Southport atrocity

I don’t generally get involved in these political discussion, people take entrenched positions and the discussion goes nowhere.

However I will just say this, if you think things are bad now just wait a few weeks until “operation scatter” gets into full swing :astonished:

In case there’s anyone who doesn’t know, operation scatter is part of Labours answer to the problem of housing illegal immigrants, instead of putting illegal immigrants in hotels they will be housed in empty properties around the country, councils are being instructed to find houses/flats/rooms ec’t to act as accommodation for the illegal immigrants, I understand these properties will be both council owned and privately owned properties.

This of course means that British people, most of whom will have contributed to the UK society, will go further down the housing list and more will become homeless, it’s also inevitable that when illegals are scattered around the country like this they will be harder to track.

Great plan Starmer, put out a fire by throwing highly flammable material on it :astonished:

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Starmer is being reported more abroad that in some elements of the UK media.

Lee Anderson says that Starmer should not jail the thugs, but sit down and talk with them.
What next? It’s only a bit of banter?

Ok, so remind me…were those 2 out of control thugs who carried out a frenzied attack on 3 of the Police, one of whom broke a WPC’s nose, get rapid sentencing?

(You know the ones, those that would have been riddled with bullets in any other country’s security conscious airport? )

Oh no I forgot, that would definitely be racist…so released without charge…AND after appeasing ready for action rioters outside Rochdale nick.
‘‘2 tier Kier’’ strikes again eh? :roll_eyes::joy:

Btw mate…you are the LAST guy on here I would have any further ‘banter’ with.
After recent events it is going strongly against the grain even acknowleging you.

As I understand it the 2 have been arrested, and later released on bail.
I doubt they will walking free for long.

The need for quick trials and sentencing is needed for the riots because they are ongoing, and a deterrent is needed.
Thugs aren’t routinely attacking airport etc cops

We certainly have a problem with too little housing in the UK, and we have a problem with too many asylum seekers being held in “warehousing”.

To say that the thousands who are being processed much slower in recent years, so hang around longer, are directly the cause of the housing queues is however scapegoating.

Many Govs have failed in their housebuilding promises, not just the last one, but the later Govs saw a major problem in getting asylum seekers sorted out. They saved a few quid on salaries for civil servants, but spent extra millions (taken from the Overseas Aid Budget) and gave it to UK hotel owners and security firms. They had more asylum seekers doing nowt instead of sending the fakes away and letting the genuine ones work and pay tax.

What happened to all the extra staff that was employed to process the rwanda deal
Couldn’t they speed up the process or was that just blowing smoke
Its like musical chairs

I haven’t said that illegal immigrants are responsible for the housing problems, they’re not, decades of bad government have done that, but operation scatter will inevitably make things worse for people who are trying to find accommodation.

It will also add fuel to the fire if illegals are given priority for accommodation which seems to be the way the government are thinking :thinking:

How long ago did the teenager take part in a riot?

How long ago was Manchester airport?

So to state the obvious, Lee Anderson is a clown, a clown with very little clout. Whereas Jess Phillips is in Government with an abundance of clout. It comes as no surprise Jess Phillips making excuses for Asian/Muslim rioters when she is an MP for a costituency with, you guessed it, a Muslim majority. She also needs to appease the Muslim masses in her constituency because of the damage Labour’s stance has had regarding a ceasefire in Gaza.

Do keep up franglais, I originally said it was a Labour MP who made the excuses, since when did Lee Anderson defect to the Labour party? What with your questionable grasp with figures and now this, are these signs of an underlying mental dissorder?

Ironically Socialism is a mental disorder in its own right.Starting with the murder of the Tsars family by a bunch of Bolshevik scum.
It’s what the FN rifle was designed for as the only treatment.

What trial are you talking about what trial did he get what jury what court when ?.
So they get bail for staging a fight in a terrorist attempt to nick a police gun.He gets jail for doing what exactly.How could a jury trial take place that quick.
You really are letting your laughably biased Socialist tendencies get the better of you.

