
just read through this lot and had a chuckle, in the years ive been driving ive met all sorts of drivers, clever ones and the odd thick one but mostly normal people but lets face it driving a truck isnt rocket science.
however im bright enough to know that if i had the brains or a better education then i would,nt be driving a truck for a living.

just read through this lot and had a chuckle, in the years ive been driving ive met all sorts of drivers, clever ones and the odd thick one but mostly normal people but lets face it driving a truck isnt rocket science.
however im bright enough to know that if i had the brains or a better education then i would,nt be driving a truck for a living.

All I can see is that it costs £45 to join it, so who are the clever buggers?


Wheel Nut:

just read through this lot and had a chuckle, in the years ive been driving ive met all sorts of drivers, clever ones and the odd thick one but mostly normal people but lets face it driving a truck isnt rocket science.
however im bright enough to know that if i had the brains or a better education then i would,nt be driving a truck for a living.

All I can see is that it costs £45 to join it, so who are the clever buggers?


for £45 i reckon you get a big stifficate :wink:



today when i was driving my tesco lorry joining the M6 i had this lorry right on my backdoors when on the M6 he went past me giveing me the [zb] sign.now the tesco lorrys are set at 80kph thats 50mph it is not my fault i am just doing a job and tesco is saving fuel.so who is the [zb] (every little helps).

Perhaps he thought you were [zb] just because you worked for tesco :bulb: i know i do :smiley:

Why? Cuse it’s an easy job with great pay and perks? So what if you don’t get the bling the money makes up for it

Gogzy is your avatar a picture of you dressed in a sailor suit spanking the monkey? :open_mouth:


I work for Tesco and since we have been limited to 49.5 MPH I have noticed that the amount of wagons trying to take the front of the cab of with the back of their trailers has increased ten fold. Then they have the cheek of flashing their indicators at me for not flashing them in. Let it go over your head and try to keep yourself safe.

Happened to me twice yesterday on the M3 coming back from Andover, one guy started to indicate and pull in before his trailer even cleared the cab.

I had this happen to me about 20 years ago and being about half a hour from the depot I let him take my mirror off he did not stop but pulled in about half a mile in front and the police turned up when they went to see him it turned out he had been drinking and his judgement was impaired so maybe that is the reason it is happening so much drink or drugs not just incompetent driving



I work for Tesco and since we have been limited to 49.5 MPH I have noticed that the amount of wagons trying to take the front of the cab of with the back of their trailers has increased ten fold. Then they have the cheek of flashing their indicators at me for not flashing them in. Let it go over your head and try to keep yourself safe.

Happened to me twice yesterday on the M3 coming back from Andover, one guy started to indicate and pull in before his trailer even cleared the cab.

I had this happen to me about 20 years ago and being about half a hour from the depot I let him take my mirror off he did not stop but pulled in about half a mile in front and the police turned up when they went to see him it turned out he had been drinking and his judgement was impaired so maybe that is the reason it is happening so much drink or drugs not just incompetent driving

You let him take your mirror off and HIS judgement was impaired, right.

schrodingers cat:



I work for Tesco and since we have been limited to 49.5 MPH I have noticed that the amount of wagons trying to take the front of the cab of with the back of their trailers has increased ten fold. Then they have the cheek of flashing their indicators at me for not flashing them in. Let it go over your head and try to keep yourself safe.

Happened to me twice yesterday on the M3 coming back from Andover, one guy started to indicate and pull in before his trailer even cleared the cab.

I had this happen to me about 20 years ago and being about half a hour from the depot I let him take my mirror off he did not stop but pulled in about half a mile in front and the police turned up when they went to see him it turned out he had been drinking and his judgement was impaired so maybe that is the reason it is happening so much drink or drugs not just incompetent driving

You let him take your mirror off and HIS judgement was impaired, right.

He pulled in before his trailer was past my cab his trailer axle was level with my cab when he pulled in. I always thought you had to be clear of the vehicle you have overtaken before you pulled back in.

