the attitude of some of you quite absurd, and more than a little worrying.
I wonder just how many overturned caravans are caused by the brainless morons who’ve posted on here?
Oh, and the possible deaths from such accidents?
Grow up, you stupid b*stards.

He has a point as I’ve been held up by lorries a number of times :smiley: like today for example. A lorry was traveling at 40mph+ and when he noticed that 3 motorbikes were overtaking the ***** put his foot down to make it harder and nearly forced one of the motorbikes to have a head on. Before you guys jump the boat, it was a nice long stretch with clear views and it was safe to overtake and i could see that he was looking into his mirror with a little smile on his chops




Does anybody else go flat out on a-roads and get as close as they can to caravans coming the other way and then look in the wing mirror to see if they get the wobbles■■? :laughing:

No, and I run an anti-snake bar to prevent morons like you from injuring everyone else around :smiling_imp:

Me from injuring other people■■? surely the wobble box drivers should be trained it towing a vehicle that might get affected from LGV’s travelling in the oppsite direction and causing some turbulance :confused: :unamused:

You ‘go flat out’ which is illegal on an a road, there’s speed limits, you ‘get as close as you can’ which makes me think it’s a single carriageway too, that’s a 40 zone for you matey.

You are a complete [zb] prick, let’s say that someone had just bought their 1st caravan, didn’t know about anti-snake bars or hitches, and they get a snake on because you’re a [zb] clown, then they swerve across the road infront of a coach full of kids (had to be done, come on…) which then swerves etc…

Why not just live and let live you prick?


I’m welsh… I don’t think his nationality has anything to do with how stupid his views are.


Personally I get far more problems from folk with non-moving caravans. :wink:



YES . :grimacing:
.Thinking of the sheep :unamused:

This thread has me in stitches :laughing: :laughing:

I love the way caravanners drag their plastic box 200 miles to sit and watch Eastenders in a field, when thats over, they try and come over to us with our huge tent, (dragged in a trailer cos it wont fit in car when full of kids) and try and lord it over us, the convo ALWAYS comes round to how much they’ve paid for their rig, as if I give a toss, I’m on holiday not in a willy waving competition.


This thread has me in stitches :laughing: :laughing:

I love the way caravanners drag their plastic box 200 miles to sit and watch Eastenders in a field, when thats over, they try and come over to us with our huge tent, (dragged in a trailer cos it wont fit in car when full of kids) and try and lord it over us, the convo ALWAYS comes round to how much they’ve paid for their rig, as if I give a toss, I’m on holiday not in a willy waving competition.

Well, mine was sub £1000, so about the same as a largish tent tbh.

I’m too lazy to set a tent up most of the time, hence the caravan, but we also have a tent that I’ll be using at carfest :smiley: BUT, it’ll go in the boot

This thread has me in stitches :laughing: :laughing:

I love the way caravanners drag their plastic box 200 miles to sit and watch Eastenders in a field, when thats over, they try and come over to us with our huge tent, (dragged in a trailer cos it wont fit in car when full of kids) and try and lord it over us, the convo ALWAYS comes round to how much they’ve paid for their rig, as if I give a toss, I’m on holiday not in a willy waving competition.

Mine was 6k just thought i’ll put it on here so if i see you in your large crisp bag we can cut the (zb) willy waving and have a beer and and a laugh :laughing: :laughing: please call me sir though pmsl

We are even lower down the field-dweller food chain. :wink:

I tow a caravan, have done for 20 years, and our holiday starts from the time we close our house door. Relax and chill, you are a long time Dead! :wink:


chris c:
Mine was 6k just thought i’ll put it on here so if i see you in your large crisp bag we can cut the (zb) willy waving and have a beer and and a laugh :laughing: :laughing: please call me sir though pmsl

RAFLMAO :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Roads in this part of the world are closed more due to timber wagons going arse over ■■■ into a ditch than caravans falling over.
Was thinking of heading to Wales with my caravan this summer. Might spend the days going really really slow just to upset superhero Bubsy.

With the cost of foreign holidays now becoming beyond the means of lots of Britons the caravan becomes a viable alternative,
having said that I still believe they should be gassed and their children sold into slavery.

I’ve got 3

these are used for training