Southport atrocity

The more I look at this problem, the more I can not understand how easy it is to solve it

The Asylum seeking bit goes out of the window, they should stop at the first country, not travel through half dozen or so more, to get to the one who is the softest touch who hands out the most benefits…

So basically (and obviously) they are illegal, they are commiting a crime, (or at the least an offence) landing here…they have zero entitlement.

So to analogise it in very simple terms, if you rock up uninvited or unentitled at an exclusive club, golf, social, football or any other type you care to mention, they dont say…
‘Hey man, welcome, come in and sample our gold star hospitality programme, feel free to take whatever you want’'.
So by the same principle why is it so in this case?
Put Coastguard patrols in our territorial waters,.and also patrolling the beaches,.and turn them back round…money bettrr spent than keeping them in a free life of luxury,.which they continually abuse anyhow on the whole.
Turn them away…end of.

If that is too much of a hardship for the poor souls…nobody asked them to come here.

The fact that they refuse to stay on a safe mainland, but prefer to take a perilous journey by sea, says there is obviously a great incentive…So cut that off also.!

It aint complicated, it only becomes complicated when the hand wringing soft touch liberal brigade step in and up.

We have the same problem, some of them come from as far away as the south east Mediterranean. If they’re genuine reffos, go to the closest, safe country.

Interesting that our biggest crime syndicates come from the middle east.

Like you always say rr government are trying to be seen to be doing the right thing, but for who exactly, cos it ain’t what you, I and millions of others want and when the next terrorist attack happens on these shores, which it will do, the response from government will be nowt to do with their policies!

It’s blindingly obvious that minority opinion overrules that of what the majority want.

There are not only coming in from small boats, the cry to stop it happening is a broken record didn’t they con everyone with please vote for brexit and we will have the power over our borders putting news up every day about the campsites in calis
And yet they don’t have powers, so in part they decide to penalise drivers with fines for undesirables found in trucks, who saw that coming
They have to be seen to follow laws that they have no say in, and even if they didn’t follow them laws there is still no way of controlling it
The world is changing there’s very little dictators left to give America the excuse to invade countries, you only have to look at the Palestinians, they did what they did but where in the world would that be justified that they wipe out everything they can and be backed by powerful countries
So everyone has a different opinion
Is the person a refugee
Is the person a terrorist
Is the person a immigrant
It’s a multi national country and has been for years, there’s only one way forward and no way back so maybe it’s time to stop banging the drums and do what the country has done for years, ignore it, if it doesn’t effect me im ok jack

To add there is a point where we have to say random phsycopathic nutter not organised Islamic invasion.
In which case why is this one not just sectioned and done with.

Being ‘here’ is the problem.Being hard on the symptoms because they are here ain’t the solution.

Ok then so what is?

the only way to deal with these people is fight fire with fire. rwanda was a more humane solution trying to house them where they had similar cultures. but the plebs have spoken and put the red idiot in power so now there is no other option.
stop giving them our jobs
stop funding them
stop housing them
stop feeding them

we have had patrols before but it didnt work because they ditched thier id so couldnt be returned to their countries so we sent them back to france only for the french police/ gov to let em try again and again until they get here.

those that are deserving if there are any these days can apply through the proper channels any unautherised attempts to come here automatically disqualify them and their families

So it seems now that anybody who legitimately protests (I aint talking about the thug element, but if that fits your agenda have a go at me…cgaf btw) and protests simply because they are heart sick of the preposterous immigration scenario, are now automatically labelled as ‘The Far Right’ .:roll_eyes:

I saw one counter protest clown carrying his banner saying ‘Refugees welcome’'…ok entitled to his opinion I suppose, but it was followed by
‘‘So ignore the racists’’
So if you are uneasy about being inundated with mistly criminals you are automatically a racist.
Was that little old guy Franglais btw? Has he been out on the streets today ? :smiley:

No pun intended but why is everything so black and white with these individuals of a lefty persuasion.

The whole thing looks like a diversionary baiting exercise because Starmer knows he has no electoral mandate to govern the country.The combined Conservative and Reform vote outweighs that of Labour’s.The Reform vote alone is around half that of Labour’s.That should be reflected directly on the opposition benches.
So they are making a false flag scapegoat out of a deranged maniac who should have been locked up in a secure asylum on his arrest and left at that.
Starmer deliberately turned it into a Farage and ‘far right’ baiting exercise and Farage was stupid enough to bite.

