Southport atrocity

If it’s a banned document how could anyone know its content or even if it exists or not ?.
However the timeline and what happened to him since seems self evident.
All I’m getting is familiar reminders of Tito’s Yugoslavia.Particularly the story of Franjo Tudman’s activities in the early 1970’s which were still fresh in the memories of Croats and Slovenes all too keen to tell every western tourist on arrival during the 1980’s.
Socialist coup d’etat indeed.

if i spoke another language and didnt need to be with in a reasonable distance of my mother i would be gone

Ive not mastered this forum yet, but TRs film was mentioned, nit had the patience to sit throgh an hour and a half. This is somewhat shorter, lecture delivered by the Times journalist that broke the story. Its unutterably depressing because of the lack of action and because its still carrying on.

And if you’ve never heard Ella Hill’s interview on Triggernometry, no real need to listen beyond 20 minutes, its absolutely sickening

My oh my…:flushed:
It’s amazing how big and brave some are, when locked in their front room behind a keyboard eh? :joy:

I aint a psychologist, but I’m thinking here…'Little man syndrome, no mates, possiblly bullied at school, hen pecked by the Mrs…?

See mate one of the MANY differences between you and me is this…
I never say anything derogatory to anybody on here that I would not say to them in a pub, if the need arose.
I’ve dealt with your sort in a professional capacity many times in the past, gobby know it alls ,.all wind and pi55… especially with an audience, (as in this case ) but when push comes to shove,.(quite literally in fact, ) they have ended up on a pavement outside with a harsh lesson learned,.and only using minimal force to boot, as told to, cos they usually aint as brave and hard as they make out.

So seeing as the gross insults that have been chucked at me, have all come from well known pompous and self righteous,.condescending individual as yourself, best to just let it wash over me and move on.
Good evening.

So as I mentioned, Rotherham, Rochdale, (and others) are prime examples of this countries priorities. Young girls, (underage) passed around by Asian gangs, molested and raped. What did the authorities do, for fear of race issues they swept it under the carpet and the abuse continued, the girls were in many cases actually deemed to have asked for the abuse because of their backgrounds.

Fast forward to where we are now, the tail is once again wagging the dog. This little 541thouse who has carried out the cold bloodied murder of these little girls will get the full protection of the law whilst incarcerated and by many so called professionals will be seen as a victim because of some pathetic excuse along the lines of his mother took his dummy from him when he was a baby…
The authorities wonder why people rise up.

The latest buzz words used lately as if it excuses things is ‘Mental Health’, I’m just waiting for it to be said in this case,.as in the case of that 'kin maniac who tried to murder that Army officer.

I have sympathy for genuine cases, but it has become a bit of a band wagon for defence briefs to jump on lately.
Even poor old Huw the Paedo, he only likes knocking one out to watching kids being brutalised…because he has mental health issues…aye right.

There ya gan Frangers…I’m also a ‘mentalist’ it seems. .

Mind you come to think of it I have been accused of that before . :thinking: :joy:

Ironically bullied by authority at school more than my peers with no realistic way of hitting the zb’s back and what I learn’t from those who had been even more oppressed by an overbearing Socialist government gave me a great unique perspective on this cluster zb.
Something that the likes of Franglais will never be able to comprehend.
TR’s mistake is not knowing when it’s time to go underground and forget about trying to tackle this type of challenge head on.

There’s no excuse for bullying ^^^ but in mitigation I imagine that the teachers after hearing for the umpteenth time that they were teaching wrong/didnt know what they were talking about probably snapped.


Just a thought in how to deal with the Rioters who have turned up to exploit this tragedy.

Maybe the Gurkhas would be best placed to man an Anti Riot Squad.
Asian but not Muslim or Hindu, that would give TR etc. something to think about before trashing any more neighbourhoods?


Hold on a minute here and back the bus up while we take an un kneejerk reaction to events in Southport. I’ve noticed TR’s name being bandied about here. It seems that the general consensus is that TR is far right, correct? The press are reporting “far right” rioters, yet only tonight a police spokesperson said that they have made numerous arrests in connection with the Southport riots/protests/disturbances (depending on where you get your news from) and they have said that overwhelmingly the majority of those arrested were Southport residents.

Now I’m no political expert but I have an inkling that Southport probably voted overwhelmingly Labour. Perhaps, just perhaps those involved in the disturbances don’t give a flying F about politics and are merely average citizens who’ve been pushed to the very edge after a decade of softly softly politics? Well, at least where certain sections of society are concerned that is.