Maybe the copper who kicked him for trying to steal a police gun will be sharing a cell with one or two of Starmer’s ‘far right’ opponents.
Wake up and smell the coffee Rob we are in deep deep ex crement.Olivers Army and Mike and the Mechanics Hear me Calling type ex crement if not worse.
Starmer has also recently stated our alliance with the Arab world against Israel.
Hopefully as tank crew would say Israel will scratch our back for us.God knows we’ll need it.

We have a problem with incomes not housing.Estate agents windows are full of houses for sale and rent.
Also the biggest housing problems are in inner city areas with the most urbanisation.
More urbanisation and increasing the labour supply and demand for housing fixes that how.
That has nothing to do with the victims and the questionable circumstances of their demise in this case.

We just know that’s a deliberately simplified abstract description of the plan and the motivation behind it.
What we’ve got here is a clear Socialist coup in the making and Starmer doesn’t want any loose ends or geographic holes in the mobilisation of this invading force intended to secure it.
Haslemere and Berwick will be as dangerous places to be for the natives as inner City Birmingham and Bradford.Any defiance against the imported enforcers gets us interned or murdered with impunity.

The incentive is obviously more than what’s on offer in France.
Or it’s a totally different motivation along the lines of covert invasion helped by an enemy within.
Meanwhile exactly what actually happened in Southport and why ?.
It is in the public interest to explain why he wasn’t sectioned on arrest and exactly what evidence makes it a criminal act for the criminal courts instead.

Asylum seekers.More like Starmer’s imported army of enforcers who’ve been promised a free house in a new Soviet style urbanisation or a pensioner’s stolen house for the higher ranks.
Fizzle out more like the realisation of a no win situation and a baited trap.

Oh my!
How clever of you to offer psychiatric diagnoses at a distance.
I am very grateful for the input.

Umm, since he has defected from Lab, to Cons, to RefUK Ltd, I am not at all sure where he is paying lip service at the moment.
Yes, you did say Labour, and I have noted that others are talking about Jess Phillips “making excuses” for rioters.
I did ask you to specify what you were referring to, but you have not done so until now. I think it better to ask what you mean, rather than guess.
I also asked about other comments of your’s.

So what did Phillips say as to excuse them?
These people came to this location because it has been spread that racists were coming to attack them. This misinformation was spread entirely to create this content. Don’t spread it MR Tice!”
Nope and anyone committing criminality should face the law, but it’s important that the facts of why people are congregating. And how it is done on purpose in order to keep driving this dissent, to create content. It’s very organised and very ugly.
Is that “excusing violence”?

I do agree that any scheme, such as you outline is fraught with problems.
And although you do not draw direct lines between asylum seekers and the housing shortage, (I hope I didn’t suggest that) too many politicians do, and too many others believe it to be so.

We both know the dates.
The Gov is asking for quick prosecutions of rioters to concentrate the minds of any more intending to carry on with more disturbances.
Are there nightly occurrences of violence against at airports etc?

In an ideal world all criminals and suspects would be dealt very quickly. and those accused of violence held in custody.
We are not in an ideal world, and there is a shortage of jail places.

Are the two cases different because of race? I don’t think so.

So franglais, from what has been reported Phillips only added the the “Nope and anyone committing criminality should face the law” later on in the day after numerous complaints were voiced to her original comments.

To add some credibility to the above, your 2 sentences don’t even link together, proof they were made at a different times.

I note she made excuses for the Asian mob by saying they all thought racists were coming to attack them, so when the racists didn’t appear, (strange that isn’t it)? they went ahead with intimidation, attacking people, vehicles and a pub, yet no mention of “anyone commiting criminality” initially. So yes absolutely making excuses for her future voters’ and following 2 tier Keirs agenda…

Which is why I used two different sets of quotation marks.
Nothing to hide, so here is a link^google|twcamp^serp|twgr^author

So just for the record again, her original statement made no condemnation of the large Asian gang even though they rioted, her lack of condemnation and her pathetic excuse were what caused the complaints, it was only after complaints that she added the extra comments. Have a good evening.