Southport atrocity

I neither feel the need nor deem it necessary to justify myself to the likes of you,.what is the point,.your closed mind would be unable to deal with it.
I am confident I do not fit your true to form mamby pamby leftist accusations, and anybody who knows me in resl life will vouch for that…that is good enough for me.

As I have said I have met and dealt with people like you before who give it the big ‘I am’, then back down at the first instance of being challenged…in the real world.
There is zero chance of you backing down and apologising on a forum,.I do not think you are man enough quite frankly.

There lies another difference,.when you accused me of bullying you :roll_eyes:, a couple of years ago,.I apologised to you 2x, on the public forum and by pm…not because I actually was, but I thought about it and came to the conclusion that anybody who had led a sheltered life and was a bit delicate, could maybe wrongly construe it that way.
As for me being a ‘big strong guy’ :joy: that is open to opinion and for others to decide.

As for you suggesting I would use violence towards you…:flushed:…bullying again? :roll_eyes:
Nah seriously mate I would not bother wasting my time and energy.
So feel free to continue the condescending and obnoxious style…you are quite safe.

Edit to add.
I do not treat religions differentlly I think ALL religion is superstitious bull ■■■■

Only thing I will admit to if sat in a pub and 4 Salvation Army guys walked in carrying music cases…,.not an eyelid would be batted.
If they were followed in by 4 Arabic/Asian looking guys carrying bag packs…I think I would be quite concerned.
That aint racism and religious bigotry,.that is stretwise and self preservation due to what I have seen and know about in the past, not what I am told to believe.
Furthermore I have never used the word ‘bouncer’ it aint a term I use…so get yer facts right.

Your last paragraph just about says it all.
Total.appeasement to an alien and primitive culture.

An alien and primitive culture allowed to fester, facilitated by the UK government.

To a Socialist, anyone or anything that stands against their open no borders, centralised run, collective ideology, or the import of what they regard as an advantageous demographic, is by definition racist.

Bearing mind going easy on him could mean as easy as Ian Brady got but to be fair he can have a lifetime supply of Tom Jones CDs and Rugby events TV subscriptions.
No sane person could have done what he did why the need for the sham of a trial stirring up more needless aggro.

:joy: Yes, of course that was what happened…

Only you could look at that image and not see that the police are getting a statement from him about the damage to his shop.

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You need to qualify that Rob.Along the lines of appeasement of a culture that has too much potential to be toxic and alien when imported into ours.Its why India ain’t Pakistan and vice versa.No one calls either side racist for going to war against each other to create their required division.Or for that matter Slovenia and Croatia v Bosnia.

Gathering the statement is obviously after the fact not during it.

As any Slovene or Croat would have said about the former Yugoslavia.

Lets face it. Enoch Powell’s “rivers of blood” speech was spot on

To be fair it’s not like there’s a cannibalistic tribe out hunting prey with a boiling pot on every street.
I guess Carry on up The Jungle and hiding from The Knoshers would now be classed as racist.
The point was always that ethnic integration, especially over bearing forced integration, doesn’t work.

Where does integration come from, the nearest that was ever reached was alf garnet and he was a expert on it

Do you think that speech predicted that white people would be roaming the streets using stones as weapons against the police?

He was a politician, not an oracle. I imagine he also failed to predict or even consider successive governments complete failure to protect its citizens from harm from (and lets be honest here) a hostile enemy which has openly and unambiguously stated that only the complete and utter destruction of our society will satisfy them. History shows us that when a government fails to protect its people then its people rightly or wrongly start to protect themselves.

I often wonder when I hear “the security services had Mr XYZ on their watchlist”. Wtf? If they’re on a watchlist why are they still on our soil? The fear of not being politically correct is why they are. End of.

I agree there.

Not being shy with words are we?
Successive UK Govs have absolutely failed to protect citizens from harm?
Yes. If one citizen is not protected from harm then that is a failure.
Is total protection a realistic expectation?

Are you in favour of more taxes to pay for more Police?
More camera and other surveillance? ID cards for all? More stop’n’search?
That would probably all give better protection.

Yep. Any enemy such as that should be stopped.
How would you go about such a thing?

Should all suspects be deported or locked up, on mere suspicion?
Do you really want to live in a Police state?
How would you work things?

I don’t have the answers Franglais. Do I want to live in a police state? The answer would be an emphatic no, but it could be argued that we are moving inexorably towards just that now, yet our citizens are still being butchered in the streets, our youngsters torn apart by nail bombs at concerts, usually by people “known” to the security services. Etcetera etcetera etcetara. Neither of us are naive enough to believe that we are far from seeing the last of this.

I do have one easily acted upon solution though; once someone has popped up on the radar simply deport them from whence they came. If they come from generations of indigenous peoples (regardless of skin colour) simply incarcerate them. Don’t be arguing that’s undemocratic because only a few years ago you yourself were leaning towards the internment of the unvaccinated. You can’t have it both ways.

Homicide rates in the UK are a lot lower now than 20 years ago.

There is a higher immigrant population now than 20 years ago.
Does that mean that immigrants are more peaceful and less violent than UK born citizens?

Mark Rowley (a senior Police counter terrorism officer) stated that material published by Yaxley-Lennon was partly responsible for influencing acts of terror.

Since he is “on their radar” should he be incarcerated, or (a holder of a foreign passport) deported?

Can you show where I was leaning towards internment regards Covid?
My memory is that although I could see the logic of it, I was against it.

I can also see the logic of internment in crime prevention. But for reasons of democracy am generally against it there too.

You want internment but not a Police state?
You can’t have it both ways!

These terrorist Islamic fundamentalist scum aint on the radar for nothing.
It’s only matter of time until one or all commit some atrocity or another in our country.
Prevention is better than cure, or in such cases picking up the pieces… the pieces of the bodies.:flushed:

Too many in power today where they prioritise on political correctness and who they may upset or offend…over our safety.

If a hard line approach saves our kids lives who gives a f who it offends…apart from the likes of Franglais. :roll_eyes:…the type of who unfortunately appear to rule our political roost.

Strange innit, we have to have a passport to travel to another country, yet this lot coming over the channel (128 yesterday) arrive without any id whatsoever. If they deliberately destroy documents or the gangs that organise the crossings destroy them then each one poses a threat to our security especially when they are living amongst us in our communities and allowed to live freely.

What’s the easiest way for a foreign terrorist to infiltrate this country? Yep hop on a dingy and job done.

its worse than that to immigrate to the uk all you need is 20 points to immigrate to australia you need 60 points canada is 67 points and america is 30 points.

from what i can see most of the points awarded for our system is have a job offer that pays more than 26000 (less than 45 hours a week at min wage).