Southport atrocity

To add you seem to have selectively skipped the 1947 partition of India v Pakistan and the breakup of Yugoslavia and the reasons for it.
Not exactly a ringing endorsement of ethnic integration.
Admittedly they obviously can all get together again under the EU and UK collectives so long as the payoff is good enough.
With the exception of one of the warring groups in which the drive to rule over everyone else and do as they please at everyone else’s expense often gets the better of them and Pakistan isn’t going to rejoin and go back to being ruled by the Indian majority again any time soon.
But that’s obviously fine in that case.

So back to England…
It appears the Moslems are preparing for counter demos, maybe riots,.we will have to observe the terminology of the media when reporting it.
The Police were (rightly so) heavy handed with the white idiots, let’s see if they are equally as zealous with the Moslem idiots.

Speaking of 2 tier policing, the leader of the Met did not take too kindly to.a Sky reporter directing a question about the 2 tier policing, so much so he grabbed the guy’s mike and apparently broke it,.the question was maybe a bit too awkward and close to home for him eh?
Still no mention from our illustrious PM of his intention to sort the cause of the unrest in the first place, which would if not stop it reduce it, he’s more intent on writing off not only the d/heads but the normal everyday people who are against the illegall imm policies as …‘The Far Right’.
I can see the normal working men and women and Grandmas and Grandas in last Sundays march, all sending for their swas tika armbands off Amazon as we speak. :roll_eyes::joy:

You can sure as hell bet the boats full of ‘opressed refugees’ are still landing daily in the backgroundof all this.

So, you cannot prove that increased migration causes, more violence?
Yeah, OK.

So, tell us about
“crime lets just say its up there”
“single faith schools”

Erm, you are ducking and diving again franglais, you have jumped from homicide to violence and you are now saying that I can’t prove that increased immigration causes more VIOLENCE or is it homicide? I have never said that, so why would I have to prove it. You appear to be as much to the left as I am to the right, so it was you that just happened to mention the large drop in murder rates whilst the increases in immigration, how convenient for your cause, but with no hard facts.

I’m guessing you have never been to Manningham? With a 75 % Muslim population, which single faith schools exactly do you think I am referring to, Hare bl00dy Krishna?? The crime rate is up there means the crime rate is up there, go have a stroll after dark and see how safe you feel as a non Muslim.

Let’s stick with homicide then.
As I said there are more migrants in the country now than 20 years ago, and fewer homicides. Both are provable facts.
I did not (seriously) say that one is the result of the other.
I do maintain though that is ironic that those who state coming over here butchering us in the streets etc, apart from having a good line in purple prose, are going to have a hard time proving such.

So Manningham has a 75% Muslim population? So what?
I bet I can find areas that are 100% Muslim. And 100% Protestant, or 100% RC, Jewish, etc. So what point are you making?

I might have been there, but many years ago if so. I am not about to go there for no reason other than you suggesting I should, so try to explain, using words, what this is all about.

Are there single faith schools there?
If so, although you seem unable to use actual words to say it, are these Muslim single faith schools? Or are you guessing with no proof?

Maybe schools in an area reflect the make up of residents in that area? Maybe they would be better if more mixed? Should kids should be bussed in from predominately Christian areas to redress the balance, do you think?

So ware you saying the Manningham crime rate is particularly high?

I have never changed by religious beliefs in order to compare my feelings as a non-Muslim, to my feelings as a Muslim.

Meanwhile in the, here is a well balanced view of both sides of the coin.
By a bloke who has had first hand experience, not one basing his ‘knowledge’ on what he believes after reading or being told to believe.

A bloke who knows virtually everything about something,… as opposed to a bloke who THINKS he knows everything about everything.:grin:

And you franglais, with your obvious pro immigration views just happened to throw in your rose tinted glasses view that more immigrants yet less homicides, (or is it now less violence?) and the irony of those figures. Your ironic comment coincidental? I think not. We will never know the religion / immigrant / non immigrant status of those statistics, so your ironic comment in the first place is worthless.

