Southport atrocity

Thank you for taking the time to respond Zac and I honestly appreciate the time and thought you put into your eloquent and well measured response.

I’m not going to argue that TR is a paragon of virtue as that would be a waste of time as he clearly isn’t. You touched on it before that he is a good orator and undoubtedly he is, he certainly seems able to tap into current emotions and anger throughout the country. Whether or not that is for his own benefit history will no doubt tell.

I’m tending to give him the benefit of the doubt at the moment, but therein lies the problem; if we are both being brutally honest I think that we both have preconceptions and are thus viewing him from that viewpoint instead of and unbiased view. I honestly admit to that.

Have you, as a matter of interest seen his previously banned documentary dealing primarily with events of a few years back in Yorkshire? It’s over an hour and a half long and I consider to be very thought provoking. I can’t find a link to it, but I’m sure you could find one if you are interested enough to pursue it.

If you do I’d be interested in your opinion on it.

Spare a thought for the parents of the little girls who have been killed, the bottom has fallen out of their world and the will NEVER recover from it. There is absolutely no worse feeling than the feeling of losing a child. I know.
The police have charged ‘the boy’ with murder and other bits and pieces, let the law run it’s course, ranting on about it won’t achieve anything. Save the ranting for the mob of scum who did the rioting in Southport. 50+ police officers and 4 police dog injured. Whover organised that should be put up against a wall and shot.

The link in question.
If it IS true and I have no reason to believe otherwise, it just shows what can happen when people just blindly believe what they are told by both the media abd official sources, instead of looking for reasons and what the true agenda may be.
It goes on a while but worth watching to decide whether or not this is true…if it is, things are much worse than even I thought.

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Preconceptions? Unless he wants to challenge the extensive publicly available information about him as being false, then what has been written about his history is simply a statement of who he is. See the first three paragraphs of his Wikipedia entry.
Making a judgement based on extensive information in the public domain is not being biased.

This is not someone who “was a bit of a bad lad in his youth”, this is a “career path” of fascism and thuggery. Anyone can make a mistake and shouldn’t be dogged by it for the rest of their life, but that does not describe him.

I haven’t seen it, and judging by what I watched yesterday I can see no reason why I would want to. People who talk the way he does - narcissists making pointless and ill-informed challenges to authorities he’s never going to get the better of, anti-him “conspiracies” between police, courts and government (quite laughable ones too), and exaggerated sense of how he will martyr himself to his cause…

It’s BS, it’s a “cult of personality”, it’s something I’ve seen in other thug-mentality people over many decades, but most of all, he and his ilk are on the fringes, they do not reflect the broader view of the UK population. So what if he rounded up 100,000 or however many “followers” recently? It’s summertime, there’s no football on right now, let’s see how he gets on from September onwards.

We live in a democracy which means people like him are allowed to have their say, and as much as I don’t warm to him at all, I would defend his right to protest. Not least of all to counteract the seemingly never ending pro-Gaza protesting - I’m assuming that crepe is still on going even though it never makes the news.

He’s a right-wing symptom of the polarized nature of modern society, in the same way that these Palestine-obsessed w-anchors are the equivalent left-wing symptom; neither of those groups reflect (what I believe are) more traditional British views, which are fairness and a generic sense of tolerance (“It’s just not cricket”).

The Government needs to get a grip on both.

EDIT: there’s a butcher in Hartlepool who had his shop windows smashed in a copy-cat riot last night: A white-British shop owner, I wonder what he thinks of TR and his ilk?

They’ve named him - pronounce it if you can, very clearly African, not obviously Muslim, but RR’s £10 donation is safe I think as he didn’t specify a Muslim name

Axel Muganwa Rudakubana

He’s remanded into a YOI, which will be a type of hell he could not have previously imagined, unless he’s a fan of Heironymous Bosch - the Officers will have their work cut out keeping him out of hospital until the trial.

EDIT For those curious about the fake name and story underlying the rioting, Reuters is as always an unbiased source of info

So, the trial judge was wrong about Yaxley-Lennon, says who?

You really think that we can decide the truth of a matter on a video (quite an expensive one for a bankrupt to produce) made by one of the sides?

You are being told summat by a convicted fraudster. Do you assume that what he is saying is the truth?
He rants against illegal migrants, yet Yaxley-Lennon was found guilty by a court of illegal entry into the USA on a false passport.

I am reminded that you asserted a person was guilty of crimes because of what you had read/seen in the media/online in spite of a trial finding not guilty.

Yaxley-Lennon and his sponsors have had their day in court. They lost.
Like a poor footie fan he is blaming the ref.

He wraps himself in the Union flag, yet slags off the Police, Judiciary and Politicians. He chooses which rules should apply to him.
He is no patriot.
I think @zac_a is correct to describe him as having narcissistic traits.

