Southport atrocity

on radio it said he was born in wales but his parents from Rwanda . Who is it thats keeping the lid on any anti black publicity?.Same person who makes sure that each tv prog has a black in it from cooking to antiques roadshow. Strange thing is they only want proper well spoken types you never see a true native type if you get my drift.Nor anyone aborigine/chinese/indian/canadian etc its most strange

I notice there must have been a directive sent down to change the terminology when reporting, from ‘A 17yr old BOY’ to a ‘17yr old MALE’…why is that?
Ok in the realm of the tragic situation, it does not really matter.

I also see it has all kicked off in Southport tonight outside a mosque…
‘A riot’ apparently,. from the local community, presumably white Brits.
(Idiots imo btw, and disrespectful to those little girls and their parents.)

The very similar type incident outside the Police Station at Rochdale the other night by Asian moslems was reported as …‘A demonstration’.
Just saying.

It’s kicking off in Southport.

:rotating_light: BREAKING: Southport BURNS As Angry British Public Rise Up (

BREAKING: Riot police deployed in Southport as large crowds throw bricks outside mosque (

Violent Clashes Between Protesters And Police In Southport Following Stabbings | Police Van On Fire (

Some say he’s Welsh so Tom Jones might actually be a good call.
Definitely a deserving case for let’s call it a prison suicide attempt but maybe rescued just in time to be a brain damaged vegetable for life whether he’s Welsh or from somewhere further South and East.

Apparently he’s British born with Rwandan parents.

Where he was born is irrelevant, a dog born in a stable is still a dog, not a horse.

It’s a pretty fair bet that the religion of peace has once again reared its ugly and quite frankly incompatible head.

Which religions do not claim to be peaceful?
Most or all of them claim such don’t they? And don’t they all have those who pervert the accepted peaceful teachings?

Without religion would we have more peace?
I doubt it. The nutters would just use a different “excuse” for their doings.

Well you may be right but given that Rwanda is, I believe, a mainly Christian country you could also be wrong.

Either way he’s a piece of crap that needs flushing :rage:

I think the sentiments of the resident named as Stuart sum things up well; a heinous crime is being co-opted by people unconnected with the victims, or the area, purely for their own agenda. It’s as disrespectful to the young victims as you could possibly imagine.

Is it your default setting to just disagree for the sake of disagreement, or is it as I suspect an overwhelming urge that makes you feel it’s incumbent upon you to “redress the balance “ or put over the other point of view?

Not all bad mate,.at least he’s stopped short of calling you a ‘racist.’ :grin:…the other default of his ‘ilk’.

Do you have an issue with someone voicing different points of view to yours?

My “ilk”?
Yep, we’re all the same. :wink:

Not in the slightest. The simple fact of the matter is that I don’t even think that you have a different POV to lots of people, it’s glaringly apparent that what you do have though is an urge to put across an opposing view on pretty much everything. I don’t actually think that you disagree, it’s just a complex you have to defend the underdog. Nothing more, nothing less.

It is hardly my fault if you are always wrong!

Yep you most definitely are.
People like you with your blinkered views and politics are one of the main reasons we are in the state we are in now tbh.

Here’s another ‘racist’ for you to write off.

This lady apparentlly has had similar experiences with the vermin posing as refugees as what I have been trying to put across to you for months.

Her experience is first hand, mine is second, it is my girls and young grandaughter (not to mention many of their friends) who have had adverse experiences and occasions with these guys…
If they/we dare to speak out, at the best we are ‘talking nonsense’ at the worst we are accused of being racist…both of which you have aimed at me.

The same guys your ‘type’ welcome with open arms,.and of who you show more concern about them ‘not being processed’ by the Tories,.rather than the mayhem they cause on our streets among young women.

Women of whom they have zero respect for, the same guys who form grooming gangs to commit ■■■■, but which is basically covered up by your ‘type’.
Then there are the murders, Manchester arena, Lee Rigby, and the attempted ones…which are either hushed up or not reported…by your ‘type’.
So yeah ‘All the same’ just about covers it.

I’m officially offended! Now I’m going for a lie down whilst borrowing some pearls to clutch.

And a few ice cold bottles of Madri to ease my pain :+1:

Zac I’ll address this to you as you seem to be level headed and able to coherently present an argument. TR/Yaxley was mentioned before so I make no apologies for bringing this up but take a look at this video and give me your honest take on it please.

My personal opinion is that TR has in the past done himself no favours, I’ll happily admit that. However, lately and in light of recent events I’m starting to see him as less racist and more patriot. I can hear the groans now at the mention of “patriot” but let’s leave the connotations aside here. I genuinely believe that he is scared for his children and his childrens children. Not just his, but all children of Britain.

Anyhoo I digress, take a look and tell me what you think.

That’s a very nice compliment, thank you.

He does keep on cropping up, RR is clearly a fan, but then again TR creates his own publicity himself. Though to be entirely objective, there’s countless “influencers” on Youtube/Instagram etc doing the same every single day so he’s not so odd in this modern age

I’m not sure why TR is bringing his own children into what he has to say, apart from trying to bring an emotional element into the discussion. He doesn’t convince me that he’s genuinely concerned with the wider public, I think he’s pressing a button that will resonate with some people prone to react to specific stimuli (Pavlov canine-style) (Jeeeezzzz flippin’ autocensor! ) . Any parent is naturally inclined to fear where their own children are concerned.

If I were him, with the agenda attached to my actions that he has, I’d be approaching “my role” very differently, certainly more carefully and more seriously, I’d be anticipating arrests and interrogations, I’d have an excellent solicitor’s phone number memorized, I wouldn’t have sensitive data on a phone.

Re his phone, yes, failure to unlock electronic devices / provide passwords when you’re under arrest is in itself an offence, not just related to RIPA arrests either (Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act 2000) which is seemingly what he is claiming he was arrested under. Given his documented history I suspect the Courts might not have a problem with RIPA being used in his case.

Do police wrongly use RIPA? I can give you a documented example of Cleveland Police doing that to a journalist from The Northern Echo, though as I believe you live on Teesside too, you may already be familiar with that case.

Claims he never received a summons to court? I’ve heard others say that, it could potentially be true, but it comes across as “dog ate my homework”. Anyway, the Judge who issued the arrest warrant specifically instructed that it was not to be acted on immediately and that TR was to be allowed a big block of time to get his act together and behave as the situation befits. IIRC he’s got until sometime in October to sort himself out - that would not have been the case if he was genuinely being victimized to the extent he claims he is. I think that detail was in the link I posted about him leaving the country.

Puffing and panting after a gym workout, waiting for his protein shake? Clearly aimed at creating a bond with a certain type of viewer. Hardly a professional missive to the wider public he is claiming to be concerned about.

For me his body language is all wrong, constantly looking away from the camera, then when he does look at the camera his expressions strike me as ones I’ve seen in other people who are unreliable sources of information, his dialectic is incoherent, his understanding of the law seems to have come from social media, not from a friendly legal-eagle providing cogent arguments.

In truth he reminds me of other people I’ve known throughout my life, who (a) think they’re smarter than those around them but (b) surround their self with people who clearly aren’t smart and who (c) are easily manipulated into action by obvious anger-triggers, and (d) all of whom think they can intimidate people into agreeing with them.

Specifically he reminds me of a Newcastle bouncer I used to know, genuinely very large physically, but who felt he also had to use every BS “I’m the big man” trick in the book, especially down the gym, and had quite a number of people around him who thought he was the mutts nuts. Until the day he started being “the big man” with the wrong guy, a slightly built, friendly but quiet kind of guy. “Big man” got publicly put down with one punch, because he was so busy making his mouth go he never had time to discover the other guy was a fairly accomplished amateur boxer.

That’s what I see and hear when I look at TR

Is everything he says total BS? Well, maybe if he tried expressing himself differently it might appear more genuine, but if there is any genuine concern in what he says, I’d say he’s making a botch job of it.

I don’t think there’s anything wrong with having somewhat right-wing views and promoting them, even to the point that some might feel the views border on “racism” - as long as we’re not talking about “Strange Fruit” on “Southern Trees”.

Clearly the French have done it much better than the UK in recent months, but to do it well in this day and age needs someone far more intelligent and skillful than TR could ever be. I make no apology for the historical analogy, but TR is, to me, an Ernst Röhm who thinks he’s a Joseph Goebbels.

Sorry to but in mate, but here’s my take on it/him.
I discovered this guy about what?..4 maybe 5 years ago ?

My first thought was ‘Southern gob ■■■■■■ with too far right and racist tendecies, in fact if anybody can be arsed to look,.I even posted that opinion on here when the subject of him came up.

I’ve said in conversation to Zac before,.I aint aware much of his back story, but apparentlly he was a bit of a bad boy at one time…thing is so were most of us in varying degrees and in different ways, unless you lead a pampered sheltered life,.and/or obeyed ‘the rules’ to the letter…not guilty on both counts I admit, and I have said and done many thing as a young testostetone laden young lad (different times btw) that I would not say and do now.

So bearing that in mind from my own personal pov, basically with Mr Tommy Yaxley or whatever tf his real name is, the past is the past,.I.make my judgements on what I see and hear now.
I aint a ‘fan boy’, I do not ‘follow him’ as such, but I do get a lot of clips of him sent, and his dialogues from a mate who is, and does.

The more I hear him the more I realise it correlates with a lot of what I think myself.
The default from the wet lettuces is call you a racist, or accuse you of being some kind of 'kin phobic.:roll_eyes:
Got to say at this point,.despite that clown Franglais implying I am a racist, it is the furthest from the truth…sure Maoster will verify.
I have brought all my kids up to respect all people as equals,.as I was brought up, and as I do.
My daughter dated a young Kurdish lad who was an absolute gentleman, me and the Mrs were disapointed when they broke up, just added that point , but not to justify…I do not need to !
So what any outsider thinks of me who does not know me,.(especially a clown with liberal left tendencies who believes what he is told to believe, instead of what he sees ) it is a total irrelavance …although I will not pretend I was not a tad pi55ed but to no great degree.

Anyhow that said, back to TR…
I agree,.yeah a British patriot (a dirty word to the left) I like to think of myself as a one also btw.
TR’s big problem is many of his assosciates are lets say… slightly right to Hitler, thugs who do him no favours, he should choose his mates better if he wants to be taken seious by the mainstream.
Although his movement (when I view Sundays march) has no shortage of normal everyday people, (of all ethnicity) who agree with his views that our countmry’s old values are down the khazi,.and preference and priority is given to foreign (mostly illegal) aliens.
People on that march were guys like me who are severely pi55ed off with the far left agenda, the smoke and mirrors, the deceit and the b/s…not a lot of media publicity generated …surprise surprise, musnt portray the wrong (actually the right) mood of the people.
My only fear for him is he does not meet a sticky and suspicious end, the establishment like to make us think they look upon him as a joke, but actions make it crystal they certainly do not.
That alone and the fact that the guy takes no b/s if he thinks he is right,.and takes it to the degree, and that he is the absolute antithesis of all things mamby pamby left, pc and wokery, is enough for me to give him at least an element of admiration.
Sorry to but in on your convo with Zac, and for the long boring text.:smile:
Carry on. :smile:

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All of a sudden people have a agenda because they watched youtube and some nobody given a personal opinion.
It just proves the point how easy people are influenced it’s even that easy it sometimes even works with a phone call just to con you.
People are a bit late sorry a long time late to the party, you have been looking around and over your shoulder for years and years and you’re seeing the very same thing now from the very first time you looked over your shoulder years and years ago, and now you have an opinion because you seen a load of nobody’s on youtube or whatever these free for all channels that’s for freaks and weirdo’s
People Should have worried about the daughters and sons future and the Heritage of the country years and years ago
Talk about being late to the party, it turned out nobody turned up for the party years and years ago as well, it could have been knocked on the head before it even started
You can’t like some and not like others, most of the time when you look over your shoulder it’s a British citizen your looking at, the others are a minority
Read between the lines