You franglais of all people have fallen hook, line and sinker for my little experiment. I made mention of crime rates in Manningham being “up there”. I could have put my house on it that you would come back with the link that you did. The headline 5 out of 10 doesn’t look too bad eh franglais? But given we are talking about violence, or is it homicide? Is it too convenient for you to ignore the violence / 53xual offences rated as 7 out of 10 which is indeed “up there”. I know there are many decent non white / religious areas in the UK, I chose Manningham because i know the place well, you obviously don’t. Given the topic has covered, violence, immigration, integration, Manningham was a perfect example.

I’ve just watched that Talk Radio clip again after showing a mate after discussing all this stuff in my kitchen over a coffee.

It is so irrefutably accurate to those with their eyes wide open.

I personally feel sorry for those Police men and women I’ve got to say.
I aint backward in coming forward in a ruck, but I think even I would be crapp ing myself being ordered to just stand there and take what is dished out by unpredictable violent nut jobs…disgraceful.

I also feel sorry for them being led by the likes of Starmer and his underlings, those who are in complete denial, the deluded servile clowns who shout ‘Far right’ ‘racist’ ‘religious bigots’ (hmm sounds familiar somewhere :thinking: :smile:) at the drop of a hat, not only at the mindless cretins, but at normal everyday people who see what is going on, and are completely sick to the stomach with it all.
And the blindingly obvious 2 tier policing being ignored and denied again and again.
What is wrong with these people ?

Loved the reference to the specific ‘Far Right’ protestor who harrased the Sky reporter😀…
A ‘Far right’ protestor who had just shouted…‘Free Palestine’ :joy: if it was not so tragic it would be kin hilarious.
In fact , the same news item has just been on right now, describing that idiot again as ‘Far right’. :joy:

It just gets worse, on the positive side important issues are being focused on, but in the wrong way of going about it.

I personally hate these scrounging young men coming over here illegally…but setting fire to a hotel? attempted murder?
I mean come on ffs.:roll_eyes:
Not only wrong on every level, put playing into the hands of the lefty clowns.:roll_eyes:

The way I see it is as a bloke who just drives a truck, …with maybe too much to say :joy:…(an illustration of how bad I have felt about all this stuff for a long time) is this…

As long as Starmer continues with this stubborn stance, stood there all statesman like with his finger up his arse, whilst being surrounded by his sychophantic servile idiots repeating what he says (as well as his idiot blinkered supporters in everyday life ) Instead of them actively addressing the causes, and listening to the nornal everyday people…many who voted for him ffs! ,

Then the words ‘hell’ and ‘handcart’ spring to mind.

Vote Labour eh? :roll_eyes:
Proud to say I did not…conscience clear.

One of those times when it’s probably best to go off topic by concentrating on Stasi Starmer’s bent mandate of over 400 seats for less than 10 million votes.Anyone who opposes him and his band of Bolsheviks is far right.Lets not forget what kicked it all off.
Throwback to tribal cannibalistic tendencies or Jihadist convert.Arrested for trial not sectioned and thrown in secure nut house doesn’t look good for Starmer’s gang.

And while we are at it, just for franglais and his no doubt perceived opinion that I am a racist / religious hater regarding Muslims, only the other week on here I posted of the horrendous ethnic cleansing of Palestinians in Gaza by Israel, yes you got it franglais…Muslims.

You don’t have to justify or explain yourself mate especially when you are dealing with this aspect of things, …it is pointless.

The narrow minded opinions and labels you point out, are the ‘Go to default’ of the left, if anybody DARES to question, or go against the official narrative on illegal immigration…
It comes from the very top of the pile down to the gullible bottom.

Right minded realist people with their eyes open know exactly where you are coming from, Franglais is nothing more than an irritating irrelavance on an online forum, despite his illusions of grandeur.
You should really concentrate more,.and worry about the self same views coming down f rom the highest echelons of Government, and those who police those views…that is where the real concern and danger lies.

