Southport atrocity

We’ve all heard about it.
I’m presuming everybody on here is outraged.

I’m hoping the usual suspects do not look for an excuse and try and defend the indefensible .

The obvious terrorist attack on the British soldier was more or less ‘excused’ and written off as ‘mental health’ issues.:roll_eyes:
Oh thats ok then eh?

I’m assuming we all know about the unproven and unsubstantiated theories about this murdering piece of sh on the likes of you tube, (which will soon be proven or disproven) but we should not speculate until all is revealed, but why are the Police and media being so cagey, and why do they keep over stressing he is ‘a boy’, does that make it slightly more ‘acceptable’ in the narrow world of the lefty liberal intelligensia, than describing him as a ‘male’?
But more importantly what is the motive for that exactly, what are they about to reveal about this guy that will garner even more outrage about him?

I personally hope whoever he is, that the ■■■■ dies early of cancer, or somebody gets to him in custody.
Another little girl has died btw.

dyou ever see the film TELEFON ? in that previously hypnotized citizens reak havoc after receieving a phone call that triggers them into action.Hope to god its not something like that

There’s a real serious problem in this country when it comes to colour of skin and crime. The young girls in Rotherham, Rochdale passed around by Asian gangs was all hushed up to protect the rapists not the victims. In my area a couple of years ago a white bloke was stabbed to death in a fight over drugs. Immediately it was all over the local news and a large manhunt was underway, strangely enough it took 4 days for it to come out that the killer was black. Still hasn’t been apprehended. Surely with such a serious crime the colour of the skin in finding the culprit would I would have thought been rather important to mention.

what gets me is they will name the poor victims and their families but the piece of filth that did this gets to live in anonymity because he is under 18.

They say that when he is charged in court, the judge will allow him to be named.

Another imported criminal?

Put it this way, this ‘boy’ as the media take pains to refer to him as :roll_eyes:, I’d bet his name name aint summet along the lines of ‘Tom Smith’.
Oops there I go with my ‘racist’ views again.

My word of choice would be “shocked” but regardless of semantics anyone with a normal mind is surely very affected, certainly those of us who are parents. Those people who unabashedly say “I hate kids…” as if it’s something to be proud of, might stop and think about it before making those kind of comments in the future

Who do you think is going to defend a child killer? And, putting those two comments together is guaranteed to generate…

No, we don’t all know about that type of excrement, because YouTube isn’t a source of news, it’s mostly just random garbage by people with nothing better to do than to shoot their mouth off, a mouth without any discernible connection to a brain. I certainly haven’t been looking there and I don’t understand why anyone would look there for something like this.

Probably because technically he is still a child at 17, certainly as far as he will be treated in the legal processes to follow, and has nothing to do with anyone’s political inclinations

Whatever “motive” this person had isn’t likely to be understandable to anyone with a normal mind, any more than any motive behind the Dunblane massacre would have made sense to anyone with a normal mind, and this atrocity is surely on a par with that.

Some people are just “evil”, and I use that in an everyday way, not like the Bible-bashers might. This person has probably worked his way up to this with years of abuse of animals - there’s a well documented and clear evidential link in forensic psychology between the two, anyone who can harm one defenceless creature can do it to any other type of defenceless creature.

Incidentally, and you might like this, classifying him as “a boy” means he will be held in a Young Offenders Institution rather than an adult jail, and anyone who knows the difference between HMP and YOI can tell you that he will have a far worse time in there, those places are zoos without cages, young offenders lack any type of restraint, as is more commonly seen with fully adult inmates.

Nah I’m still going for ‘outraged’.
Just checked the official definition in the dictionary, it says…
‘An extremely strong reaction of anger’',
so yeah definitely ‘outraged’ especially when I see the pics of thise beautiful little girls,.similar ages to my own little granddaughters…and trust me it takes a hell of a lot to 'outrage ME.

'Yep sure there is a lot of crap on you tube, but are you saying mainstream media is totally accurate ?
Do you not believe the BBC for instance on the whole has a strongly biased left wing agenda?..
Christ it even comes across on many of their drama programmes.

I would say there is certainly a strong element of censorship in that organisation, garnished with a soupcon of propaganda.

If you watch both versions of the same story with an open minded view, I have found you can almost certainly select and seperate the fact from the b/s…on both sides of the coin.

