Southport atrocity

Tbh I could not give a toss about Israel and Palestine.
I’m more concerned about the domestic front.

To get back to that and to show the futility of these badly carried out demonstrations. There was an item on Sky about an Indian couple who had been here for years who owned a shop…was it Telford?
In fact the lady may well have been born here
Wherever it was anyway, it was an area with a relatively low immigrant count.
They were getting mild abuse since all this kicked off, and feared it could escalate for them.
The idiots who did this are the REAL racists, not the Starmer (and his crew) ‘‘racists’’…note the inverted commas btw.

The cause of the problem is not the legal immigrants, nor the second generation not only integrated but born here…it is the influx of illegal economic migrants daily joining the gravy train.
But I suppose the actions I mentioned give a clue and insight into the intelligence and intellect of the thug element…:roll_eyes:

Figures?? It was thou that put your ironic slant to suit your own agenda on homicide figures, (YOUR figures mean nothing as discussed so why discuss things that mean nothing?) then changed homicide figures to violence figures and yes failed to acknowledge the violence figures when you posted the Manningham crime rate link, how convenient, given we were talking about violent crimes as you chose the subject and not overall crime figures…class. So once again the figures are “up there”. How clear do you want it? The place is a 54ithole.

My actual point carryfast was the indiscriminate killing of innocent babies, children and adults to me their religion is immaterial, their innocence is what is important.

I put the link up, with all the figures, both overall and broken down into different classes for all to see.
I hid nothing.
I wasn’t the one dropping hints and saying nowt.

One area has a 75% violence/sex crime rate. May well be a nasty place.
So what point are you making? Is this the only place with such a rate?

Why are you keeping on pointing to Manningham?
Don’t be shy!

Dropping hints? You mean like your ironic comment on homicide figures? But of course you deviated from that by saying you wasn’t being serious, yeah righto, yet strangely it fitted your agenda.

75% violence / 53xual crime rate, what on earth are you talking about?

I note you made no mention of 2 tier Keir and reports of no police and no arrests whilst a large Asian gang displayed intimidating behaviour and attacked a Public House, also no mention of the Labour MP defending the gang?? Selective answering at its finest.

The idiots are coming my way tomorrow apparently

70% --75% near enough?

Do you mean Jess Phillips? So what did she say/do to defend the gang?

And while we are here,

What exactly do you mean here?

And why do you keep mentioning Manningham?
What are these single faith schools you have mentioned?
What point are you trying to make?

No need to auto censor dodge (it’s not allowed anyway!) “sexual” is no longer on the censor list.

Ironically Israel has never been known for its indiscriminate anything.
It’s too busy defending its own from exactly that being deliberately inflicted on it by its savage neighbors.
As we saw recently let alone if it had lost the '67 and '73 wars.
If or when full scale war erupts between Israel and its neighbours it will be a war of civilisation v Jihadist savagery.
It will also involve us whether we like it or not possibly involving home grown Jihadists hunting us let alone the Jewish community.
Now getting back to the topic was it nutter or something else ?.If it was nutter why wasn’t he sectioned there and then.
If it was ‘something else’ it would have been easy enough and prudent to unequivocably state no Jihadist link involved.
Bearing in mind the airport incident which involved two tier policing against their own let alone the public.

So franglais, with your ammended figure of 70% - 75% violence / sexual crimes you seem to have a problem with figures don’t you? What on earth are you on about?

Google appears to be your best friend when it suits, so google the rest. Any spin on Asian gangs using violence with reports of no Police and therefore no arrests?

70%–75% yeah, I made an error.
I’m sorry.
I apologise.

Not from me.
What spin are you putting on what events?

You are talking about race and crime, and suggest that I Google it?
And summat about politicians excusing crime, and suggest that I Google it?
And I have Googled Manningham, thank you for the tip!

So, again, you are suggesting and hinting at things.
Please be clear.
Do not be frightened. Do not be so shy and timid.

Faith Schools.
Politician “excusing rioters”.
Race and crime.
Two tier policing.

Apology accepted.

Send em on Manningham Lane! :laughing:

And the aptly named Paradise Street. What a festering 54ithole.

Ah, I think I’ve found a politician excusing rioters, or summat similar anyway.
Reckons that Starmer should sit down and talk with them? Is that it?

I’ll raise you most of what was the county of Middlesex and a few other parts of London.

No doubt the riots will fizzle out like in 2011.

Folk probably think the asylum seekers are living it up in the hotels, but they are probably 4 to a room and getting the most basic meals plus a tenner for everything else.

The thread sitting at a 46 minute read now. Nahh, I’ll pass.

Nobody is saying they are spending the day by the pool, in between sampling the daily a la carte menu.
If they are getting what you say, that is more than they deserve when legally they should not even be here at all.
Maybe it is more they got whilst living in whatever crap hole they came from, so if that is the incentive, or part of it…cut it off.

:joy::joy: No you havent …otherwise you would take great glee in putting up a link to prove it.
And, No, …that isn’t ‘‘it’’. :roll_eyes:
Nobody is saying appease the rioters, because at least a third of them dont know nor care what they are rioting about, it’s just a good pastime for them in between collecting their dole.

What Starmer SHOULD do is go on a tv broadcast, saying along the lines of…
‘These riots must stop, I have got the message for the catalyst of them, but this is the wrong way of going about it’’
Then carry on clearing the streets of the d/head contingent by arrest, whilst going on to promise and assure the rest of US that he will endeavour to sort out and stop these people coming over.

But he is a bit like yourself Franglais, good at posturing and giving it the bravado big ‘I am’ but with no real substance, …and an abundance of wind and pi55.

So no doubt he will continue to ignore the majority, (a lot of whom voted for him btw) and hopefully it will be the cross he eventually hangs on.

Latest news on riots.
Starmer at last has took some proper steps, he has recruited an expert to stop them