Isn’t there a firm that doesn’t have Haterz on here!!
Fly by Tesco lads and they normally flash you in as long as you don’t take off the wipers!! :sunglasses:

Yes! Spiers & Hartwell.


schrodingers cat:



I work for Tesco and since we have been limited to 49.5 MPH I have noticed that the amount of wagons trying to take the front of the cab of with the back of their trailers has increased ten fold. Then they have the cheek of flashing their indicators at me for not flashing them in. Let it go over your head and try to keep yourself safe.

Happened to me twice yesterday on the M3 coming back from Andover, one guy started to indicate and pull in before his trailer even cleared the cab.

I had this happen to me about 20 years ago and being about half a hour from the depot I let him take my mirror off he did not stop but pulled in about half a mile in front and the police turned up when they went to see him it turned out he had been drinking and his judgement was impaired so maybe that is the reason it is happening so much drink or drugs not just incompetent driving

You let him take your mirror off and HIS judgement was impaired, right.

He pulled in before his trailer was past my cab his trailer axle was level with my cab when he pulled in. I always thought you had to be clear of the vehicle you have overtaken before you pulled back in.

You did say you “LET”“” him take you’re mirror off as you were ABOUT HALF AN HOUR FROM YOUR DEPOT , avoiding action is also allowed, in some circumstances even encouraged. I did not say the accident was your fault but you do imply that you let it happen.

schrodingers cat:


schrodingers cat:



I work for Tesco and since we have been limited to 49.5 MPH I have noticed that the amount of wagons trying to take the front of the cab of with the back of their trailers has increased ten fold. Then they have the cheek of flashing their indicators at me for not flashing them in. Let it go over your head and try to keep yourself safe.

Happened to me twice yesterday on the M3 coming back from Andover, one guy started to indicate and pull in before his trailer even cleared the cab.

I had this happen to me about 20 years ago and being about half a hour from the depot I let him take my mirror off he did not stop but pulled in about half a mile in front and the police turned up when they went to see him it turned out he had been drinking and his judgement was impaired so maybe that is the reason it is happening so much drink or drugs not just incompetent driving

You let him take your mirror off and HIS judgement was impaired, right.

He pulled in before his trailer was past my cab his trailer axle was level with my cab when he pulled in. I always thought you had to be clear of the vehicle you have overtaken before you pulled back in.

You did say you “LET”“” him take you’re mirror off as you were ABOUT HALF AN HOUR FROM YOUR DEPOT , avoiding action is also allowed, in some circumstances even encouraged. I did not say the accident was your fault but you do imply that you let it happen.

It was on a dual carriageway and I was not going onto the grass verge just eased as far to the kerb as I could and held the wagon there I could have braked but it would have been nearly an emergency stop to try and miss him and that might not have been enough to avoid it so I did what I thought was appropriate as in my opinion I do not see any reason to take to the verge for somebody who is not concentrating when carrying out an overtaking manoeuvre. I was doing around 40 mph which was speed limit and this bloke was travelling quite a bit faster and he had no reason to cut in . I can never recall being cut up by someone pulling in too soon in the 60s,70s or 80s when drivers had a lot more to do but it does seem that it does occur more frequently now days and wagons are a lot more powerful and better mirrors maybe it is because there is so little to do except steer now days that concentration levels seems less.

‘…now days … concentration levels seems less…’

Or perhaps it’s fashionable to take risks as inversly proportionate to ‘consideration’ being unfashionable?

today when i was driving my tesco lorry joining the M6 i had this lorry right on my backdoors when on the M6 he went past me giveing me the [zb] sign.now the tesco lorrys are set at 80kph thats 50mph it is not my fault i am just doing a job and tesco is saving fuel.so who is the [zb] (every little helps).

I was concious of the same kind of crap when I drove for Tesco on agency. It comes from the same people who like to knock Stobarts and the like. At the end of the day we’re all professional drivers whoever we work for and should behave accordingly. It’s really coming to a poor pass when people are discriminated against just 'cos of the company they work for…come on lads(and lasses), treat every one as you would be treated :slight_smile: