Southport atrocity

There are more immigrants in the country than 20 years, and there are fewer homicides. That is no theory of mine.
That the two are directly related is quite obviously not a serious* idea.

That may not chime in with the “butchery in the streets” or whatever, but hey, don’t let a few facts get in the way of an opinion.
Since you are a wiz with the www you won’t need me to give links about the ethnicity of perpetrators of homicides and the ethnicity of the victims, will you?
I guess because that fails to show that most murders are immigrants, and that most sex offenders aren’t either then you won’t be sharing your research?

For those who are interested, Braverman made a comment in the HoC when she was in the Home Office about such, and was told off for her use of inaccurate info.

  • I really should be more careful about what is obvious to others I guess.

Erm Franglais, I’m not the guru constantly posting links, you go fill yer boots. Good luck finding a legitimate breakdown of race / religion of any crimes committed.

You stated that homicide rates had dropped despite increases in immigration and asked the question along the lines of were immigrants more peaceful and less violent than UK born citizens.

I am not disputing the homicide figures, I am merely pointing out that without a breakdown of offenders by race / religion then the figures
cannot be relied upon to determine your question of who is to blame.

So the “butchery in the street⁹” comment which incidentally I have never muted is that not what happened to the 3 young girls so brutally murdered?

Yep your “theory”, you made the connection of mass immigration and a drop in homicide rates, and that maybe UK citizens are less peaceful and more violent than immigrants but failed to deliver any evidence of who by way of religion / race are committing the homicides, so yes your post was based on a theory.


Yes, and I later said,

The Home Office on Child Grooming

And ONS reply to FOI request

Keep digging franglais, I’m waiting for homicide figures based on race / religion not just colour of skin. And if you find those figures they won’t answer your question of are immigrants more peaceful and UK citizens more violent…for the birds

You’re waiting for figures?
Repeatedly you have assured us that you can navigate the www with no need for any assistance.

Maybe I still wasn’t clear enough in previous posts. Irony seems to get lost on the page.

I do not really believe that are more peaceful than UK citizens.
Neither have I seen evidence that they are more violent.

I do not see any clear link between “race” and violence.
I do see that all in the human race are capable of violence and compassion irrespective of skin colour and religion.

Seems to me that circumstance is a bigger decider of violent behaviour than colour etc.

You know what figures say before you see them?

No Franglais, you made the statement, I don’t need to look for anything, I’m asking you to back up your statement. Even if you, I or Uncle Tom Cobley research the information, it will still not tell anyone race & religion & if they are immigrants. So your theory, assumption, question, whatever one calls it is for the birds.

On the plus side for immigrants, immigration in general,.and Islam it’s self…at least with all the publicity over the unrest and riots, it’s taken the focus off the latest Asian child ■■■■ grooming gang story.
Still…every cloud eh? :smile:

Two tier media reporting/Two tier policing.

Speaking of taking the focus off…
All the (ridiculous) rioting is taking the focus off the actual CAUSE and REASON for it in the first place…
A classic example of something disappearing up it’s own arse if ever there was one.

Plenty of government sound bites of…
‘Extra policing extra powers’ to solve the ‘problem’ etc etc…
Ok that is dealing with the after effects or ‘symptoms’, not so much the cause.
So when and what about, dealing with the actual ‘disease’…which is.

The free for all acceptance and virtually turning a blind eye (except for lip service) to illegal entry into our country?

The way these illegal perpetrators are treated on arrival, given special treatment, to the point of virtually given priority over the native population in many cases.

Dealing accepting and publicising the level of crime we ALL see in our towns, (well some of us :roll_eyes:) when a people of different culture and values have no respect for ours…and show it.

So will the Govt cut the crap, face up to the causes and the unrest by many who voted for them…instead of being fearful of offending…
Jeez,.Starner did not even acknowledge the few people stood around him asking questions in Southport, let alone have the courtesy to try and give a brief answer.

Here’s a curveball to ponder.
All will be sorted when Starmer stands down for Saddiq Khan to take over as leader.:joy:
All part of the plan ? :thinking:

It makes no difference they are one and the same thing.Anywhere and everywhere is/can be/will be seen as the same soviet style urban gulag with unified rules for all.Khan is Starmer and vice versa.

To add Rob.We seem to be at cross purposes and definitions regarding insanity v sanity and war v depravity.
Jihad v the rest is definitely the case of the former as we’d see if Iran and Pakistan etc eventually go to war with Israel and the West.
They will view it as a religious war even if you don’t.
As in all cases war can often descend into insane behaviour anyway.
But in this case it’s best for all concerned to call it isolated case of criminal insanity with a solution through usual channels.
Instead of which Starmer has chosen to turn it into a needless circus, of a needless tortuous narrative and criminal channels, to create incitement and to make political capital from it in typical Socialist style.