So, the 7/10 is for violent and sex crimes committed in the area. And yes that is above average. What do you take from that?

Yes, Agreed colour and religion are not indicators of violence are they?

Fine. You know that is has a higher than average rate of violent crime. So you picked it. Any other cherries in your basket?

You cherry picked one instance to support your case. Yep, clearly so.

Yes rr, franglais is what franglais is. I, like you just find his comments a carbon copy of the establishment, like you say totally closed minded.

With this current situation, rightly or wrongly I go back to Brexit, it was primarily about taking back control of our borders by cutting immigration, legal and illegal massively. Regarding the boats as you well know the numbers have increased. The establishment NEVER wanted Brexit and therefore made feeble attempts to make it look like they were doing the right thing. Many people feel utterly conned by where we are today, as you know, when the tories got voted in the last time, life long Labour voters voted for the tories and the tories did deals with UKIP to withdraw their candidates in order for the tories to pull their votes in order to carry out the democratically legitimate vote. What did we get, a fictional plane waiting to take off.

The narrative of this shower in charge, in particular 2 tier Keir and also the left wing press is that all protesters are far right supporters, what a crock of 541t. They refuse to acknowledge the real reasons behind recent events, far easier to blame a non existant, defunct group. Mention EDL to the idiot teenagers that have joined in the events and they most probably would think the letters represent a multi national electric utility company!

Reap what you sow springs to mind and government continuing in their current direction imo is only going to antagonise and make matters worse.

Now now franglais don’t duck and dive, you saw the overall headline crime rate 5 out of 10 but failed to acknowledge the higher violent / 53xual crimes of 7 out of 10 of which we were discussing, albeit you chose to jump from homicide to violence after your ironic nonentity agenda / narrative driven comment. BTW I don’t have to take anything from the figures.

I chose Manningham as an example, there are plenty more, no cherry picking there i’m affraid. I will cherry pick now though, just seen on the news, not the BBC,(refuse to watch that CR4P) that all the intimidation in Birmingham last night from the masses and according to reports, no Police, therefore no arrests. I will have another cherry while i’m at it, a Labour MP today came out excusing the masked thugs in Birmingham last night, were they white, defunct EDL supporters, I think you know the answer to that. Proof if proof is needed of 2 tier Keir.

We are singing from the same hymn sheet mate.

We live in a country where the minority opinion.and policy rule what the majority want.
That majority has now spoken, the problem is it has been infested with violent d/heads with their own agendas, far right maybe, or just the old style football type hoiligan relishing in the excuse for a good ruck.
So how does Starmer deal with it?
He totally ignores the relatively peaceful demo last week, by everyday people of all colour and creed btw,.and concentrates on the radical contingent…but only on ONE side surprise surprise.
He saves face by tarnishing all of us who are sick of it all as far right racists…and the dumbass brainwashed borg type followers repeat it all and follow suit.

We can never beat the establishment, many in history have tried and failed, the present high profile ones who are taking them on, are dug dirt on. rubbished, and being attempted to be silenced…
All in fear of upsetting the left wing agenda started by the Chuckle brothers aka Blair and Brown, all those years ago with their ‘multi culture diversity agenda’ ball hoiks, so now the same crew are in power again.
Gawd help us.:joy:


So the figures mean nothing?
What a waste of time then. Why discuss things that mean nothing?

Or are you trying to drop hints, and do the old “nudging’n;winking” nonsense?

Starmer is a statesman in the same sense that Stalin and Honiker and Tito were statesmen.

Israel rightly sees it differently to you.Along the lines of what predictably happens to them if/when their line breaks.Gaza and Golan are an essential part of that defence line and the difference between survival or massacre for them.At the hands of the same savages as those who backed the Holocaust.
You’ve clearly chosen your side and therefore part of the problem not the solution.These aren’t our friends.