
44 Tonne Ton:
Not any more. It’s 50 now.

The one I was following up the A140 from Norwich to Aylsham yesterday morning must have played with his limiter then. He was doing a steady 55mph and that was SatNav speed.


44 Tonne Ton:
Not any more. It’s 50 now.

The one I was following up the A140 from Norwich to Aylsham yesterday morning must have played with his limiter then. He was doing a steady 55mph and that was SatNav speed.

I imagine he was running out of Peterborough. They can’t have got round to limiting theirs yet because the Isotrak would pick it up. There’s no pulling fuses with them, no point.


44 Tonne Ton:

Tesco set to 88/89kph and 85 on cruise. I had a crap fuel record there but always managed 3 stores in the time it took their own guys to do 1. I also made more money than them

Not any more. It’s 50 now.

And at £6 quid a gallon, wouldn’t you drive at less than the limit to save a few quid? I know you have to balance the saving in fuel against the extra hours paid due to longer journey times, but if my maths are correct does a maximum of 33 extra miles make a difference to most operations over 4 and a half hours, if you could run at 56 mph non stop?

Perhaps views from some of the owner operators who pay for their own juice would be interesting?

Not really I do my run as told by my time sheet. I’m usually on the motorway anyway so flat out,I also have a train to meet on the way back on my run so can’t just dillygaf around, plus I get paid for the full shift even if I finish an hour early.

if any of you are fast approching the kwik fit double deckers, becareful they’ve got new motors, there 11 reg

MAN’s and there set at 51 mph (83 kph) , makes it hard for the lads doing the scotch run but gives me a bit of

overtime when i do the corby run. well chuffed :smiley: when i over took a tesco truck the other day, least i’m not

the slowest on the road

I don’t understand people getting annoyed at them being limited to 50mph on a 3 lane motorway. It makes them easier to pass if you are doing 56. A lot of DHL wagons are limited to 53mph now but it’s easier doing 50mph as you struggle to overtake anything at 53 & get in the way so best off at 50.

Perhaps views from some of the owner operators who pay for their own juice would be interesting?

the most I have done at 51mph was tours to travemünde once. If I have plenty of time and there are no overtaking bans, I always run at 50 or so. Less fuel, tyres, fines etc and since the price of fuel relies heavily on demand, everybody should be thanking me for doing so :grimacing:

I dont know why people get so irate about it, as someone said its much easier and quicker to pass. Also i think people in this game should be more observant to other trucks around them, for e.g i know if i see a sainsburys or tesco motor up ahead im out into lane 2 alot earlier than i would be if im chasing… say a birds artic :open_mouth:
Also i got no problems in following another truck on a single carraige at 40mph, even if im compfortable doing 50mph, 40s the speed limit at the end of the day.

50mph is fast enough, I did it for years in Europe with ADR :wink:

Having a look at the tesco transport forum there is a thread on there about 50 mph. Its seems they get hit on the back doors on numerous occasions on the motorway.

‘… I was driving my Tesco lorry … this lorry … went past me giving me the [zb] sign…’

Maybe it was a bloke interpreting what the Tesco crest/coat of arms nonsense on the driver’s door is trying to represent.

After all, a ‘coffee-shake’ pretty well sums it up.

thanks you guys.

I work for Tesco and since we have been limited to 49.5 MPH I have noticed that the amount of wagons trying to take the front of the cab of with the back of their trailers has increased ten fold. Then they have the cheek of flashing their indicators at me for not flashing them in. Let it go over your head and try to keep yourself safe.

today when i was driving my tesco lorry joining the M6 i had this lorry right on my backdoors when on the M6 he went past me giveing me the [zb] sign.now the tesco lorrys are set at 80kph thats 50mph it is not my fault i am just doing a job and tesco is saving fuel.so who is the [zb] (every little helps).

Perhaps he thought you were [zb] just because you worked for tesco :bulb: i know i do :smiley:


today when i was driving my tesco lorry joining the M6 i had this lorry right on my backdoors when on the M6 he went past me giveing me the [zb] sign.now the tesco lorrys are set at 80kph thats 50mph it is not my fault i am just doing a job and tesco is saving fuel.so who is the [zb] (every little helps).

Perhaps he thought you were [zb] just because you worked for tesco :bulb: i know i do :smiley:

Why? Cuse it’s an easy job with great pay and perks? So what if you don’t get the bling the money makes up for it

Perhaps he thought you were [zb] just because you worked for tesco :bulb: i know i do :smiley:

Aye well we could fit what you think on a back of a stamp, cannae believe people actually criticising a driver who is putting a meal on the table for his family because he works for a supermarket.


Perhaps he thought you were [zb] just because you worked for tesco :bulb: i know i do :smiley:

Aye well we could fit what you think on a back of a stamp, cannae believe people actually criticising a driver who is putting a meal on the table for his family because he works for a supermarket.

Probably jealous the Tesco guy makes more and gets home everynight lol

why couldnt he overtake b4 the M6

today when i was driving my tesco lorry joining the M6 i had this lorry right on my backdoors when on the M6 he went past me giveing me the [zb] sign.now the tesco lorrys are set at 80kph thats 50mph it is not my fault i am just doing a job and tesco is saving fuel.so who is the [zb] (every little helps).

Let the fool perform, it’s him who’s having a miserable time not you, just don’t do anything to antagonize the other driver and possibly cause an accident.

Everyone knows we are limited to 50 (there are signs on the back of our trailers) so passing on the motorway should be easy and the side by side antics which annoys other road users is eliminated.

Sadly there are a minority who would murder an elderly relative rather than give way or have any patience (filtering being the perfect example) I just ignore this behavior and make every effort to allow others to pass, on SC’s I often stop in lay bys. I just think if you have to gesticulate to other drivers and wave your arms about like a performing seal you are not enjoying your work.

Pat Hasler:
You were driving far to fast :laughing:
When i worked for Tesco John Morrel (famous Kiln Farm unionist) would NEVER exceed 40 mph on any motorway, longer you take the more money you make. I often ran with John and spent many an hour sitting behind him, to pass his was a sin.
John was a true drivers man and great fun :laughing:

Guy sounds like a total ■■■■■ to me.


Perhaps he thought you were [zb] just because you worked for tesco :bulb: i know i do :smiley:

Aye well we could fit what you think on a back of a stamp.

I’m a member of Mensa, which means i spend more time thinking than 50% of the forum members all put together :smiley:


Perhaps he thought you were [zb] just because you worked for tesco :bulb: i know i do :smiley:

Aye cannae believe people actually criticising a driver who is putting a meal on the table for his family because he works for a supermarket.

If the meals from tesco’s it would be a very low nutritional value one wouldn’t it, his family aren’t going to develop strong teeth and bones eating that stuff.
Be better off buying some meat from the butchers, finding some dog ■■■■, marianating it with cheap wine and serving that :bulb:
Then going out and finding a decent job :bulb: