
Isn’t there a firm that doesn’t have Haterz on here!!
Fly by Tesco lads and they normally flash you in as long as you don’t take off the wipers!! :sunglasses:



Perhaps he thought you were [zb] just because you worked for tesco :bulb: i know i do :smiley:

Aye well we could fit what you think on a back of a stamp.

I’m a member of Mensa, which means i spend more time thinking than 50% of the forum members all put together :smiley:


Perhaps he thought you were [zb] just because you worked for tesco :bulb: i know i do :smiley:

Aye cannae believe people actually criticising a driver who is putting a meal on the table for his family because he works for a supermarket.

If the meals from tesco’s it would be a very low nutritional value one wouldn’t it, his family aren’t going to develop strong teeth and bones eating that stuff.
Be better of buying some meat from the butchers, finding some dog [zb], marianating it with cheap wine and serving that :bulb:
Then going out and finding a decent job :bulb:

god arnt you stuck up, so frigging what if your in mensa if your that smart why the [zb] do you drive a lorry?

for being in mensa you are an idiot

if your that smart why the [zb] do you drive a lorry?

That’s ‘you’re’ not ‘your’ :unamused: I also drive a lorry; and when i do it’s ‘containers only’ :smiley:

for being in mensa you are an idiot

That’s ‘you’re’ not ‘you are’ :unamused: Genius has it’s limits, but stupidity doesn’t :bulb:


if your that smart why the [zb] do you drive a lorry?

That’s ‘you’re’ not ‘your’ :unamused: I also drive a lorry; and when i do it’s ‘containers only’ :smiley:

for being in mensa you are an idiot

That’s ‘you’re’ not ‘you are’ :unamused: Genius has it’s limits, but stupidity doesn’t :bulb:




Perhaps he thought you were [zb] just because you worked for tesco :bulb: i know i do :smiley:

Aye well we could fit what you think on a back of a stamp.

I’m a member of Mensa, which means i spend more time thinking than 50% of the forum members all put together :smiley:


Perhaps he thought you were [zb] just because you worked for tesco :bulb: i know i do :smiley:

Aye cannae believe people actually criticising a driver who is putting a meal on the table for his family because he works for a supermarket.

If the meals from tesco’s it would be a very low nutritional value one wouldn’t it, his family aren’t going to develop strong teeth and bones eating that stuff.
Be better of buying some meat from the butchers, finding some dog [zb], marianating it with cheap wine and serving that :bulb:
Then going out and finding a decent job :bulb:

That should be OFF not OF Mr. mensa member. Just thought you’d like to know so that next time you criticise a poster’s grammar, perhaps you’ll spellcheck your own :laughing: Looks as though your “Genius has its limits but stupidity doesn’t” statement was correct.

I work for Tesco and since we have been limited to 49.5 MPH I have noticed that the amount of wagons trying to take the front of the cab of with the back of their trailers has increased ten fold. Then they have the cheek of flashing their indicators at me for not flashing them in. Let it go over your head and try to keep yourself safe.

Happened to me twice yesterday on the M3 coming back from Andover, one guy started to indicate and pull in before his trailer even cleared the cab.



if your that smart why the [zb] do you drive a lorry?

That’s ‘you’re’ not ‘your’ :unamused: I also drive a lorry; and when i do it’s ‘containers only’ :smiley:

for being in mensa you are an idiot

That’s ‘you’re’ not ‘you are’ :unamused: Genius has it’s limits, but stupidity doesn’t :bulb:





Perhaps he thought you were [zb] just because you worked for tesco :bulb: i know i do :smiley:

Aye well we could fit what you think on a back of a stamp.

I’m a member of Mensa, which means i spend more time thinking than 50% of the forum members all put together :smiley:


Perhaps he thought you were [zb] just because you worked for tesco :bulb: i know i do :smiley:

Aye cannae believe people actually criticising a driver who is putting a meal on the table for his family because he works for a supermarket.

If the meals from tesco’s it would be a very low nutritional value one wouldn’t it, his family aren’t going to develop strong teeth and bones eating that stuff.
Be better of buying some meat from the butchers, finding some dog [zb], marianating it with cheap wine and serving that :bulb:
Then going out and finding a decent job :bulb:

That should be OFF not OF Mr. mensa member. Just thought you’d like to know so that next time you criticise a poster’s grammar, perhaps you’ll spellcheck your own :laughing: Looks as though your “Genius has its limits but stupidity doesn’t” statement was correct.

Gramma has nuffin to do with an IQ test, or bein a Mensa member, its all to do wiv maths innit

Come on Containers Only, you’re no more a member of Mensa than I am a member of the VOSA fan club are you? Yes, an IQ test does involve some arithmetic but depending on which test you have taken, it will also include questions relating to other subjects. You’re in danger of being exposed as a Billy Bull ■■■■■■■ here :open_mouth: and judging from your last few posts I think you’ve confirmed it! Are you sure it was Mensa you joined and not the Walter Mitty Appreciation Society?

Come on Containers Only, you’re no more a member of Mensa than I am a member of the VOSA fan club are you? Yes, an IQ test does involve some arithmetic but depending on which test you have taken, it will also include questions relating to other subjects. You’re in danger of being exposed as a Billy Bull [zb] here :open_mouth: and judging from your last few posts I think you’ve confirmed it! Are you sure it was Mensa you joined and not the Walter Mitty Appreciation Society?