It’s not rocket science.Dehere them whether born ‘here’ or not.In this case it’s too late for that so section the phsycopathic nutter and dehere his possibly inbred parents as being of no value to the country.

Too easy a solution there is no solution
Even the majority of posters here are promoting their beliefs, inciting thugs attaching links to nutcases, having you believe that they themselves are sitting on the fence when all the time they are as bad as the videos they link here
You can tell these people a mile away they don’t talk they just impose their beliefs.
That’s how it works pretend not to be a racist telling people you ain’t but at the same time post links to nutcases and never argue with the opposite
But at the same time never having the balls to do anything about it except hiding behind a computer

This is the guy who suggested in his last post to just ignore it in a ‘I’m.alright Jack’ style.
Yep very constructive.

I’m getting the vibe here rightly or wrongly part of that includes me in your eyes?

Thing is there IS a solution, let the powers that be KNOW that at the least we aint happy with the situation, and at most we wont stand for it.

I do not mean go out and chuck bricks at the Old Bill either, I personally deplore the recent violent protests, disrespectful in the Southport context, and the total wrong way of going about things.

In comparison last Sun, a lot of normal everyday people turned up to show their feelings last Sun…orgsnised by (the pariah on here) TR.
90% was peaceful, but granted the d/head element were also present unfortunately,… which the comparitively small media coverage jumped on.

So I do not get your sitting on the fence reference, and as for me I have made my position clear, if you think those views are racist, that says a lot about you…and the rest, the blisssfully blinkered crew.

As for ‘hiding behind a computer’ :grin:…seriously?
How is giving an opinion on a forum ‘hiding’ exactly…and what is YOUR alternative method?..
Oh yeah I forgot, you told us …‘just ignore it, you are alright Jack’…ok cheers , got it.:+1:

Then to get to the cluster ■■■■ of protests since the Southport atrocity, the same thug element has used this as an excuse and a band wagon, and played into the hands of the cause of all this, … the left wing contingent …they are secretly loving it and gives them more metaphorical ammo to continue their woke pc policies as an alternative…ie, the initial catalyst and cause of all this crap in the first place.
A continuation of more peaceful protests like last Sun would have sent out a better message and been more constructive…and fewer heads cracked.

Starmer could have come out and appealed to the working classes (who Labour are supposed to represent primarily…aye right😂 ) and said along the lines of…
‘Give me a chance to sort it,.I get it you are not happy’ but no, he chose to go down a different route, pontificating and criticising,m thus alienating many who voted for him.
For once I agree with Carryfast the real result of the election was reflected in the number of individual votes by the people of this country, not the result of the biased system of seats.

I haven’t read the full link but aren’t those the homicide statistics that you so kindly furnished us with the ones that surprisingly FAIL to publish the race or religion of the offenders? If so your theory of many more immigrants here with less homicide and therefore your question " are immigrants more peaceful and less violent than UK born citizens" is quite frankly for the birds.

Leave him alone mate, you are wating your time.

He’s away with the faries,.and either blissfully unaware of reality, or mote likely he just stubbornly refuses to see the blindingly obvious truth around him, that everyone else sees…because it is uncomfortable, inconvenient ,and does not correlate with what he is told to believe.

Got it in one rr.

So tell us why would Commy Starmer wants to parade a clearly insane murderer around the justice system and delay the release of information clearly inciting the exact result he wanted to discredit Reform Party’s justified claim to almost half as many opposition seats, as Labour’s.
This Commy comedian is running scared and resorting to laughably obvious false flag tactics to hold onto his illegitimate power and grip.

It depends how you qualify insane.
Does insanity cover being of a pure evil nature for instance?..not in my book.

Does insanity cover being a fanatical religious nut job?..definitely in my book.
So saying that a complete wing of Wandsworth nick would be vacant.

It has not been disclosed if he is some kind of converted Islamic head case, but me personally for no other reason than a hunch, think he may well be.
Thing is if he is it sure as hell will be kept from us by the establishment, just watch that TR doc/vid to see what I mean
…oh sorry I forgot, that is all complete ball hooks innit.:roll_eyes:

Careful what you wish for, if he is just a pure ■■■■, he will get his just desserts,.as in the vid I posted (and I for one hope so) if he is ‘proven’ to be in the category of ‘mental health’ cushy number for rest of his life.
Call me ‘far right’ as much as anybody wants, but in my book a bullet behind his ear would be appropriate.