In this case sectioned on the basis of nutter gone off the rails in a big way and locked away indefinitely would have sufficed and solved all the problems including a better deterrent than jail time for any copy cats.
No butchers shop windows would have been harmed as a bonus.
Why wasn’t he sectioned and locked away for the rest of his miserable life and paraded in a straight jacket as proof is the question here.

Nope just not interested in their zb and whatever they were saying often if not usually at the point of a boot, fist or a stick.
Bearing in mind I didn’t want to be there and what it did teach me was not to make the mistake of being baited into the trap that TR has or the one who did snap by punching out the headmaster’s lights and jaw bone.Can only thank them for that.
On that basis it seems obvious to me that this stunt is all about creating the reaction that they predictably got by the hard of thinking.

All that is based on the incorrect premise that we have a definition of naturalisation based on Jus Sanguinis not Jus Soli.
As it stands he’s a Brit and at face value he’s clearly insane not a murderer and should have been treated as such from the point when he was arrested.
Everything else in this case looks like a deliberately baited trap to fit up anyone who wants to change the situation regarding that definition of naturalisation.

Don’t be challenging the official narrative bud ffs…you need to knuckle down, you know it makes sense Rodney.
Ask yourself…What would our leader Franglais do?

Catch yourself on man, the left and liberalism is the way forward. …

It’s TR and his SS style thugs terrorising the peaceful Moslem communities.

The perpetrator of this despicable atrocity was a Welsh boy, …but hey!
Go easy on him because he has no doubt a mental health issue…(soon to be announced.)

Because he is as Welsh as sheep and rugby, it has nothing to do with the past few years immigration policy.
With a bit of luck he will be a Christian anyway…so stay cool.

So… lets all celebrate diversity,.and multi cultural enhancement,.welcome in the boats full of families Doctors and solicitors…to their (non luxury) hotels.
On top of that introduce them to our daughters and grandaughters, they are all harmless lads…make em welcome.

Oh there I go again with my racist and religious bigot tendencies…what am I like eh?
I just cant help myself.:smiley:

You choose not to defend your posts, and show that they have been misread by me? You show me that your comments are not racist/bigoted and I will apologise. So far you haven’t attempted to.

Are you anywhere saying that your posts, where you explicitly state that you treat some races and religions differently than others are not racist/bigoted?
You do not defend your posts as being non-racist, or religiously prejudiced?

You do however, choose to start talking here about violence etc.

So you are not in any way shape or form saying your posts are not racist/bigoted, but are now suggesting that you would use violence to shut up a person you disagree with.

Would I call you a racist and a bigot in a pub? I doubt it.
That doesn’t mean you aren’t one though does it? It does mean that I do believe you are the sort of big strong guy (you have frequently told us about being a bouncer) that would hit a smaller, weaker, person because he lost an argument of words.

Any links to that?
I can see that the police believe the rioters to be related to the EDL.

I can see reports of Southport residents helping clear up the mess in their town, and saying they were disgusted by others hijacking the town’s tragedy to further their own political agendas.

So the butchering to death of those 3 little girls and the butchering of the injured now takes a back seat in the news, it of course takes a back seat to the constant news of protesters and rioters who must have all carried some id saying “I belong to the EDL”. It’s the narrative to quash the far right. I’m guessing if the far right became near on electable, then like in France, other political parties would forget their differences, do an about turn and join forces at any cost to prevent something THEY don’t want.

Brexit (oh oh) was a great indicator as to what many Brits want, that is to stop mass immigration, did we get it, did we hell. Does it mean I’m a racist because I voted for Brexit? Many millions voted for Brexit.

The Yaxley-Lennon video as linked above is not about the Rotherham debacle.
It is about him and his accusations against a school boy, and his prosecution for such.

Debacle means complete failure, the Rotherham, Rochdale and others were deliberate institutional undefendable actions. Failure gives the impression of mistakes, it was all well thought out by the authorities to do nothing while underage girls got raped. The authorities narrative was to not actually come clean and dare to say publicly that the perpetrators were all Asians, namely Pakistani’s.

So the moral is it’s ok for underage girls to get abused but not ok to put a stop to it right away because the mere mention of Asians and Pakistani’s may cause racial tensions…Great!