What the little bloke is saying is, ‘you sound like the typical lgv driver i meet everyday when i’m driving who has an IQ of 52 but believes no one could be brighter than them, and how they’re the pride of the fleet’


if your that smart why the [zb] do you drive a lorry?

That’s ‘you’re’ not ‘your’ :unamused: I also drive a lorry; and when i do it’s ‘containers only’ :smiley:

for being in mensa you are an idiot

That’s ‘you’re’ not ‘you are’ :unamused: Genius has it’s limits, but stupidity doesn’t :bulb:

HAHA, is that because you`re scared of doing manual labour, the thing is though you can rip on the the guy working for tescos all you want but in reality hes on a good wage, his basic is pretty much what you container boys take home each week…with the difference he only does 8 hours a day and gets home every night

I just see it as jealousy tbh, I got the same crap from people on here when i was a trolley dolly mind you if i put up what i made each week none of you would believe me :slight_smile:

i made more at tesco than i did working at VDB


Come on Containers Only, you’re no more a member of Mensa than I am a member of the VOSA fan club are you? Yes, an IQ test does involve some arithmetic but depending on which test you have taken, it will also include questions relating to other subjects. You’re in danger of being exposed as a Billy Bull [zb] here :open_mouth: and judging from your last few posts I think you’ve confirmed it! Are you sure it was Mensa you joined and not the Walter Mitty Appreciation Society?

What the little bloke is saying is, ‘you sound like the typical lgv driver i meet everyday when i’m driving who has an IQ of 52 but believes no one could be brighter than them, and how they’re the pride of the fleet’

No problem cocker i’ll take the pepsi challenge with you on an IQ test any old day of the week. With regard to the highlighted section above, can I draw your attention to the fact that it is not my IQ that is in question it is yours, as you boldly claimed IIRC to have a greater IQ than 50% of all forum members put together.

My IQ is satisfactory and I by no means believe that I am brighter than everyone else, in fact I am always prepared to accept that on any given subject, somebody will no doubt know more than me. In my case I AM definitely the pride of the fleet, as my fleet consists of one vehicle, with me being the one and only driver, so at least one part of your statement is correct and you may justifiably feel pleased with yourself at least on that count.

Having read some of your previous posts on this forum, it may well be the only statement you HAVE made that is close to the truth :unamused:

A lorry does 49.5mph, it is loaded with 16 pallets of Tesco baked beans, the driver has to travel 130 miles. How long does it take him to get tipped? :stuck_out_tongue:

Wheel Nut:
A lorry does 49.5mph, it is loaded with 16 pallets of Tesco baked beans, the driver has to travel 130 miles. How long does it take him to get tipped? :stuck_out_tongue:

One for our resident “genius” with the big IQ I think :laughing:



Perhaps he thought you were [zb] just because you worked for tesco :bulb: i know i do :smiley:

Aye well we could fit what you think on a back of a stamp.

I’m a member of Mensa, which means i spend more time thinking than 50% of the forum members all put together :smiley:


Perhaps he thought you were [zb] just because you worked for tesco :bulb: i know i do :smiley:

Aye cannae believe people actually criticising a driver who is putting a meal on the table for his family because he works for a supermarket.

If the meals from tesco’s it would be a very low nutritional value one wouldn’t it, his family aren’t going to develop strong teeth and bones eating that stuff.
Be better off buying some meat from the butchers, finding some dog [zb], marianating it with cheap wine and serving that :bulb:
Then going out and finding a decent job :bulb:

A few grammar pointers, tesco should start with a capital T there should have been a double line space after the first sentence and the third sentence started with a capital which did not follow a full stop.

As for a decent job I already have one, I do less than 50 hours a week, I rarely break sweat, I am home every night and enjoy a shed load of benefits. Any suggestions, I’m all ears.








Happy Keith:








If Containers Only is as good with his fists as he is at talking ■■■■, it could be over very quickly :laughing:

Wheel Nut:
A lorry does 49.5mph, it is loaded with 16 pallets of Tesco baked beans, the driver has to travel 130 miles. How long does it take him to get tipped? :stuck_out_tongue:

I will give you the answer then as it is beyond Mensa intelligence.

About 5 hours :open_mouth:

What I cannot understand is why all the latest trucks on Uk roads are 440’s or 390’s or even 500’s etc when you are limited to 55 mph and can only carry 24 tons !!!, is it those stupid auto and semi auto boxes everyone uses nowadays sucking the power staight out of them ■■

JLS Driver SOS:
What I cannot understand is why all the latest trucks on Uk roads are 440’s or 390’s or even 500’s etc when you are limited to 55 mph and can only carry 24 tons !!!, is it those stupid auto and semi auto boxes everyone uses nowadays sucking the power staight out of them ■■

we run 44 ton trucks here now, 30 ton payload on my tanker :wink:

we need all that horsepower because the emmision laws strangle the engines

about time to, emissions, reminds me of a yank tank I bought in the 80’s, 7 ltr V8 and 175 horse power.