Stobart Channel 5 Friday!


Andy smg:

Did anyone see a satnav in mats cab i didn’t and in a early epsoide in series one he said he didn’t use satnavs .Yes he was lost in that epsoide as well :laughing: :laughing:

Well that’s twice you got to put your hand on your todger… Lucky old you :bulb:

You have lost me :question:

Ok, you win, night night… :neutral_face:

I would have loved to bid to choose the trucks name and call it will betz

ah i knocked the last series as well , but decided to watch this it for what it was ,general pulic entertainment , i thought it was funny & enjoyable

I would have loved to bid to choose the trucks name and call it will betz

or Robert Nestangle !!! :slight_smile:

After swearing to myself not to watch it, I succumbed…

It’s still a crock…

Missing Person Alert
last seen with a welsh flag at John o’ Groats

general blight.jpg

Missing Person Alert
last seen with a welsh flag at John o’ Groats


:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

I did watch the comedy classic but one bit made me wonder. If the trailer heating system only stays on for 90 minutes what happens at night when Athe driver is asleep and B its a whole lot colder?

I’ve just watched this on catch up and what a Trans World Airlines Tanker that matt bloke is. Saying he’s the number one driver then not just swiping a car but impaling it.

I cut my teeth on the artics doing a lot of London work when I was working for a certain company doing theatre work. London is terrifying to start with but once you have been in there a few times it’s a piece of ■■■■. As for relying on his sat-nav that just proves what a spanner he really is, plus if you miss your turning you need to pull over and have a look at one of those floppy things with pretty colours on them, what they called? oh yeah — a map!

Talk about brown nosing as well when the bosses turn up, I thought that brummie trainer was gonna disappear at some stage with just his boots sticking out! ■■■■!

As for the welsh bloke stressing about being a failure cos he missed his time sensitive delivery…WTF is that all about? It’s beyond his control and a phone call to the planner about 15-20 minutes into sitting there is all it needed, or is this not explained in the Stobarts drivers handbook? Saying it’s the hardest day he’s had in a long time! Get a grip!

Oh well, it’s all good press for the mighty green machine and good on them for doing it, just a shame they don’t see the real side of a lot of it!

A poster mentioned how those blokes tried to move the parked car with the handbrake on and the doors locked,but the fire brigade would move a car by trying to make the car jump up and down using the cars suspension to bounce the car a few inches if it was blocking the road for the fire engine,maybe the Stobby lads were trying to move the car like that.

A poster mentioned how those blokes tried to move the parked car with the handbrake on and the doors locked,but the fire brigade would move a car by trying to make the car jump up and down using the cars suspension to bounce the car a few inches if it was blocking the road for the fire engine,maybe the Stobby lads were trying to move the car like that.

Possible, apart from it being firmly attached to a 13 metre trailer as well :laughing: jammed between a kerb and a bent bumper bar, it wasn’t going to bounce far

I would have thought that considering this is giving PR for ES, the drivers would have tried to do such things as not be as flippant, abusive and reckless as they would otherwise have done. They would have prepared and made sure they knew what they were doing and where they were going (ie Matt in London) and Matt even could have turned round and said ‘actually, I’m not too good with London, why don’t you lead’ to the one who got there first off!

Little things too, like guestering with both hands whilst driving along. One handed is a common thing but no handed driving is quite silly, even for a short period of time. Even more when he’s on TV FFS!!!

Although clearly they still have their jobs after doing it last series so it must be an accepted thing!

If I was taking the flagship of the fleet down to somewhere new I’d be on my best behaviour and do extra planning to make sure I knew where I was going, and get there on time. I have done it in the past; once.

I don’t like London that much either :frowning:

highlight of the show :smiley:

No wonder that Welsh pillock was late for his delivery in Wick,as he was facing south when he was in the queue at the Keir r/a. Also,his overnight stop at “a truckstop in Inverness” was actually Broxden services at Perth.He must have borrowed Matts sat-nav :unamused: :laughing:

I’m suprised Stobarts let it go out
They get to see the “rushes” before it’s even put together and broadcast
Somone I know saw some of this months ago
So there would have ben plenty of time to remove anything that made ESL look bad

Mind if they left that in what did they cut?

The amount of drivers that don’t carry maps anymore is pretty bad
I get calls every day asking for postcodes then calls back complaining that the’ve not arrived exactly at the address but 2 doors down
I had one who couldn’t find Traffird Park Chep once as it’s not on my Sat Nav
Also had one lad roll a wagon on a roundabout claiming it wasn’t on his sat nav
Despite the fact he’d went round it on his way out

Off course now Obama is here Sat Nav and GPS will be crap round London and the South
The Yanks have control of the satalites and have a habit of turning them off when El Presidente is in town
Thats why the Forces use different satalites

No wonder that Welsh pillock was late for his delivery in Wick,as he was facing south when he was in the queue at the Keir r/a. Also,his overnight stop at “a truckstop in Inverness” was actually Broxden services at Perth.He must have borrowed Matts sat-nav :unamused: :laughing:

I came down the A9 to that rounderbout this morning and thought exactly that so he was delayed when coming back not going up, talk about crap editing.

The group has appointed three new executives who are all in their late sixties,and come from a non transport backround.
Did the green giants get paid by the tv production company for showing the series?

Let’s be fair, Matt is a bit of a knob for biging himself up so much but it was hardly a “crash”, he clipped a car when the trailer swung out at the rear, couple of inches in it at most. If you’ve never touched anything in a truck then you can diss him but i’d bet most on here have done. None of you have ever got lost in a truck or missed your turning? No big deal, he got it there in the end.

You have to be a bit of a loud mouth to be on the show in the first place, the usual breed, me included that don’t say much wouldn’t be very filmable. I noticed the other loud mouth fella was at the bash but wasn’t featured, maybe he’s had enough of being filmed in the truck.

It’s fairly naff telly but it’s a programme about trucks, it’s not going to be riveting but it’s nice to see some of the in’s and out’s.

That FH16 700 is sweet though, does anyone know if they’re going to run an R730?

What would they need an FH16 700 for? Are going into abnormal load movements? I’dve thought an FH12 400 (or thereabouts) would be ample for Tescos.

What would they need an FH16 700 for? Are going into abnormal load movements? I’dve thought an FH12 400 (or thereabouts) would be ample for Tescos.

Theres nothing funnier than seeing a 3 axle Stobart tractor pulling a 16ft? Tesco box van,the tractor unit is longer than the trailer!! I’d have thought one of those little urban Volvo’s would be more in keeping for the Tesco job surely?