I agree that he can speak well. Whether he is merely “tapping into” anger or is helping foment anger? I think the latter.
He seems full of anger himself and that is one thing he is spreading around. The funds that the UK courts want from him are well hidden it appears. He isn’t respecting the judiciary here is he?
He has rich sponsors and can afford lawyers. By presenting one side of the story only on videos he is persuading some of his case.
In open court he failed.

The UK system is not perfect, but trial by (one sided) video is patently absurd.

And there we have it, the TN political oracle and expert has spoken.
Like I said mate…MY take on it, your take was predictable, just what we have come to expect from a serial conformist who readily believes all he is told by official bodies and rarely questions it
Anything that does not fit in with his own narrative, like the rest of as I said…’ ilk’, is rubbished, casually written of as nonsence, an ‘ism’ or a ‘phobia’ as I have said before.
I maybe don’t believe all he says for whatever reason, but unlike yourself I have an open mind.
I also notice a lot of what I am being told and told to believe, does not correlate with what I actually SEE.
But we have been here before too many times :roll_eyes:

Quite honestly mate it’s got to the stage where I am putting your stuff down in the same way as Winseer…irrelavent.
And after you acccused me of being a racist, you can frankly f. right off, as far as I am concerned.
Now if you want to retort with your predictable ‘drama queen/pearls’ routine because of that, or in your childish manner put this down as some ‘little victory’ then fill yer boots.
Where as in MY world a proper MAN would apologise for throwing out a gross insult without any real grounds…but I wont hold my breath.

Hartlepool this morning.
This is what happens when a handful of Monkey-hangers with the intelligence of amoebas get inspired by other morons in the media.

The shop owner is probably rightly thinking “What TF did I do?”

Yep, d/heads, and if the motive was in fact racism, looking at thr racial profile of that guy,.they were deffo barking up the wrong tree there I reckon.

Was it not a selection of residents of Hartlepool that went on a witch hunt for paedophiles a few years ago,.and ended up attacking a paediatrician :joy:…must have been the same crew.

If it is disclosed he is a Moslem,.and especially a Moslem with self confessed radical views, things will get worse on the streets.

Is it technically racist to distrust the motives of members of a religion?
A religion aint a race, but by same token, is being a Jew a member of a race or a religion?

I hate all religions, but as long as they keep themselves to themselves and behave, then crack on, live and let live.
But the only type who offend me personally (‘‘offend’’ loosely speaking I must add, more irritate ) are white indingenous British converts to Islam …they are the ones who are amongdt the most gobby.

So, you treat someone of a particular colour or origin differently because of their roots.

Nearly forgot, because you are singling out a particular religion as well, you also qualify as a religious bigot.

That was Middlesbrough, but yes, “inspired” by a The News Of The World witchhunt, some Smoggies vandalised the home of a paediatrics nurse, you know, the people who look after children when they’re hurt…

This is why I’m opposed to anything that incites mob mentality, there is no limit to how stupid some segments of society can be.

The stupidest thing about the Hartlepool incident is that there is very little “diversity” to be seen in that town.

I’ll return your £10 bet to a favourite charity:

His parents are from Rwanda, only 2% of Rwandans are Moslem.
Look at his name: Would a radicalised Moslem be called Axel?
Look at his surname: “Rudakubana”, does that not sound totally African? It certainly isn’t listed as one of the top 100 Moslem surnames, and is common only in Rwanda

and here in lies the rub right or wrong people are kicking off because another migrant has stabbed kids this time. and they are being villified. nothing said about the riots of manchester airport though thats all ok… yeah great country this is

A bunch of scumbags hijacked the grief of mourning parents for their own ends, it’s WRONG, endex

Other countries are available if you think this one is so bad.

It’s not rocket science to understand what Rob means.But ultimately importing foreign ethnicities can bring their cultures with them.
To devastating effect in many cases and some of those cultures can be even worse than Islam in the case of African tribalism and its tendencies.Which can even possibly have their roots in cannibalism ( seriously ).
One of the known atrocities carried out by Rwandan tribal warfare being amputations in that regard as often as murder.

It’s a simplistic trap to go that selectively tribal on the issues now facing the country.
It’s Socialism that’s the problem and Slovenia didn’t go to war against Islam it went to war against the Socialism, that gave Islam the powers, to dictate policy, in Slovenia.Its a subtle difference.

Maybe the law were just standing outside his shop and they were the targets not the shop.
Why not just say it was a British national who has been sectioned.As opposed to the predictable effects of the selective release of information and treating such an act as the work of anyone sane enough to stand trial.

Bearing in mind that British born of African, including Rwandan descent and Islamist aren’t mutually exclusive.Just like the Lee Rigby case.
In this case, in the interests of stabilising relations and the nature of the crime, surely just identified as a British national and sectioned indefinitely would have been the logical call.Not charged and sent to a YOI with selectively witheld and released information predictably leading to unwanted and unnecessary speculation.
To the point where any trial now would be a pointless irrelevance only leading to more unnecessary speculation and issues.