For instance I will give a tenner to your favourite charity if this guy (or boy) was born and bred in Wales, white, and is called Dai Evans.

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The two child maniacs who murdered the Trans kid (edit: Brianna Ghey) were named at the appropriate time, no reason to believe this person won’t be named either. And those two were both white, right now I’ve seen no evidence to think this more recent maniac wouldn’t also be white.

Those (banned) National Action characters were convinced, and seemingly hopeful for, a “race war” in this country, it’s tempting to think that idea might not be dead and buried and that there are some who might be hopeful of an excuse for such.

So it don’t matter if he wears a turbine or a dress or he’s black or white
He’s British

The suspect was born in Cardiff, the capital and largest city of Wales. The statement added that the suspect has been taken to a police station where he will be investigated by detectives. No further details of the suspect have been revealed so far.
While the suspect’s motives remain unclear, Merseyside Police said on Tuesday that the “incident is not currently being treated as terror-related and we are not looking for anyone else in connection with it”.

Define accurate? Most mainstream media can be held to account by a range of authorities, crap on the internet is exempt from being held to account - this is why Piers Morgan lives there now

As I’m constantly telling my highly politicized teenage son, no one single source should be trusted entirely, this is why he has Reuters bookmarked on his browser because he knows these people are pretty much the gold standard for independent international reporting, because they are held to account by pretty much the whole journalistic world

If by “both” you mean BBC and Youtube… No, I’m not going to view that as a legitimate source of info, I’ve already been through this a million times with my son

EDIT removed the bit about Wales, I hadn’t spotted that he was reported to be from Cardiff.

I don’t need him to be non-white to think that he deserves to be locked up for the rest of his life, with the gamut of “unnecessary suffering” (quoting CF I hope you realise) that goes with a lifetime of incarceration. Whatever colour he is, this is worthy of a Whole Life Term, or whatever the under-18 version of that might be.

It was reported by the BBC this guy is from Wales…that was my point.

Same here I do not need him to be non white to think he needs locked up either, as long as he is, and seeing as the death penalty is no longer viable for trash like him

I said that I believe him to be non white.
Stress I do not gaf if anybody accuses me of being racist AGAIN for thinking this, the fact I know I aint is more than good enough for me.

My first thought when the soldier was attempted to be murdered that the perpetrator would be a non white terrorist, I think the same about this, and I make no apologies for that, I may be wrong on BOTH counts, but surely I can be forgiven for thinking that way (neither want nor need forgiveness btw…just a figure of speech) due to past and recent events.

You can buy an awful lot of kiddie size stab proof vests for £117 million. Just saying.


You couldn’t make it up could ya.
Then they wonder why much of the indigenous population (ALL racists btw) are up in arms.

We know the one that attacked the soldier was non-white, and of course we’re all thinking “Lee Rigby”, naturally.

It takes a different kind of evil (insert expletive of choice) to attack children.

Regardless of colour, the world seems like a place more full of random madness than it was in the decades I have seen before: soldiers attacked in the street, MPs murdered, children stabbed…

It may very well come to pass that the general public will not just accept, but welcome, more stringent rules for our society, we will trade-off freedoms for an increased sense of security - not a new idea, Benjamin Franklin had something to say about this (as have many others since, especially in respect of what he is supposed to have meant by his famous quote)

Makes you wonder what passes for intelligence in Westminster, specifically saying Muslim communities need protection? I know these people don’t fully understand Joe Public, but to get things this badly wrong takes some messed up thinking

The problem we are fast approaching Zac, if I’m not mistaken is that any Governments primary role is to safeguard its citizens and when any Government fails to do that then the citizens then start to protect themselves. I’m sure we can all agree that that is one rabbit hole we do not want to go down.

Agreed, we can well do without armed vigilantes and Wild West “justice” becoming some kind of norm.

I’m “fortunate” (ie I specifically chose) to live in a highly mono-cultural part of my town

The person who did this will be well protected at any cost,
Interesting to see will they name him although it won’t make much difference because he will be given a new identity in the future
The bookies are talking bets, will it be.
Mental health
Sad childhood
Wanted to go to rwanda ?
Wasn’t happy in his hotel or accommodation?
Its no joke and it’s hard to believe that a human could do this to kids
And the belief is as punishment just take his freedom away
That’ll make him pay for his crimes

Maybe locals know more than has been released in the press, and looks like RR won’t have to be making a donation to my favourite charity.