Let’s just that say criminally insane and one copper holding him down with a boot on his neck while another puts two bullets in his head aren’t mutually exclusive.I’d be as happy with that outcome in this particular case as you.
But in the real world it’s why we have secure nut houses like where Brady ended his miserable life.
Ironically there is a point where evil is so evil that we have to call it insanity if only for our own sanity either way and whichever option.
It’s not rocket science to categorise this case as just a nutter not a Jihadist.
It’s not going to help the resistance cause ( because that’s now the level of the division facing us ) by needlessly blurring those lines in this case to the advantage of red star Starmer and his Stasi.

More murders, if not crimes in general, carried out by immigrants proportionately.
Let alone under a Jus Sanguinis not Jus Soli definition of Immigrants
A bit like claiming an over 400 seat mandate from less than 10 million votes while over 4 million votes gets 5 seats.

I called it “irony”.

Irony with nothing to back it up, oh well, the irony.

One last time…

There are many “protesting” and commenting about immigrants/foreigners etc being violent.
In the UK the homicide rate has dropped and the immigrant numbers have increased.

I find that ironical.
If you don’t then fine.

Just move on.

But franglais you can call it ironical now but strangely enough when you posted the statistics and made the initial comments you made no mention of irony in fact you appeared to imply that immigrants could not be responsible for increased homicides as the homicide rate had actually dropped. You failed to provide anything to back up what you appeared to imply. For the birds.

Starmer just given a press conference.:roll_eyes:

quote: ‘The motivation for these riots does not matter’ :joy:…aye ok.
I personally beg to differ, the motivation and reasons for this civil unrest is paramount.

I agree entirely that violent rioting is wrong, it serves no purpose other than an excuse for nut jobs to ‘get stuck in’, and not a good way to make a point in modern civilised society.
However I do see the point of basic protes (on principle) after being fed loads of b/s over the years concerning illegal immigration.

A series of comparitively peaceful demonstrations like last Sunday would have be much more apt,…along the lines of this clip.

Comments from not a raging Na zi but an everyday normal reasonable lady, (despite the very convenient and usual ‘far right’ and ‘racist’ lables from the narrow minded.
(Ignore the ‘CHRISTIAN’ values, bit though, that aint on my radar.:smiley:)

But the violent riots are preferred, on both sides really, .and give the left wing govt a vehicle in which to act upon to be seen to be tough…
Tough my arse,… no mention of the similar riots threatened by the Moslem mob outside Rochdale nick last week, thus holding the Police and authorities to ransom :flushed: to ensure (and succesfully manage ) the freedom of those other ‘‘violent thugs’’ who were freed, (but who would be pumped full of bullets in any secure concious state at an airport.)

If Starmer aint careful how he manages this delicate situation, it could do to him what the Covid pantomime did to Johnson…be the catalyst for his downfall before he gets a fair chance to prove if he can be a good PM or not.

On a side note, to illlustrate the enormity of the distaste for illegal immigration amongst the majority of the population, in.Belfast even the Catholics and Protestants (more 'kin religion btw :roll_eyes:) have actually put aside their differences after time immemorial ! :flushed:
To join forces…oh yes !
To protest on the streets of Belfast…
If THAT does not say something,.I do not know what does.

He got it from an official source
Official sources are ALWAYS accurate and not open to corruption, manipulative interference, or hidden agenda, so should be taken as gospel…you should know that
DO keep up man.:roll_eyes:

:smile: And the home secretary has miraculously found an extra £29 million to protect mosques. Where was the money to protect the underage girls abused throughout the UK by Asian grooming gangs?

Racist ! Religious Bigot !
Get a grip man.
:wink: :smiley:

(STILL a tad pi55ed as you can see.:joy:)

Ok Frangers as much as it goes against the grain of even conversing with you now, I feel the need to put this point to you.

Ok…So that is homicide/murder put to bed and boxed off as far as you are concerned.

What about 5exual crime, …general regular harrasment of young women (ref my own daughter and 14 yr old granddaughter) indecent exposure, even r4pe, both individual and gang varieties.
Tell me… how does that fit in with you in terms of increase, and disproportionate nationality in the last few years, taking illegal immigration into that consideration, and bear in mind I do not care about the Torie’s lack of processing in comparison, which is your usual retort as if it excuses it all.

Here’s the lady with FIRST HAND experience, and not from some stats on the internet, or official figures.

Pray please give us your opinions on the views of this (presumably racist) lady in your world .