Southport atrocity

Where did I say I was white.?.:thinking:
Keep up you’re way behind.
I’m the son of a Sri Lankan Punkah Wallah, and Japanese Geisha Girl…
I’ve even been known to wear a TURBINE.

You’re not having, what?
I feel less secure in poorly lit, dirty, poor, areas of cities than I do in well lit areas?
What is so wrong with that?

A prosperous area inhabited by clean people of any colour/religion feels nicer" than a poorer area.

You don’t feel the same? That is up to you.
Don’t tell me how I feel, please.

I can tell you that I’ve felt safer in dirt poor villages with brown faced people in a predominantly Muslim country, than I have in some poor areas with white faces in a Christian country.

I don’t see religion/colour as large a factor as you seem to.

Any charges yet?

Just imagine…If you read the piece you might have noticed that it was 2 days old, 4 charges made at that time, one person recalled to prison.
Charges tend to made at the appropriate time! Charging someone too early can lead to them getting off.

And if it turns out that most of the arrested were from “a particular demographic” Jim Davidson will make a video condemning the Police.

I actually did read it but not very well :laughing:

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So among Franglais usual trademark patronising, pompous and condescending replies to everyone, …he has actually gone on and repeated the insults and accusations towards me AGAIN, :flushed:despite me saying I took offence.:joy:
A retraction or the unlikely event of some kind of apology would have been more apt, but I doubt you are man enough, so not happening anytime soon.

You tread where angels fear my…‘friend’.
ON LINE that is, in real life I bet you do not say ‘Boo’ to the proverbial water fowl.

Once again I am getting the strong vibe here of the stereotype cowardly ‘keyboard warrior’.
An insignificant little man sat in his front room on his laptop, (in his M&S cardigan) drinking his cocoa, saying out loud ‘‘That told em’’ .:roll_eyes::joy:

franglais is good at the old dodge the questions and going all quiet. He doesn’t
have a problem bringing up the increase in immigrants as against the drop in murder rates here in the UK to fit his narrative, (calls this irony). Irony means sod all.

Go book a couple of nights in somewhere like Manningham, and see integration at it’s finest. Step out into the cultural empire and sample the delights, but do bring some appropriate attire with you to try and fit in and appease the locals. If you get lost, don’t ask for directions, (many don’t speak English) and may treat you with total distain, don’t look for an abundance of churches to admire their splendor and beauty, you will struggle but if you like a less glorious looking place of worship, there are umpteen alternatives. There are the single faith schools, plenty of those, integration at it’s finest. Crime, let’s just say it’s up there.

Integration? Multiculturalism at its best?

Btw Frangers I’m assuming you are a Jock?
I was up your way nighting out on Sat at the truckstop, you should have popped round, we could have discussed this latest personal ‘difference’ over a Sausage sandwich.:smiley:

:joy::joy::joy: classic dodging. I never mentioned poorly lit areas, unless you are suggesting that Muslim areas are darker than for instance Sikh areas because the street lights are somehow racist?

Okay then, let’s try our social experiment in the middle of the day. Let me know how you get on old bean :+1::+1:

If Integration worked Pakistan wouldn’t exist and Yugoslavia still would.
Also the message contained in the film Mississippi Burning isn’t that Integration works.It’s that it doesn’t.
Ironically multiculturalism is the anti thesis of integration and is actually the first step on the way to self determination or at least segregation and/or enclaves.
As we saw in Yugoslavia Socialism prefers denial and self destruction than admission of self determination along the lines of each to their own is the human condition.
Or in the case of Pakistan laughable double standards to suit its own narrative.
Ok for Pakistan to claim self determination and segregation but not us and Israel.

Is that too difficult to understand?
I don’t care whether an area is inhabited by a particular religious group. I do care whether it is well lit, clean etc.

So the post where you said
“But at the risk of being branded a racist myself (cgaf btw, the fact I know I actually and categoricaly am not, is enough for me)”
Is now cancelled?
Political discussions... - #1418 by robroy
I do note that you frequently talk about those who “tell it like it is”, as being somehow OK. They shouldn’t care if they upset others?
Different now it is Mr RR clutching at his pearls…again.

If someone took offence at what you said would you automatically apologise to them? Or if you believed you were right, would you not apologise?
If they started muttering about people losing their teeth etc, would you then feel more apologising?

I think your post where you said you treat people differently based on their nationality and choice of religion is racist and bigoted.
If you show me that it isn’t, I will apologise for calling you a racist and bigot.

Still don’t understand? I will (in spite of saying I wouldn’t) try again.
The irony is that many blame immigrants for violence, yet today we have more immigrants and less violence.
I deliberately did not suggest that there was a causal link.

What are you referring to?
I can imagine, but don’t want to put words into your mouth.

Let’s just say…what?
Dropping hints but too shy to say anything out loud?

Further proof that you cannot separate fact from fiction. Again, demonstrating that you have no understanding of the cause for which you are so vehemently arguing.
Having you on the team is like leaving two good men back in the shed.

You know what Franglais?
Even if you had the balls snd the character to apologise (you dont btw) I would not accept it anyway.
You are a ‘Class A’ bonafide prick of the highest order, and a spineless gob sh , pontificating to all behind the safety of anonimity.
Run to the mods squealing ‘personal attack’ as I am sure you will, …I prefer to call it an observation and conclusion based on your pompous b/s you constantly spout on here.

I despise your attitude, your politics and quite frankly you.
Perhaps we may meet one day to discuss it.
I wait in hope.

You do know that Mississippi Burning was a true story based on actual facts and events.

Further proof you cannot tell the difference and don’t understand politics.

Its getting serious now, what was the saying never mention politics or religion, ah i might as well throw in never mention the war
Id mention the popcorn but i usually save that for Friday Saturday night

Ey up franglais, I know exactly what you said, I also know exactly what you mean as I did when you first posted the stats. Your link related to “HOMICIDE” rates, I now note you have changed your description to “VIOLENCE”, got news for you, violence covers far more than homicide. Your comment of “many blame immigrants for violence” yet more immigrants and less “VIOLENCE”, this can not be proven either way so your irony means nothing.

So as I advised, take a visit to Manningham, maybe you have been, maybe you haven’t, it is predominantly a muslim area, around 75%, yes thats right I said muslim. Me shy? Its a 54ithole.

Can’t beat the link merchants…

Actual facts.See what I did there.