Southport atrocity

I’ll leave this here. Emotive? Certainly, like comparing apples with oranges? I don’t think so, but some will no doubt argue that there’s no comparison.

We’ve discussed crime figures versus ethnicity here and I’ll concede that no opinion one way or another has been established to be true, so I’d like to propose a little social experiment for you to take part in Franglais; I don’t know where you live but I’m gonna take a punt on it being a leafy suburb where the only brown face you encounter is that nice Mr Patel who owns the local shop. I don’t know either your marital status so for the purposes of this experiment I’ll assume you are married.

So the experiment is this; you and Mrs F jump in your car at 9pm on any night and drive to your nearest Sikh, Hindu, Buddhist community, get out of your car, take a leisurely walk around, perhaps have a bite to eat, a drink, some window shopping etc etc. Now, the very next night repeat the same but in your nearest Muslim community and please tell me your findings.


I’ve often wondered about those who embrace all of this immigration and multiculturalism from their big houses away from it all, would they embrace it if they had to live amongst it. Example many politicians.

It would be far better to be campaigning for an emergency reallocation of parliamentary seats to reflect what the country actually voted for.
A minority Labour government with a larger Reform and Conservative opposition.
Than falling into Starmer’s trap of being baited by his pro Islamic staging which goes with Socialist territory.

In the interests of accuracy the Irish question was always about national identity and demographics and dividing the two different sides with a national border.Religion only played a small part in defining those differing national identities.
Bearing in mind that there is also an ideologically Socialist, thereby atheist leaning, no national borders, pro immigration side.Oh wait.

They aren’t protesting about any general default connection being made between violent crime and immigration per se.
The issues are about double standards being applied in enforcement to appease whichever demographic.Also importing a hostile demographic/s.
Creating justified or unjustified suspicions of resulting hostile acts.
In this case the government obviously needlessly fanned those suspicions and continues to do so.In a clear case of criminal insanity which should have been dealt with as such and clearly reported as such by negating any Jihadist connections and any charges of such from the start.
OR is there actually something that we’re not being told in that regard regarding motive ■■.
Your move Franglais.

It’s all guess work, who knows what colour himself is or if he wears a skirt or turbine or even British, you never know, sometimes its the one sided response that gives it away

Supposedly that goes for most on a fourm

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You need to watch when wearing those turbines, when they spin round they can have someone’s eye out.:joy:

Isn’t that exactly what they are doing
Keep up your way behind look what i was responding to

Aye ok mate,.I’ll try and keep up from now on, sorry about that.


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Another guy who says it as it IS and does not give a f who he offends.
Another ‘‘far right racist and religious bigot’’ btw, …(OBVS) nah not really.

Although ‘Chalky’ aint made an appearance this time. :joy:

You would swear to Christ that I wrote his script, it is uncanny how much we are on the same page…and I make no apologies for that,.and especially after his inevitable and forthcoming ‘Trucknet character assasination’ on here, to discredit him, and anything he says…that does not fit the official narrative. :roll_eyes:


I give you…

The Great…


Ok he aint everybody’s cup of darjeeling, but just go with it.

Give it a rest, i can even see your getting worse than your mate fingers, promoting your beliefs and trying to convince people your white and British just like fingers

An earlier reply to one “Narc”.

@robroy Still going on about being called a “racist”?

What about this post? Do I not make my reasoning clear?

Do you not clearly state that you treat British different to other nationalities?
And that you single out Islam as opposed to any other/all religions?

Is there summat wrong with my reasoning?

You drive down a road, stop at red traffic lights moving off when they turn green, but pass the next set at red…are you a red light jumper? I say yes.
I don’t think saying that you stopped at one is the same as saying you didn’t jump the other. No defence at all.
Treating your daughter’s brown friend well, does not mean you don’t behave like a racist and bigot elsewhere.

I wouldn’t feel safe.
I would have a higher than normal expectation of violent white blokes with shaved heads, chucking bricks and rocks around.

Ta. Seems you appreciate what I am suggesting.
I do not say (really) that immigrants, and nationality, nor religious group are generally more/less law abiding/peaceful than another.

I don’t think that whether a particular area is mostly inhabited by a particular group is much as an indicator for safety.
Muslim countries seem to have areas with higher crime, and areas with lower crime. Casablanca and Tangier have areas that I would hesitate to wander around in the dark, but in neither place would I expect to be accosted by drunks. I can’t say that about some “white areas” of UK cities.
I don’t see that the inhabitants of an area make much difference.

There is no “default connection between violent crime and immigration”.

There is little protesting going on. Rioting screaming shouting and mindless violence of all types, but little “protest”.

Davidson is openly linking the awful murders of the 3 innocent kids to the mob violence.

He is doing what you, Mr RR, have correctly (IMHO) condemned.

Coming down heavy on these rioters so they say. Rightly so but not heard much response to the Leeds rioters…

You wouldn’t feel safe in a Muslim area for fear of EDL types chucking bricks ar? Not having it, that’s a cop out and you well know it. Okay, what about the part where you wander around a Sikh, Hindu or Buddhist area?

Bricks around.

Don’t underestimate the level and nature of the coup that’s taken/taking place with the installation of this DDR style regime.
This is Socialism at it’s scary worst.He is openly talking about the same knock on the door described by Stasi victims for daring to oppose the regime.
Also had a recent argument with a Starmer supporting relative.I said we’re on the path of Communism.His exact words were there is nothing wrong with Communism.

They’ve released the photos of him.So what’s more likely insane phsycopath running amok massacring infants.
Or Jihadist trying to martyr himself in a spectacular attack on the infidels.
Assuming the former why wasn’t that made clear to all from the start on arrest with name and photo and removal to a secure nut house.